I crave women's attention so much ...

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by MrMicroPenis, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    I am 24 years old, virgin and totally inexperienced with women. On top of that, I don't have any friend. I have always been very shy, introverted and socially inept and this is the reason i have no social life. At least I have family but that's about it.

    I desire to have a girlfriend so much, kiss her, hug her, tell her I love her and to receive her love as well. But I really don't know how to meet a girl. Tinder is frustrating, a lot of matches but they always lead to nothingness.

    I am scared I will remain alone forever.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2021
  2. Cultivate yourself and build out your social circle. Women are the cherry on top of your sundae. You need to fill your dish with ice cream. Develop your sense of purpose and start changing your story.
    88991s, Aléxandros, Zlz123 and 14 others like this.
  3. find a job, socuialize with you co workers, build on yourself and eventualy the girl will come
  4. What are you doing in your free time? Are you working towards getting a girl or are you getting yourself involved in endless escapism?

    You obviously have low self esteem and watch way too much porn with the name “MrMicroPenis.”

    Don’t bother getting a girl right now. Focus on building your social network and taking care of yourself. The internet can help with this as well. Most people at your age have already had sex and been in multiple relationships. Not everybody, obviously. Having zero social experience at your age is going to hurt. Like having zero work experience and applying to jobs. Don’t be surprised, if women aren’t interested in you.

    If you want to get a girl at your age, your going to have put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Whether that means getting a job, going to college, or something that gets you out of the house and having a social life.

    In the worst case scenario possible, just be thankful, you won’t be burdened with children, marriage, breakups, and divorce.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2021
  5. tiger-uppercut!

    tiger-uppercut! Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Tinder is a dumpster fire, my man. Most people on there just want the matches for an ego boost more than anything else. Dont let it play mind games with you.

    ...and most of the ones you do end up meeting turn out to be noticeably bat shit crazy rather quickly anyway.
  6. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Pues si acá no hay muchos machos Alfa Pues
  7. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I may be the "grandfather" of the site (not sure since I haven't met everybody...yet) so take advantage of me and my personal experiences to better your life.

    I was a virgin until the age of 22. Up to that moment I was, almost, totally inexperienced with women. I had very few real friends (I can only remember one that could really trust). I have been and still am quite shy (though working on one's self-esteem by improving one's self helps a lot with shyness).

    Believe it or not at my age (58) I crave exactly the same things you do. I need love in my life more than I need oxygen. I want to love, be loved and belong.

    Here's where our ways part. I'm 58. You are 24. My age is a disaster. Your age is a magnet. The best way I have found to gain "access" to a girl/woman was to make myself "interesting". Not in the looks department (since there's not much one can do there) but in the inside department. Let yourself learn things. Through books, through videos, through documentaries, through following the news. Look for the skills you may have hidden and develop them. Find a hobby that will take advantage of these skills. A good writer, a good painter, a good photographer, etc. are interesting. Impress a girl with who you really are, not with how you look. When there's a conversation going in a group of men and women, and you happen to have a deep knowledge on the subject, you become the center of attention of the group.

    I'm not aware of how Tinder works but if it is anything similar to other dating sites, your presence alone won't succeed much. You have to be able to leave your mark wherever you go without necessarily doing it to attract someone.

    There are many people (men and women) who are looking for eye-candy. There are, also, many people who are looking for someone with depth. Work on the latter and trust me, you will not remain alone forever. I know! I had exactly the same fears myself!
  8. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    I have some hobbies: I like to play music and now I am starting to do some sport in a place where I could meet some people. But with my low social skills it is not going to be easy.

    Yes, I have low self esteem. My name is a joke though, I actually don't have a micropenis but you might be right by saying I chose this name because of low self esteem.

    I am not surprised women are not interested in me. To begin with, they don't even know me (since I don't talk to people that much).

