229 days and still no improvement

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Realitnt, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    Hello i've been trying to reboot for the last 5 years or so due to pied. I almost succeeded once but i fel back to the habit due to rebound effect. I was also smoking hash regularly which caused me to have psychotic episodes which forced me to stop smoking.

    Anyway fast forward to now, i spent a really bad period of loneliness during which i started fapping again because i had given up and hash was killing my moods. Now i really regret it cuz i've lost all my libido even when looking at porn (except some rare times i tested myself and i had a reaction of libido) and i wonder if i will ever heal. Current streak is at 229 with the occasional test to porn with no O but some PM, just to see if i can still get horny.

    Please help me this is keeping me up at night (almost 5 am and still cant sleep) and i dont want to test my erections with porn as im afraid it will slow down the recovery.

    Edit: I also want to note that im meeting this girl soon and she seems really into sex what a luck to meet her at this time. Im afraid that she'll reject me if she knows my issues so please help me.
    Aléxandros and Kung_fu_panda_ like this.
  2. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    Well i broke my word and i just tested myself (did not O). Yea i can get a small stiffy but i dont feel really aroused i need hand stimulation to get going which really sucks. Once again im asking for help
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
    Kung_fu_panda_ likes this.
  3. Kung_fu_panda_

    Kung_fu_panda_ Fapstronaut

    Welcome to nofap.... But i don't have any suggestions... Stay strong....
  4. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    Man, you never had a continued streak.
    You watched porn many times in the middle, what will you expect?
    You had a flatline many times and watched porn during them, so you never really recover.

    Also, that is just a number, it won't change your life unless you practice new healthy habits during your path.
    Otherwise, NoFap won't do anything.
  5. Aléxandros

    Aléxandros Fapstronaut

    Again, you fell again.

    If you had a continued 230 days streak, with no PMO at all, then maybe your problem would be solved.

    But again, as it is written in "Your Brain On Porn", recovery times may vary from person to person.
    You maybe need a year or even more to completely get control of your diddle.

    But you keep testing yourself, so you'll never know.
  6. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    You're right i should not do that, its just that anxiety got the best of me...I take note of your advice and i'll try to do better. But it was just to see where i was and i wont do it again. Thanks for your reply.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
    Anonymous86 and Aléxandros like this.
  7. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    But i want to know do you guys thini i can still be cured?
  8. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    Bumping the thread
    Do you think im still curable?
  9. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    No idea. Keep going on your streak to find out.
  10. I think you need to see a therapist AND a urologist - just to cover your basis. It sounds like you are scaring yourself.
  11. Tough man, unfortunately I'm in the same boat (but slowly improving)! If you're otherwise healthy and still young than most likely it's PIED and a long period of abstinence should clear most of your symptoms. But as said before, it may take a long time.

    Real sex will further train your brain to be aroused and seek gratification from real partners as opposed to porn. I'd recommend doing it as soon as you feel somewhat comfortable with your partner, but you don't have to rush this. You're in control! Remember that there are other ways to communicate your affection as well (cooking, hugging, going on walks, sharing your favorite music etc.). For most women, feeling loved and appreciated by a cool guy are more important than actual humping (my experience, YMMV).

    You want the porn pathways to your reward/dopamine center to wither and die ASAP. To effectuate this, try to not relapse, even when you're extremely insecure about your sexual capabilities. You have to keep faith that abstinence is the fastest route to healing. Just shift your focus to other areas of your life that need work (career, social circle, fitness, arts, etc.). If you notice that you've been using porn to mask anxiety or any other unpleasant feelings (if so you'll get extremely uncomfortable while on nofap), then you'll have to look for other ways to process those feelings (journalling, therapy, meditation, exercise, etc.).

    Hope this helps, good luck man!
    Cyberpunk3000 likes this.
  12. Cyberpunk3000

    Cyberpunk3000 Fapstronaut

    Same here. Day 240.
    Though I am experimenting with tadalafil 5mg for the past 1 month. And I do see some sign in the morning. That I started getting harder MW which sustained for 1 min. Before the pills, they felt very feeble though I was on 200+ days streak. They have been like consistent for the last 25 days out of 30. And everyday I was doing a bit of kegel ever since the prescence of Hard MW. But last couple of days I was but depressed and did not sleep well which directly resulted in not so strong MW despite tadalafil.
    Libido is non existent as of now.
    Some say that, I am already good to go and rewire with women so that it will jumpstart my libido and rewire to natural arousal and sex. But am planning to be abstinent until end of this year. And then think about rewiring.
  13. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Why aren't people recovering? What's going on? I'm scared as fuck. I hope I can recover.
    AuwL0ng likes this.
  14. Ahtghy

    Ahtghy Fapstronaut

    As I read posts I am much more convinced of my negative point of view about these forums:

    Definitely Nofap has increased paranoia and virtual hypochondria among young people. In these recent times, any guy who just masturbates or sees something sexy on the web ends up developing the belief that just doing that can cause erectile dysfunction, and they log on to this website every day very paranoid and they believing have PIED.

    The paranoia and anxiety is so enormous that if they were with a girl they would fail because they are very "scared not to heal" as this guy @Anonymous86 says here on this forum.

    You can practice abstinence and nofap for entire years that if you maintain an attitude of fear you will never be able to have an erection in that state.
    lococontigo likes this.
  15. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Well people here are complaining that they can't heal. What do you think the reason is then? Just simply "fear"?
  16. Cyberpunk3000

    Cyberpunk3000 Fapstronaut

    In some cases it could be the reason. But in severe cases the desensitisation has happened to extreme levels that a long abstinence is needed. A very long one indeed. Jus my opinion.
  17. This anxiety might be part of your problem and the constant testing.

    Do you edge or psub during these 'quits' - remember edging is worse than abstention when it comes to recovery. Fantasizing is another thing that can hinder recovery. Really anything that is fake sex(fantasy, pornography) that gives you a dopamine hit will prevent recovery

    Are you overwieght? what is your blood pressure, diet? all these things can effect that too but mainly remember that you may just be missing a hypersexualized state vs feeling normal.
    WestCoast and Anonymous86 like this.
  18. Ahtghy

    Ahtghy Fapstronaut


    Exactly just fear.

    I often see that you stay connected in this place. That just proves something: You are tremendously obsessed with these forums. In other words: You went from porn addiction to forum addiction. You keep here almost every day connected searching in vain for answers about a problem that maybe you don't even really have.
    skull67 and lococontigo like this.
  19. I for one am very guilty of this. I do feel like when I read things on this forum, my mind exploded. I realize that this forum drove me down a MAJOR path of anxiety - to the point of almost taking my life - I had to spend time with my family to get out of the issue.

    I stay away but at the same time, I need to stay away for good.
    skull67 likes this.
  20. Realitnt

    Realitnt Fapstronaut

    It is not fear that keeps me from having erections but i know for sure it's porn. I have checked an urologist and he said i was fine, i have no other underlying problem. But when i managed to quit my first months of nofam i almost got my boner back. But i lost it due to chain relapsing. I know, very unfortunate and dumb of me. Now here i am, i think i might need another year or so to recover if i can that is :/. Your advice is always appreciated.