My thoughts about finding a girlfriend with hijab

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Krillin1993, May 10, 2021.

  1. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    I've thought alot about this topic, and I came to a final conclusion, that I don't want to have a girlfriend who is wearing a hijab. I will explain you that.
    First of all I have no problem with any kind of religion.
    If someone wants to believe in Religion A or Religion B it is totally fine and also not my business at all. And for me it is also not a problem when those woman wants to wearing it during their working time. I am totally okay with that. Side Note: People have different preferences some woman like tall guys and reject to be with shorter people (5''5') like I am. Some don't like to be together with people who are wearing Piercings/Tattoos or with People who have Dogs and Cats because they are allergic to it. This is not going to be a religious thread, I only want to share my view and my preferences to a specific topic. To come back to the main topic:
    But I have the feeling that wearing a hijab as something surpressive to woman. I would go further and say that the hijab is a sign of misogynism and something that shows me that a specific men owns this woman. I see that alot when turkish couples get together, the new housewife has to wear a hijab otherwise she counts as a person who is seen as an immoral person and someone who has no honor. I know that because I am a turk and I am coming from this background.
    I know that wearing the hijab is an own decision of every woman who are believing in this religion. I know that there are also Amish People in the US who covered their head or hindu woman who are doing the same. But I simply don't see why wearing a hijab or any covering should be done for any god? I don't believe in god either, but lets say there is a god existing, then why does god find it so much important to see woman covered and why it is so much important for him? I thought god sees everything? He knows how you look like and he also know how your genitials look like? The only reason why he could command woman to do so is that men are getting horny by womans hair. And this is so wrong in my eyes. This is so hilarious for me that I don't find words anymore. This can be the only explanation that I found out. Maybe men shouldn't start to rape woman, then the whole rape problem would find an end and woman don't have to cover themselves up. By that means... This is a mens issue not a womans issue! In my opinion these are specific laws of a man surpressing woman in such a creative and perfidious way. By saying if you dont follow gods word or rules (which men have created in my opinion), then you will burn in hell and you will end up as a whore or as an Unbeliever. I have heard that in alot of muslim families. Can you imagine being told this when you are a 5 year old girl, who dont understand the world and you are being told to believe in this because your mom and dad wants only the good for you, but even they were told the same without criticizing these so called rules. And when you start not believe in this religion, then they will start to fight you with words or they will kill you until the bitter end, and thats why you can't talk with your own conservative family about that, because there is no peace ever existed in those religions. I haven't seen any signs of peace in such ideologies. For me all religions are kind of an ideology not religion. Because religion would mean to rescue the world from suffering and I don't see that. Thats why I believe that god is a lie. He is man made. I am also against circumcision because it creates suffering the same way as for killing millions of animals for eating them as a religious festival. There is no need for killing needlessly animals when you already have enough food on planet earth. And there is no logicial reason why young babies or kids should be circumcized. It creates suffering and also I thought god has created people in such a perfect way, with circumcision obviously NOT! Thats why I want to prevent or rescue my girlfriend from such a false ideology. She shouldn't cover her head. She can eat pork. She can have anal sex with me if she wants to. She should show her beautiful and wear whatever she wants to without any restriction. That would show how mighty she is and not any kind of ideology. Because we have the freedom of speech and I am proud of having the ability to speak freely. And if she really wants to cover her head so badly she can wear a warm cotton cap for example. Other than that I will reject all woman with hijab for dating. I am sorry. This is my opinion. You can have your own.
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
    onceaking and The Passenger like this.
  2. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I think when women dress either too provocatively, or conservatively to the point of inconvenience, then they are probably a bit too obsessed with what men think about them. A mentally healthy woman is comfortable with how she is, and dresses for herself not how she purceives men might want her to.

