Learn from my mistake

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Deleted Account, Apr 24, 2021.

  1. I went out a few weeks ago, chatted up a lady, got her number, and managed to get her to meet me for dinner.

    Dinner went well, we went for a short walk, it got a bit awkward, and then we made out for several minutes.

    I texted the next night to lock in date two. We’d talked about it over dinner. I know, wait a few days to figure out what you really want and build some anticipation. That’s not the mistake though, not really. It’s a small part of a much bigger picture.

    She said she had a great time but that she wasn’t ready for date two. Here’s the mistake: I took that personal. Instead of saying something like “I had a great time too, let me know if something changes” and moving on with my life I took it personally. How dare she make out with me and then not immediately become my girlfriend. I wasn’t overly dramatic, but I didn’t do myself any favors.

    I processed the exchange with a couple of friends over the weekend and it became abundantly obvious to me that I behaved like an entitled and ungrateful piece of shit.

    I wasn’t happy that I got the chance to get to know her, I was angry that she didn’t immediately do what I wanted. That’s the mistake. That’s the problem. That’s the test I failed. And I’ve been failing it over and over again with woman after woman. Even the ones that have gone to bed with me. It’s led to unsatisfactory hookups and stale relationships. Obviously I have to break out of this cycle, but this is the first time I really saw the pattern.

    In general you should be grateful for the woman in your life, want for their happiness, and accept that nine times out of ten their happiness is not going to have anything to do with you.

    I’m heading out on the hunt with a friend in a few hours. No reason I should be the only one to learn from my mistake.
  2. What would happen if you were to sit with the desire to go out and hunt for women till it passed and left you alone, maybe for the first time in your life? How long do you think that would take - to let the discomfort of the emotion in to the extent that it spends itself being felt by you and you're free of it for a moment or two?
  3. I don’t think I am where you think I am.
  4. Just seems like the drive to get new women is so strong that it gets rid of any women that come to you so you can chase more.
  5. Which part of my original posts makes you think that?
  6. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I understand you, basically you put your desires first and that is lust. So you lose a sense of timing and doing things right, you stop being aware of what the other person wants or the rhythm of the other person wants the relationship to go.

    It has happen to me, still happens not so much but sometimes. It's a thin line between being assertive and laid back.

    But it's great you figure it out. Now you can start to control it better. Thank you for posting.
    greenishmoon and Garek like this.
  7. Pretty much this. As long as the underlying motivations are wrong, proper actions can’t arise naturally and spontaneously. Address the underlying motivations and the proper actions are much easier to take.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  8. again

    again Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Great insight.
    Garek likes this.
  9. "Hunt" is a pretty aggressive verb to use, and a hunter is only satisfied till his belly is empty again. The whole vibe is that you want to devour the woman before you. Even your self-criticism is strident, but it's not the object of the energy that's the issue, it's the quality of the emotion in itself, which in this case seem to be too forceful for the task you want to accomplish.
  10. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    You are already stepping over it already then. Sometimes question and answer both arises at the same time or are the same.
    Garek likes this.
  11. That does seem to be what’s happening.
  12. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Well, im my class im the only man and i usually putt the girls of my group to laugh or smille or be happy quite easily, even today on a phone call to study doubts that happened
  13. The girl was honest and she told you straight up what was happening, she could have ghosted but decided to be genuine.
    Check out this youtube video, I think it addresses your situation.
  14. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    You should start dating woman that are happy to go out on a date with you, and not woman that you need to work to get a date. Remember, woman love to work to get a man attention. If you work to get theirs she is not going to be attracted to you.

    At least you went for the kiss at the end of the nigth. Sometimes they accept the kiss just to get ride of you, you need to figure out if she is really putting effort in it or not. I dated a woman one time and I knew she didn't want anything with me at the end of the nigth but I went for the kiss anyway and she kiss me back. Never heard from her again.

    You feared that she will slip away from your fingers so you needed to lock another date with her rigth away. You coudn't wait and you acted because of fear.

    Not only that, you want to wait a few days to see how she behaves when you contact her several days later. If she is glad that you talked to her is a good sign, if she can care less then she is not that much interested, if she is mad that you didn't call her earlier then you know she have really high spectations and is going to be mad every time you don't met her expectations.. that's a red flag. Also is good to let a few days to contact her to let her contact you first, woman that are really interested in you are going to send you a text in hopes you ask them out again.

    It is a big mistake, you can get away with it if she is really into you. But with a woman that is figuring out what she wants with you this mistake is going to turn her off. You are showing you are needy and nothing going on with your life.

