Discord servers good to socialize?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, May 4, 2021.

  1. For when one is lonly?

    Is it?
  2. I prefer IRL
  3. OrganizeInformed

    OrganizeInformed Fapstronaut

    I don't think so. There may be good servers, it also depends on the people on that channel obviously but EVEN if you have a good time chatting I think there's an issue of just being another form of instant gratification. If there's enough activity it may become a go to thing, and it's always there. To me just on that basis anything that's kind of on-demand can become habit forming, especially a semi-social mediated form of communication.
  4. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    Most of them are simply too big to be good to meet new people for my taste.

    And Discord can get nsfw, be careful what server are you joining, it's reputation is not unearned.