    I wouldnt rule out a girl in a hijab entirely, wearing one might just be a cultural habit or she might have been persuaded by her parents.
  3. Inloverber

    Inloverber Fapstronaut

    I see nothing wrong with women wearing hijab but, I also do know some who are not wearing even if they are required to do so. I guess it all depends on the woman's decision.
  4. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Lots of religions have similar practices. Orthodox jewish women are commanded to cover their hair as well and many wear wigs when out in public. It's a question of choice vs force.
    Krillin1993 and ELITE2BE like this.
  5. onceaking

    onceaking Fapstronaut

    Nice to know. I remember once on this forum this guy went on a ridiculous rant about how evil it was that women didn't wear hijabs. I don't think I'd want a girlfriend who wears one either. A friend of mine used to wear a hijab but stopped. It's brave for Muslim women to stop wearing though because they can receive a lot of abuse for doing so. Najwa Zebian stopped wearing one and she got a lot of nasty messages from Muslim men on social media because of it.
    Krillin1993 and CarP like this.
  6. I’d want my girlfriend to be herself. With or without a hijab on, she’s beautiful being herself.
    Krillin1993 and CarP like this.
  7. I am strongly attracted to women with hijab and some conservative clothing .
    On the contrary I get irked by women who wear hijab on head and below is a tight fitting jeans.
    Don’t judge me but this has to do more with my taste than any idealogy.
    ELITE2BE and Mr Rn like this.
  8. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    Compulsory hijab is the main pillar of the totalitarian regime in Iran. It's nothing much important if you have excessive makeup, wear tight clothes, etc. While if you wear very loose dresses, but have your hair unmasked, you're evil and you crossed the red line.

    But they seem to be ok if she is not an Iranian woman and she's not here in Iran. They often broadcast the movies/shows of the west on their tv.

    Compulsory hijab is used for oppressing people in the gender-apartheid regime in Iran.

    Krillin1993, CarP and Munchausen like this.
    Krillin1993, ELITE2BE and CarP like this.
  10. Mr Rn

    Mr Rn Fapstronaut


    He may not have phrased it the best but it's obvious what he's saying. Use porn as an example, you're attracted to the porn that you know you shouldn't be looking at. But you'd also be attracted to a woman who has values you see as correct.
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  11. I can't relate to this example. I don't think myself or anyone else should or shouldn't watch porn. I just don't want to watch porn. My physical attraction to a person has nothing to do with their values.
    Krillin1993 likes this.
  12. Nathan Harris

    Nathan Harris Fapstronaut

    I know what you are referring to and I can totally understand you and somewhat agree with you but I want to clear some of your doubts regarding it.

    First of all hijab is not compulsory and no one can force it on anyone and hijabs are not worn to please God.
    Also anything that is stated in a religion does not mean that it should be done to please God, but to be done for their own good. I'll explain it, how?

    In Islam some things are forbidden to do but there is a reason behind it. Science & logic and religion are not conflicting but rather they go together.

    for eg: There are reasons for everything, I'll list some of things which are prohibited in Islam:
    1) Alcohol is haram: And everybody knows that alcohol is bad for health, Alcohol can leads to bad decision etc....
    2) Acting on anger is prohibited in Islam: We know that when we act on our anger then most probably things can go bad. Anger can destroy relationships and can get people to do things that they might regret it later, anger can also cause many illnesses etc.
    3) Pork: Pigs are considered to be unclean and pigs also does not ruminate they don't chew the cud and can't digest cellulose, pork contains highly saturated fat and artery-clogging cholestrols and it might increase the chances of many deadly diseases.
    4) Anal sex: Anal doesn't have stretchable muscles like vagina and it doesn't produce lubrication like vagina and anal sphincter the muscle responsible for controlling the movement of feces might get loose, the skin around it can also tore and there may be some other reasons.

    Some other prohibited things in Islam are: Murder, Lying, Oppression, Disrespecting parents, Suicide etc. etc.

    5) Porn and Masturbation is strictly haram: I am an example of it - You know what made me first think about to quit my porn addiction? it was Islam. I used to watch porn and masturbate and didn't thought much about it's consequences, but then one day I found that Islam forbids watching porn and masturbation and that's why initially I was very frustrated and angry with it. I found it really oppressive, because here I was told not to do things that I enjoyed and no other religion stresses on it as much as Islam does and that made me thought why does Islam has so much restriction and I started to doubting religion and existence of God, later I tried to find out the reason for it and I found that all of my suffering was due to my Porn and Masturbation addiction and then I decided to quit my PMO addiction and it was not because it was forbidden in Islam but because I found out that it was ruining my life.