    She was a lot more direct than many woman. Normally they make an excuse that they are really busy. You want a woman that is happy to go on another date with you, when you ask a woman an she tell you she is busy or not interest yet just let her go, she is rejectig you and is not worth your time and effort. Tell her to cantact you when she gets free or is ready for another date. But you have to know that she already blew her chance with you, if she appears in the future she is the one that need to put the effort to go out with you, she need to gain another chance with you not the other way around. Stand your ground or you will be jerked around by woman.

    Worst thing you can do, you took the rejection really badly. That's something you need to work.

    Girlfriend? c'mon... you don't know her yet. You can bearly decide if you want to date her for a 2nd time. Stop putting woman in a pedestal after a 1st date.
    Enjoy the fact that you went out and had a good time and get some kisses in the end and move on to another girl.

    Good for you to aknowledge that.

    Again, be happy that you went out and have fun.. not to be happy that to meet her. She is not royalty, she is not the greatest woman in the world. She is just another woman to go and have fun.

    You failed a couple of test, yes. And you probably failed more test that you even know. That's the beauty of learning about attraction and dating. Once you learn, you can go back to your old dates and remember how bad you messed up without knowing it.

    We all do until we hit the wall and start to change and learn about dating.. attraction and woman nature.

    It doesn't matter, you can turn off a woman that sleept with you in a couple of wrong text messages.

    When you don't know what attracts a woman and what keep them loving your company then yes, you get bad experiences with woman.

    Congratulations, you opened your mind know is time to really learn about it and stop making this mistakes.

    Work to get what you want in life. Enjoy woman company but be happy also been alone.

    You always go to a relationship to give, to get the other person life better. Also go and look for a woman that also wants to make your life better.

    The source of a woman happines should be her own life. You should be just another thing in their life that bring her joy. This also apply to yourself.

    Thanks for sharing, there are a lot of of guys here that are behaving the same way and struggling with relationships.
    becomingreat and Garek like this.
  15. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    @p1n1983 Hey you write like someone who knows some more than me. Do you think hitting on girls on random stores would give any result?. Like going for a chat and ask their numbers.

  16. Thanks for the feedback. In general, the take away is about underlying motives. If your underlying motive are correct the right actions are going to follow and you are going to have a lot more leeway with your surface level actions. And if your underlying motives are wrong, then it may not matter if you do the surface level actions right. Of course it is also true that your surface level actions impact your underlying motives.

    When all is said and done, I was afraid of losing someone I didn't actually know because I was attracted to her and she listened to me talk. My behavior didn't make any sense and needs to change. Breaking out of this unhealthy pattern is more important to me than notching my bed post, getting married, or finding a way to make things work with this particular woman.

    The underlying issue is a resentful and entitled disposition towards woman that simmers just beneath the surface. It isn't just the wrong attitude for getting women to go to bed, it is the wrong attitude altogether. It is not an attitude that fosters either my own happiness or the happiness of others. That attitude is the real problem.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2021
  17. ElSabio

    ElSabio Fapstronaut

    A rare example of maturity. Refreshing to read this. Thanks!
    Garek likes this.
  18. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    why did it get awkward?
    also, you shouldn't have texted her the next day, but you know that.
    you have a needy attitude and women can sense that. instead of saying "i wasnt happy that i got the chance to get to know her,..", you shoulda be saying "she should be happy that she got the chance to know you". instead of thinking of you passing tests, you shoulda have the mindset of you being the catch and her passing your tests.

    read 3% man. i said it, and i say it again. youre making rookie mistakes, you have no clue whats going on, you have no understanding about yourself. i was that person too, believe me, that book will change your perception of yourself, women, dating. its free btw..
    Rev2.0 likes this.
  19. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    I only recommend it to get good social skills. Go out and stroke in conversation with any woman you get the chance to. Just make a choke.. a comment or something and see if she follow you in the interaction. Do it with woman you like and woman you don't, just as practice. Engaging woman in conversation is working to get the woman attention and it almost never work with woman. Woman want to chase the man they like, they know that guys that go after woman are needy and low value.

    A better approach is to work on yourself (looks, presence, confidence, stile, workout, status, money) and go out to the world to let woman see you. The onces that are interested in you are going to get closer to you in hopes you note them and go to talk to them. This woman are going to be happy to go out on a date with you.
    From the first moment this woman are chasing you and they love that. They love to work to get the attention of the man they like. You basically need to work on yourself to be a good catch and woman are going to work to get you. This is the best place to be in the dating market.
    greenishmoon likes this.
  20. This is not correct, the rest of your post not withstanding. The mindset you described on the other hand, that is correct. It was like at the end of the date I all of a sudden realized how well things were doing and that I didn’t actually have any idea what I wanted. I froze, and then reverted to the habits that have led me here.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2021
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