I’m done, I gave up on girls and accepted the fact that no girl is gonna love a guy like me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by zeke27, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    That’s right fellas, I’m pretty much done with it, I’ve had several crisis because of this shit. I gave up on girls, I’m not gonna talk bad or trash about them but I’m done with it. I will focus on myself, keep reading my books, doing my dumbbells, playing video games, talking with my mom and dad, working, helping the family and so on. Honestly, this has got too far to the point that I almost hate myself and my life. The fact that other people see you as ugly is disgusting like, they’re heartless, how could people be that mean? I won’t pay attention anymore to them, just focus on my things, I’m almost 2 months clean or maybe a little bit more I don’t know but my counter will tell.
  2. The proximate cause of faith is suffering and it is pain that motivates change. Feel free to DM if you want to talk something out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2021
    ShotDunyun and Young Stalin like this.
  3. “Focus on nurturing the flowers in your garden and the butterflies will eventually come” I probably butchered that quote but you get the idea.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2021
  4. BodhiTree

    BodhiTree Fapstronaut

    Don't feel bad. Current society has completely perverted the traditional relationships. Today, women are encouraged to don't settle and always seek for the best. As a consequence, they only chase the top 5% of men and when they don't, they will feel they are settling and as a consequence will be resentful of their man. This allied with the dating apps has made the dating market an unhealthy place to be.

    This is generalizing, but as a general rule, it's more likely the experiences you'll have will fit into this pattern than not.

    So live your life, be happy, if you find someone to share, good, if not, good. Many men, me included, are in the same situation as you. One thing I think helps a lot is to explore your spiritual side.

    And don't hate others because the hate will still be within yourself, let your hate starve by not feeding it.

    I write this not only to help you, but to also help myself. :emoji_pray:
    Jesús77, im_done, Renorylok and 12 others like this.
  5. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    How am I supposed to not feel bad about this?
  6. BodhiTree

    BodhiTree Fapstronaut

    Because you will suffer and the world will continue the same. Focus on what you can control.
  7. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    He should feel bad. How is being starved by sexual needs and female companionship normal? You brain wants it. If I had the chance I'd have kids at 19. But i was never good with women and in the same boat as OP. The only difference is that now I have more money. Please don't bullshit yourself with the 5% rule. It's technically 80/20 but that is irrelevant. EVEN if that is the case. WHAT? Just be alone and virgin till the rest of your life? OP and post above. Please don't lie to yourself. We could be putting ourselves out there more, and improving ourselves more. Just don't play the victim card and go socialise with women more. It goes horrible for me since I'm bad at it. Is it worth it? I don't know. I surely know that it's better than nothing.
  8. BodhiTree

    BodhiTree Fapstronaut

    Never said to be a virgin. Do experiment, I've been with dozens so I'm not talking on frustration but experience.

    To focus your self worth based on woman opinion is not the best strategy. I'm not a victim nor a simp, I accept things as they are.

    About the 80/20 the world has changed in case you didnt notice.

    What I say is live you life on your terms, not as a needy person that depends on a woman to feel worthy.
    brassknucks and AmazingBulk like this.
  9. Mazda647

    Mazda647 Fapstronaut

    Sex is optional. A person is not going to die if they don't have sex. Been nearly ten years since I last had sex and even then it wasn't anything special. More or less a three night stand.

    @zeke27 Honestly, I believe you've made an important step in finding and attracting that lady.
    TheNewestCreation likes this.
  10. Call me crazy, but didn't you post something about getting laid or shit about your girlfriend a few days ago? I swear I saw a thread made by you about something like that.
  11. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    No dude it wasn’t me

  12. This might sound weird or stupid, but getting rejected isn't about you.

    It's about other people having jacked up ideas, and because you didn't
    run her gauntlet of madness, she punishes you for that.

    Alright so it happened. The best thing to do is realize that there's nothing you could have done to fix it.

    Everybody feels helpless when it comes to relationships, brother.
    Everybody gets rejected, it's the nature of life.

    But the thing you can do is to react to it the right way, by
    making the decision to start trying to build your own life.
    Maybe it's through education, work, or in the arts, whatever.
    Don't spend emotional energy on her. Use it to fuel your future success.
    Go out there into the world and kick some butt at what you need to do.

    Then one day, you will look up and there's somebody special there.
    You won't have to do anything for this one. It happens like that.
    You need to believe that her leaving was a good thing.
    My wife straight up cheated on me, in a direct way.
    It hurt a lot. It was hard to pack up and get out.

    But I'm glad I did, because after a few months of moping around,
    I started to workout, and I kept improving it.
    I lost 100 lbs, and I had never done that as an adult.
    I did a lot of other stuff that I thought I'd never accomplish.
    But that was the first thing that I did that was important.
    You will do it too. It takes pain, suffering and rejection to
    get us back to working on our dreams and goals sometimes.
    Ravi03, Vanquisher12, Talz and 4 others like this.
  13. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    I was just suggesting this.

    Just focus on yourself, become a fucking ghost.

    And get back in the game as a totally different person.

    But don't do it for some pussy, do it for yourself and no one else.

    Go back in the game with that confidence that you, as a strong and confident man, don't need ANYONE to feel happy.

    You, and only you, are your main source of happyness.

    Don't rely on anyone else.
    And I really liked this quote. Stick on it.
  14. Washi

    Washi Fapstronaut

  15. Washi

    Washi Fapstronaut

  16. Setan-sekarat

    Setan-sekarat Fapstronaut

    Aléxandros likes this.
  17. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    Girls don't even get me chance to get to know me
  18. I understand how you feel bro. I feel the same way.
    zeke27 likes this.
  19. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    What can we do about it??
  20. I don't know bro. I am hoping what others say is true and that one will be drawn to me once I go through all the self-improvement steps.