    If you want, then I can give you the reference for these points in Quranic verses in case you have any doubt.

    Still I'm not a very religious person but I do believe in God. It is useless to debate on the existing God, since I can not prove you that there is God and you can not prove me there is no God. I have seen many miracles in my life .

    God said it is bad for you but you still have a choice. If you follow it you will be in benefit if not you may have to suffer.
    God said anger is bad for you but it's not like that you have to not get angry, you have a choice to go against it and get mad at people.

    Check out this verse from Quran:

    Reference : 2:173 “But if one is forced by necessity without willful disobedience nor transgressing due limits, then there is no sin on him."
    Pork is haram but God said if you have no other food to eat and only thing you have to eat is pork then you Can eat Pork but when you have other food to eat then you need not to eat pork. Man, God is not cruel, God loves everyone. Whatever you are said Not to do, at the end it will be beneficial for you.

    Also, Right now it's the month of Ramadan and what is it? It is the month to do dopamine detox and it is beneficial in increasing will power and self discipline by fasting for 30 days and abstaining oneself from engaging in any dirty things, people share food and help others. By not letting yourself to eat or drink when you feel hungry and thirsty, you are strengthening your will-power and abstaining from porn, masturbation, movies, songs etc will help you do a complete dopamine detox. Who do you think it will be helpful to? God? No, it's all for us.

    I am not talking about Islam particularly but I can relate it with every other religion. Every religion teaches the same thing but it's the man who altered these for his own benefits and don't ignore the fact that these religions were introduced 1000's of years of ago and at that time most people were illiterate and that's why God sent prophets like Isa(Jesus), Musa(Moses), Muhammad peace be upon all of them to show them the correct path. As most people were illiterate and savage they were needed to show the right path but it was difficult to do so. suppose an example, how would you explain to a person 1000's of years ago that he should not bite his nails when they don't even know what germs and infection even mean. Would you say that "there are tiny organisms living under your nails and when you bite your nails it can enter your body and destroy your healthy cells." of course not, they were just told that if you bite your nails then something bad can happen with you and they passed this information to their next generation til today. but nobody questioned it why, but today we are living in the era of science and technology we know that we should not bite our nails. And this is how most of the religious rules are carried on because nobody questioned it.

    In today's world even if you ask a highly qualified Muslim teacher that why we should do this and not that? they will
    tell you because it is said in our religion.
    yes, yes I'm asking why?
    They'll be like: :rolleyes:........ :mad:because it is said in our religion.

    Apart from the message of Quran there were many muslim scholars whose teachings muslims follow all across the world to lead a better life and you know what? again there is the same problem, nobody asked why?
    And wearing hijab is one of these teachings and it's not even written in Quran but the Quran do says to cover private parts but for both male and females.
    Some of those teachings are irrelevant to current generation but the most problematic thing is that some of teachings are altered by people voluntary or involuntary but I believe Quran has no mistakes and it's the people who misinterpreted it and brainwashed other people.

    Well if a women doesn't want to wear it she has the right to not wear it and I believe most of the Muslim women does't wear hijab and please don't give me the examples of countries like Iran, these countries didn't have democracy. So whatever rules the rulers wanted to impose they imposed it, maybe those were the men who can't control themselves and put all the burden on women rather to restrain themselves. I don't know much about turkey and it's political condition,etc but the country in which I live, which is one of the most populous Muslim country, here you will find a small fraction of Muslim women wearing hijab and they wear it on their own wish. I belong to a highly orthodox Muslim family but still no one in my family wears hijab or force anyone to do so. I am thankful that I live in an open minded democratic country.

    Again Circumcision is also not compulsory but most people prefer to do it. Even a lot of non-muslims perform circumcision because of it's benefits.
    • Better hygiene
    • Decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
    • Decreased risk of sexually transmitted infections.
    • Prevention of penile problems.
    • Decreased risk of penile cancer. etc.

