Public Admin and Pornography

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Cartographer, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Good evening NoFap,

    I have an interesting story to share today and would be interested to hear your opinion. I tried to bring up porn addiction today in class since the topic of mass shootings came up. This was a Direct Message that I sent to my professor before just bringing up the topic.

    "I was wondering if I might be able to share a bit of a taboo subject with the class regarding the Vegas shooter and other serial murderers like Ted Bundy. That is pornography. As we are moving into the public sector I feel that internet censorship will be a big topic and access to adult content is dangerous to the mental health of children. I personally have struggled with internet porn and have been actively pursuing a life free of it for the past 3 years and it is honestly the most difficult challenge I have faced in my life. If this is a no go I completely understand, but it is my opinion that this could prove to be a hot topic issue in the future of public administration"

    I was unable to address the topic since it is too sensitive (and this is something that I understand, not the time nor place).

    So my question is, how do we start the conversation, where do we begin to make change, what are your opinions, and are there other public admin students/professionals here?
    CarP likes this.
  2. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Society and the government promotes and pushes it. Best way to do it is be an individual and fight the grain. You have to bold as a lion and basically stand on your own to be able to speak freely. If you cant do it at school try to raise awareness somewhere else. Really show the negative reality of where porn leads.
  3. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    I have come to realize that acting as an individual does little to effect change in a society that favors "waking sleep." It takes a team and building awareness, and a willingness to have a conversation. I went out on a limb yesterday (risking my reputation [whatever that is lol]) to bring up a topic that has severe societal implications.

    Have you had success in discussing PMO addiction with people who might rather not speak on the topic?
  4. SlimTeleGuy

    SlimTeleGuy Fapstronaut

    Good on you for trying. There is a small contingent of people on the internet that are anti-porn here's an article about it on VOX "" (I don't agree with the authors take on several levels). I'm just posting this as an example. But the fact is this type of thinking has been around for a while and never gets enough traction because most liberal-minded people see "anti-porn" as repressive. Until there are significant scientific findings that are widely accepted about the dangers of porn, I think nofap and other similar movements will be fringe counter cultures.

    The best you can do is let your friends and family know. If enough people do that we'd all be in a better place. I personally should have listened to my dad, and my pastor when I was a kid still going to church. I instead listened to my friends and the "media". Share your story on the internet if you feel comfortable enough to do so. Just be ready for ridicule. Because people will see you as weak or something close to a bigot. I don't really understand why anyone would fall on their sword defending the "need" for people to watch other people have sex for entertainment. But that's our world. I don't think we should be put too much effort into canceling porn so to speak. I think we should just be realistic about the effects and let people decide for themselves.
  5. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Thanks @SlimTeleGuy :)

    It is an interesting time that we live in. The paradox is that one feels so liberated once they are away from porn. Since NoFap I have felt more alive than ever before.
    SlimTeleGuy likes this.
  6. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    Here are my opinions:
    1. In order to attempt to bring the problem of P addiction to the "political" (or public) sphere one must be on a PhD level of understanding of pornography addiction. This is a level that includes all aspects of it from physiological, to biological, to neurological, and other "dimensions" (energy in terms of spirit, and in terms of physics). The scientific perspective in and of itself is not enough at this stage in the game.
    2. The next aspect is the delivery aspect, especially as a pioneer of such an endeavor. Can one remain in a calm and assertive state while also being inviting and providing a source of laughter while trying to bring the addiction up to a public space?
    3. One cannot go the route of putting law into place, it doesn't work. It has to be an educational endeavor.
    4. Lastly, and just for fun, once someone has successfully come out of the addiction with a worldly understanding (what does that mean, right? haha), ready for plenty of duels in debates, then one can make a simple statement by adorning some "anti-porn, yet informative" clothing and just go on about their daily activities. It is like a walking advertisement. But, advertisement in and of itself is a playground from money-making industries (porn, for example).
    Well, there's my two cents.
  7. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    Thanks @eagle rising !

    Your input is quite insightful and accurate in my opinion. I think that educating our youth in a way that focuses on empathy could encourage a new wave of thinking in our future. Our youth are the best shot we have, its simply a matter of educating ourselves and then setting the example for them to emulate.

    Anti-sex sells xP I'll believe it when I see it. Unfortunately I think that it has been made into a bit of a joke such as #viginityrocks and other youtube personalities.
    eagle rising likes this.
  8. SlimTeleGuy

    SlimTeleGuy Fapstronaut

    I agree with @eagle rising and I hope there is someone out there willing to do all the work and study as well as the work of challenging several other academics and doctors that claim the practice is perfectly fine. That method that you mention of changing the attitude of the practice through ads is exactly what happened with smoking. What was once considered a cool practice(even healthy) is now seen as a stupid and deadly habit. I suppose if it can happen with smoking and "big tobacco" it could happen with porn. But again, smoking isn't illegal. We just now understand the truth and the dangers of smoking.
    Cartographer likes this.
  9. Cartographer

    Cartographer Fapstronaut

    @SlimTeleGuy Really good point about the shift in perspective with smoking!