E3 2021

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by AtomicTango, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    My problem with the Switch is the same I had with the WiiU, great games married to bad hardware/features. The battery life is atrocious, the store is annoying to navigate, and I always seem to have trouble with the controls when undocked in any game that requires precision. For example, I was banging my head against the wall trying to pull off the diagonal jump with any consistency in Celeste, to the extent it spoiled the game for me, but when I decided to dock the console and use the pro controller, the issue totally vanished. Same thing with Hollow Knight and its more involved platforming sections. I want to say its just a me problem but it isnt, cause I looked to see if other people had this issue and enough people did for me to think I wasn't just bad. Idk if it was the sticks themselves or if I was experiencing drift or what, but it was very annoying.

    I'm not trying to shit all over what people are saying here I suppose I'm just cynical about Nintendo now. I still want them to make the true next-gen Sony killer I know they could make if they wanted to, but they wont because they are too preoccupied with "blue sky thinking." I mean it works for them but it just means me buying two consoles every gen lol.
  2. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    The Ubisoft shows always bore me to tears. The only good parts for me were when Aisha Tyler hosted and did her best to be as cringey as possible, because that was at least entertaining. Now it's just drab.
  3. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Who's watching the Xbox/Bethesda show tonight (UK time)?
  4. skyrimfanpaul

    skyrimfanpaul Fapstronaut

    Bethesda; us skyrim fans need new DLC for Skyrim SE, as good or better than Dawnguard, something about The silver hand!!! and new content for New Vegas!!!
  5. i regret Mattrick xbox e3 conference of 2013 when they have show that totalitaristic televison-kinect thing.
    Or i think is just me, level of excitement is just so low...hope to see something interesting with ea like a new ME4 trailer.
  6. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Bethesda are done with both of those games. Time for something new. Starfield could be interesting.
  7. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Yeah dude I dont really give a shit about it this year beyond watching it for its own sake. I thought Xbox was a letdown and I haven't watched the others.
  8. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut


  9. Maybe is just me, i remember i had a great passion for videogames, years ago usually i stayed up late all night for see e3 announces, but it seem that after my 20, know about the NoFap Thing (Porn Addiction), my new passion for books, philosophy, ecc...is like it does not have anymore an impact for my soul...i still play some game like overwatch and strategic games, but it seem ''times are ends'' for me. Also that console war is for kids and i don't care anymore. There is people of 30 years old that act like kids and troll for sony or microsoft, i'm inside a site in my language (Multiplayer.it) and what people do is larp like retardeds and constantly trolling others, and admin made post about cosplays of litteraly naked woman, yeah...you know the subjectes, you can't talk. It seem that dopamine-kids never grow up. I will wait happy the new Avatar game honestly, because despite the trashumanism it give us a great message if you are really able to understand it, and other art games like Bioshock if they will produce new ones.
  10. So what's the big news? I haven't been able to really keep up but nothing sparked my interest so far :/
  11. I think people were hyped by Stalker chernobyl, but for me nah. Sony and EA are not at the e3 so isn't funny anymore. Microsoft show a lot of games for what i eard but it does not really hit...they announced....fallout 76 expansion...and halo multiplayer. Starfield? It was a 1. minute reveal of nothing, wow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2021
  12. LOL this is sad. I don't own a PC so my interest is fairly limited for this year. If we don't get news about Forbidden West or the next Witcher instalment, or even just Diablo 4, I don't think I'm gonna catch up
    En?gma likes this.
  13. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

  14. todolist

    todolist Fapstronaut

    Another year without any 'The Last Night' updates... Those french bastards sure know how to tease. Age of Empires 4 looks interesting, but that was announced a while ago.
  15. Haha. Yeah all those jokes that just fell flat... obviously Ubisoft is trying to appeal to a young audience. Nintendo, on the other hand, doesn't care. We got the usual super prim Japanese business men haha.
    I can't do anything with EA. "Evil Empire" and all that. Buying out small studios and closing them. Loot boxes. Permanent crunch time. Not judging anyone that does buy EA games, that's just my take. I have an issue with Ubisoft too because of all the abuse that's been going... heard they've been trying to change though. I dunno. Probably will end up getting the new Mario + Rabbids because I loved the first game and Nintendo just refuses to give us any real Mario RPGs any more.
    Well you got Metroid 5 Dread, if you were looking for a 2D Metroid. Honestly, even though it's not Metroid Prime 4 it's good that they're actually doing something with the series. I was beginning to wonder if Metroid was just going to skip the Switch.

    Besides Metroid Dread, not much I was interested in in the Nintendo Direct. Life is Strange looks fun, might pick that up I'm into artsy games. Totally not into WarioWare. If it was a new Wario Land I might be interested, but not WarioWare. Also, I'm just done with Smash reveals. I just totally don't care about it any more. I might get excited if Gandalf or Gimli comes to smash but otherwise... not. Zelda: Figured they wouldn't do a full reveal on Breath of the Wild 2- they want people to buy Skyward Sword first- but nice to know it's coming next year. No 3d Kirby or 3d Donkey, that's a bummer, but whatever.
  16. I can't wait to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 - Heart of Chernobyl. I waited 12 years for this game.
    Taylor25 likes this.
  17. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm much the same honestly. Out of 100 games that come out, less than 5 are worth my time. And even if more were worth it, I dont want to spend the time on them when I would rather be doing other things. I still like videogames, just not very many of them.
    En?gma likes this.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Xbox showed a game that looked similar, called "Replaced." I thought it looked cool.
  19. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Garou99 likes this.
  20. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I'm glad the game exists but I'm not overly impressed with it in terms of its art style and I am not sold on it being developed by the same team who developed Samus Returns, a game I thought was decent, but not great. When Hollow Knight and Ori look how they do, and were developed by less people, I feel there's no excuse. Not saying the game will be bad based solely on outdated graphics but idk, the game looked very bland.

    Yeah I wasn't very impressed with the Direct overall. Some decent things but once again I have to question why Nintendo keep having long Directs they pad out with nonsense.