    But yeah, I am planning to get a job or something.
  9. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I mention my porn addiction to my matches and they disappear hahahahahaha
  10. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    Los machos alfa no están adictos al porno, así que no, por aquí no hay.
  11. MrMicroPenis

    MrMicroPenis Fapstronaut

    Yes, you are right. The inside department is very important. I am trying to be good at my hobbies but I still have a lot to improve to be interesting.
    CAKCy likes this.
  12. TB4

    TB4 Fapstronaut

    your peak dating age isn't 24,but 30,tinder is trash don't even think of it,also you don't want hoes or hookups you're looking for long term relationships,you ain't getting that if you don't have an empire behind you,also search up redpill for men on Instagram it'll tell you a lot that you need to know
  13. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I'm afraid I will disagree with you. Maybe not 100% of the people have a talent or skill to develop but my experience (of 60 years) tells me that almost ALL people have qualities that they could work on to improve themselves. Qualities that sometimes go unnoticed. I'll take some of your time to tell you a little personal experience. Once, in the past, I was on a dating site. I looked at the profile of a woman (without a picture of hers) that I found impressive. Her profile had a request for someone to help her add YouTube videos on her profile. I messaged her. She rejected me. I thanked her for her response and added the instructions of how to add a video on her profile. A few days later she messaged me to tell me that she found my instructions, I sent, to be the sweetest thing somebody did for her even AFTER she rejected me. Moral of the story: Kindness is a quality that may go unnoticed by many people but not all of them.
    kingsmylight and black_coyote like this.
  14. The seeker

    The seeker Fapstronaut

    You are making the mistake we have all made in our lives. You are thinking "get a girlfriend/ life partner and I will be happy" when in reality it is very much a case of find a way of life that will make you happy than you will attract a girlfriend. I'm not saying that your life is complete without a girlfriend but it can still be very fulfilling if you let it.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  15. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I didn't tell the story to advertise myself, my friend, or to get anybody's praise. Luckily, I had enough praise in my life to last for two more rounds. I told it to demonstrate that even qualities and traits that we think go unnoticed, they don't always. You ask for my "reward"? It was a very rewarding friendship with a person much younger than me, who cared deeply when I was going through rough times. Things could be a bit different if she wasn't in a relationship already, at the time...

    I don't think there's anybody more pessimistic than I am. You can ask people who know me or, if you have the time, read my story in my signature. But my pessimism doesn't stop me from seeing the individuality of every person and many times that thing in their character (be it talent, skill, trait or quality) that makes them unique in a sea of 8 billion people. I would be very interested to hear your definition of "successful". If "successful" to you means someone who became famous, rich or powerful then I'm afraid our ideas differ. Successful to me, my friend, is the parent who managed to raise an autistic child despite all the hardships she/he had to go through to do that. Successful is the single mother I know, who raised two daughters on her own and managed to send them both to a university, because her husband was killed in a car accident when she was 28. Successful is the lady who cleans the building I live in, and pays attention to every detail just because she is a professional and she loves doing her job right. So, yeah, we won't all become Michael Jackson, Salvador Dali, Satya Nadella or Roger Federer but that doesn't make the possibilities of us becoming successful, by my definition, any lower than the people I mentioned. And, more importantly, it doesn't stop ANYONE from being appreciated for their uniqueness by someone who is worthy enough to appreciate that uniqueness.
  16. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    You are contradicting yourself, my friend. You say you don't measure success by fame or wealth, but at the same time you are afraid that a person may be disappointed because you know no materialistic success. Do you, really, think that you are the only one who appreciates other people for what they are and NOT for how much money they have?

    And why, on earth, do you think you are boring? Because you didn't fly like Superman to save the world or don't have a story from your adventures in the Amazon? If that was the case then color me boring too! If you really have NOTHING interesting to say to another person you meet, other that "Hi! How are you doing?" then it's not hard to improve yourself by killing that "boring" thing. Read! Write! Watch movies! Follow the news. Learn interesting shit about COVID. Arrest 10-20 bad guys (yeah... just kidding). Learn a few funny jokes. It's not that difficult for one to be a person who can hold a conversation without boring someone to death!

    You've been arguing with me in a number of posts and I don't consider your arguments, the logic behind them or the way you present them as boring. Why would it be different if we met in person????
    black_coyote and Abel100% like this.
  17. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I will stop the conversation because you have asked for it (Am I being boring?). But before I do please allow me to say this: I consider myself to be a fairly intelligent person and a good assessor of people. And you Sir, calling yourself a "TOTAL failure", are wrong! Period.
    black_coyote likes this.
  18. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    BS! If you think I'm out of your league that's ONLY because of my experience, being 20 years older than you! If YOU consider ME to be an intelligent person and not a complete idiot then take my word for it: Your arguments so far have been intelligent, presented in an extremely structured way and meaningful. Be proud of this! That you are extremely eloquent and can present your case in a very efficient way. I, really don't understand why you are so hard on yourself?!
  19. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

  20. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    No, man. Don't thank me for telling you who you really are! I'm not complimenting you. I'm just saying it as it is. Please allow yourself to believe this!