Girlfriend wants to wait

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by matt2k12, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Some of the best sex I ever had was with a lapsed catholic. The guilt you guys carry around is incredible.
    DarkHunter likes this.
  2. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    act of reproduction that your brain encourage to do by releasing endorphins?
    or just act of rubbing genitals against one another?
    Well i am sad and cynical and lost my faith in my religion a long time ago so do not listen to me OP if you want your first carnal act with her to be special and respect her wishes you do you. Just know that she is likely feeling the same things as you unless she has a much lower sex drive.
    This is from a virgin sex addict so what do i know really?
  3. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Does she know any of this? If you don't want to marry her, move on. My husband and I, both very active Catholics when we met, like active rolls in Mass and ministry, did not manage to wait till marriage though we were engaged. The intent was to wait but a friend died in a tragic accident and the desire to not lose a day fell upon us. Thankfully we did marry. Looking back I think I dodged a bullet because his whole addiction has caused me to see how horrible it would have been for me personally to be with another man intimately beyond him. I couldn't handle it. Much like I am struggling to cope with him just using porn for fantasy. It kills me. Please don't push her. She does not need to have this pain later. If her desire is to only someday be with her husband sexually, do not push this. Don't take this from her.
    matt2k12 and Garou99 like this.
  4. again

    again Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    What a kind and thoughtful response. Thank you.
    used19 likes this.
  5. Mazda647

    Mazda647 Fapstronaut

    Take the lead. Basically tell her what you've said here. If she's the one she'll understand. She all ready agreed that the heavy kissing and touching was too much. Lust is a killer. The topic of lust is a great topic to discuss with her.

    My girlfriend seems to respect me telling her about my issue with pornography and when I feel lust is taking over.
    Keli, matt2k12 and again like this.