    It is not stated in Quran that women should wear hijab but it is stated that one should not gaze at other genders private parts, It's the men who needs to lower his gaze more than the women to wear proper clothes. but you know what? women followed the rule but men didn't. Why? because men oppressed the women. It was the patriarchal society which have always been oppressing women and If you tell a muslim guy that he should not gaze non-marhams(means other than sister, mother or close relatives) he would say "are you crazy? no one does that." because Men have forced everything on women, and today's generation don't even know these rules exists and they'll continued to enjoy their life and if anything bad happens then they will blame it on women.
    if I see someone forcing any women to wear hijab I would told him to first force men to put an hijab on his eyes and not look at women's private parts. If men stop looking at women then not only women need not to wear hijab but they could also move naked without any fear. but will the men do their job? No.
    It's not the religion which is oppressing women, it's we the men who have always been oppressing them and they used religion as a tool to do so.
    I have talked to a lot of women and read many confessions and came to know that most of the women who wears hijab wear it at their own choice. Some women wear it for fashion, some wear it protect their hair from pollution and sun and some wear it to protect herself from the lusty gaze of men.
    Even Arab men cover their head, maybe because at that time people used to travel through deserts and to protect their hair they started wearing it, and this continued til today as a culture.

    If you know any women then just ask them, does she like to be stared by random people at public? and I can guarantee you 99% of women will say that they don't. No women in her entire life wants to be scanned by random perverts. It's not the hijab which oppresses them it's we men who degrades them by staring and gazing them lustfully.

    It's totally fine that you don't want to be with a women who wears hijab, but it does not mean that every women who wears hijab are oppressed.

    Yes, it's totally weird that some women have to wear hijab after getting married because their husband told them to do so. If I were there then I would marry a girl whose parents forced her to wear hijab and after marrying I would let her wear whatever she wants. It's sad to see some women are forced to do so which I accept is completely wrong.

    If you find a girl who wears hijab ask her about it and only she can explain how she feels about it otherwise you are creating a prejudice by calling all women who wears hijab are oppressed.

    If any hardcore, extremist Muslim would read my post, he would probably call me Non-Muslim or Anti-Muslim and I just want to say that I had no intentions to hurt anybody's sentiments or beliefs. Of course I am not an expert in it, it is just my POV and if I said something wrong I apologize to God, I apologize to you in advance and feel free to correct me.

    I want to say alot of things but I don't want to make it more longer.

    I hope you can understand.
    Last edited: May 11, 2021
    Shadow™輝ツ and Mr Rn like this.
  13. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    For the sake of being on-topic with the subject, no I would not want a girl friend with a Hijab. For me, it shows that they are too religious. I do not agree with Islam at all and do not want to be involved in it. This is not to bash on Islam, as I have met many nice Iranian and Iraqi people. Plus, for me personally, the thought of a woman wearing a Hijab makes me think if they display proper hygiene or not underneath. Might be stinky underneath.
    Krillin1993, Hadrian3 and brassknucks like this.
  14. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Also, too many virtue signaling leftist chics have hijacked the hijab and religion of Islam to further their own agenda.
  15. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    So by that means you are getting arroused by woman who are wearing tight jeans everytime you gonna a see a woman wearing things like that? If you can't control yourself and start to touch woman out of nowhere or even rape them, yes then you are a pig and you can't give clothes the fault for your actions. Not woman should cover their body, Man have to change their mindsets totally. A woman can have a good looking butt or boobs, so what? Are you gonna dictate them what woman have to wear? But this ideology dictates them what to do only to show "we men are mightier then you are". Now you can say it is the free will of woman what to wear or not but it still dictates them how to live. And alot of muslim families surpresses woman not to break free. My sister for example was getting slapped in the face with 9 years as she wont wear it only because she is living in germany and should show those "kafirs" her face, her hair. This is heartless this is surpressive this is against humanity. And when you see a pretty girl outside wearing a skirt and get horny by that, alot of men are going home to watch porn only to fap then it is again your fault. And woman who are seeing good looking men are doing the same. That means men have also to wear Burqa/Niqab, because woman can get aroused too. You see what you have said makes zero sense.
  16. Nathan Harris

    Nathan Harris Fapstronaut

    Well said.
    Man, I feel sorry for your sister but whatever happened with her is not because of Islam, it happened because of your parents, I also have a sister but my parents don't force her to wear it and even my mom doesn't wear it, because it's not compulsory. I've written a long post above, you can read it to get some insight.

