I crave women's attention so much ...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by MrMicroPenis, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    It is hard. But at the same time it's not. When I converse with you I, really, don't see a loser. I see someone who refuses to see the gem he is!
    black_coyote likes this.
  2. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Feel free to underestimate yourself as much as you like.
    But heed this: Unless you start believing that you are a lot more than what you think you are, nobody is going to do it for you unless you give them the chance. When you walk up to people and your body language is all "I'm worth nothing"... they believe you!!!! ;)
    black_coyote and Kung_fu_panda_ like this.
  3. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    What's stopping you from working?

    And I am Napoleon Bonaparte. See how easy it is for one to BS about oneself?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
  4. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Slow down man. Have you been diagnosed by professionals for abulia or that's your assessment?
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  5. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Please don't do this to yourself. When one labels oneself with anything one subliminally starts to behave in a way that reinforces one's perception about oneself, does it make sense? I'll try to give you an example to make it clearer: If I label myself as being an arachnophobe (suffering from the fear of spiders) then, there is a good chance ending up being one for real. I would subconsciously feel tension and fear whenever there was a spider around just because I labeled myself as suffering from arachnophobia!

    It's good that you are working on the condition (you think) you have. But please don't make it so hard on yourself by convincing yourself you are "something" when, in reality, you are not!
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  6. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Your counter says 6 days. I'm pretty sure that you have the strength for it to say 7 days tomorrow! :)
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  7. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Shooting for 8!!!
    You can do it!!!!
    mummra likes this.
  8. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    We are on the same boat mate
    MrMicroPenis likes this.
  9. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    Have you started working on your scholarship applications yet? :)
  10. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    To be honest, I've seen that I need financial support, something I don't have
  11. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    For a full scholarship you don't need financial support. They cover both tuition and living costs.
  12. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    I have to check better those options because i've seen that i need financial support and don't have money for that at the moment ;/
  13. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    That's true for partial scholarships that cover (usually) only the tuition fees (or part of them). PM me if you need to discuss the complexities of a program. I may have some input for you.
  14. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Stop idolizing women, sex, and romantic love. This is the source of your pain. You can experience great, true, lasting happiness just as you are, without a girlfriend, without sex, without cuddling. Your mind is chasing after a fantasy, just like the Hollywood movies on TV.

    Go pick up a philosophy book or a religious book at the library. There is joy and happiness inside of you, even right now this very second. You just have to empty the trash that is inside of you and your spirit will shine like a light!
    MrMicroPenis likes this.
  15. It's good that you want to hug and share the love from your heart. Think there is a lot of girls in the church who don't expect sex and have these touchy feelings too. Actually, I think there are even virgins your age who are waiting till marriage but haven't met that special one.
    Just saying that you have been looking in the wrong places and you should get out there more socializing, while it's still easy to do.
    Roady, Gina3111 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  16. My situation is the same as yours. The only difference is that I'm 21. I've given up and don't want a relationship anymore, but I just want to recover from my addiction and my lust for sexual behavior so that it doesn't have any effect on my life anymore. That's my goal that I'm still struggling to achieve.
  17. Women and girls around the world are waiting for men to make the first moves! Why not go out or go to dating sites to find women to talk to and get the attention you want? Remember that women are waiting on the men to pursue!
    MrMicroPenis likes this.
  18. Squiddy

    Squiddy Fapstronaut

    dating sites are toxic and you should really avoid them
    Makeitpossible and AuwL0ng like this.
  19. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    I want to start off with another type of craving: hunger.

    Let's say you're on a long bus ride (8+ hours) and you forgot to bring food and water. You get really hungry. Think of a time something like this has happened to you. What are you hungry for? What type of drink are you thinking of? What types of nourishment are you craving? Actually think about this for a second, then read below.

    Odds are that for the food, you were thinking of something really really tasty, probably something with a lot of fat on it (steak or bacon), something really sweet or with a lot of sugar (cookies, cinnamon rolls, etc.), or something with a ton of taste and flavors (a burrito with everything or hamburger with everything). You probably thought of water for the thirst, but maybe you thought of a beer, milkshake, or gatorade.

    Besides the water, if you haven't eaten/drank anything for a while, are these the types of nourishment your body needs? Your body needs carbs, bread or pasta would do the trick, but it craves fatty meat and sugary sweets. Your body needs water, but might feel more refreshed from a beer or Coke, even though these things won't be as good for your body as the water.

    What I am trying to get at is that when your body feels a craving for something (hunger, not being lonely, need for warmth or cold, safety), you do not crave for what is most available or easiest to achieve, you crave for the thing that you think will make you feel the opposite of how you feel now or will have the most effect.

    Like I said with hunger, even though some bread and water is what your body needs, you're gonna crave an In-N-Out burger and milkshake. If you're freezing in the snow, you're gonna crave a fire. When you're working in the heat, you crave a cold ass environment. When you feel like you're in an unsafe environment, you crave to leave or physically assure yourself, when you would really just do best with the security of a friend or guardian.

    When you are lonely you feel extreme cravings for the attention and affection of women, when you really just need friends to ease your loneliness. You are feeling this way because you do not have any friends to do stuff with. Humans are social mammals; we are meant to be in groups and socialize. When you do not you experience loneliness, but the feeling comes out as horniness and simping because your mind sees that as the greatest "anti-lonely juice". Having a FWB or gf will not make these cravings go away. If you were having sex with dozens of women and had them clamoring to be with you, these feelings would not go away. Finding friends to share experiences and time with will help with the cravings you are feeling. Ofc getting a gf helps as well, but having friends is the primary solution.

    I do not know your circumstances or what your life is like, but I encourage you to try and go to as many things as possible to socialize and meet people. Join clubs. Play recreational sports. Try out your hobbies and engage with others who have similar interests. Making friends and seeing them frequently is the cure to your cravings, I promise.
  20. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    Besides dating apps what are other good places to meet women?