    It all depends upon the individual's mindset, their society, the country they live in and it's political condition.
  17. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    I give you right when you say mainstream media acts too oversexualized but let woman live like they want to do! I have heard from alot of muslim men in my area that a woman who don't wear a hijab and wear tight clothing is seen as a hoe who would "fuck with every men". This is not what I have said, this is what so conservatives nowadays are talking. This is so gross that I can't find no words anymore. There is no peace, there is no respect towards woman with those guys. I know alot of woman who maybe don't say it out loud but they are thinking the same. And thats the main problem we are seeing with muslim men living in europe. I am not saying all muslim men are like that, actually there are liberal thinking muslim men as well but the extreme conservatism is destroying their own ideology. I have no problem with no one who decides to live with this conviction. I simply don't see the moral value of this thinking. The other thing is muslim men who are posting half naked instagram stories or pictures with muscle shirt are allowed to do it but when woman doing it is not a sin or halal; it is forbidden? Can you explain me this culture? When this behaviour is not misogynistic then what is it? Can you explain me that? The other thing is a woman can wear clothes what she likes to, for example a skirt or something else what is tight or showing her legs. It is not a sign to please any men in the first place. If some wears sexy stuff, it doesn't mean that she is your brother your father your friend. It doesn't give you the permission to have sex with her out of nowhere, just because you are thinking that she is sexy. You can't be that horny. A woman can be together with any men who she likes the most and respects the most, if she is not feeling good in that specific relationship , wether religious nor anti-religious men should ever dictate them what to do.
  18. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    I am thinking exactly the same. At the end of the day it is the will of woman how to decide. But when a girl with a hijab wants to date me and fell in love with me, I am facing other problems as an Ex-Muslim (agnostic) guy. I will get all the hate as a Non-Muslim, all the death threats, being frightened, I am even not talking about respect. No they don't respect my believe or disbelieve then why I should act like that I am okay with an ideology which shows how to lower womans will? A muslim men can marry every girl from different religions but it is not allowed for a woman to marry a men who she fell in love with. That a fact! Those muslim woman have to marry a muslim men. This men must be at least converted to this religious. But a muslim men don't have to force their love. Thats why I have seen alot of arabic men or turkish men are married in germany with german woman who still are christian or non believers who are celebrating christmas and those woman even ate pork and drank alcohol. Thats why if my girl came from this background she has totally get rid of this ideology and I would force her not to wear a hijab otherwise she is not my girlfriend anymore because I don't see any respect to woman with those rules. I exactly know how everything works in different communiteis. I know the tradition I know the culture I know different ideologies. And thats why a girl from a muslim background has to move from her parents home, she has to give up the contact to them, she has totally give up the mindset like a conservative muslim men is thinking. Otherwise I will not be happy in this relationship and she neither.
  19. Krillin1993

    Krillin1993 Fapstronaut

    I have seriously no problem with people who are wearing a hijab. I have a problem behind the ideology and the way of thinking behind it. In a relationship I would be against of the decision that my girlfriend wears a hijab. She has also give up her religion, not for me!, it is because I want to let he understand that this is a sign surpressing woman in a perfide way and woman simply accepting this without questioning. You know why? Once you are questioning your own religion people reacting aggresive people reacting not peacful. I can see this. they will disown you, they will fight you until you accepting your own religion back again. And this is standing in the Quran as welll. Fight those Kafirs until they are accepting the religion and people are thinking and acting exactly the same way. And you won't imagine what a hell it would be when families loosing their children to a free liberal mindset. It is a desaster, when your own son or daughter is saying that she or he is an Atheist or just believe in God. Nobody is caring about their action as a human being unless you are in the right religion. And thats what I am standing against it till the bitter end. My girlfriend should onyl be an Atheist or Deist or Agnostic. In my world I have deleted all monotheist religions, I only find some buddhist and vedic teachings interesting but when it comes to the hindu cast system or any conservatism from Budhist people I can't support that as well.