Urgent report about a very interesting observation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Falcon1493, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Falcon1493

    Falcon1493 Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure if this is the right subforum, but I hope mods will transfer the thread to the right one. I apologize in advance.

    This is a report about a very interesting observation I made a couple of weeks ago.

    I have a history of addicition, short periods before relapsing etc. For over 5 years I struggled with all this and I'm still not fully recovered. I tried different methods, some worked better, some didn't. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed a very interesting thing. A thing so interesting that when I noticed it, I immidiately remembered this forum and realized I have to share what I learned with people here. It may help some people a lot.

    Two months ago, Lent started and I decided to reduce food intake, a sort of fasting you could say or a diet, I don't know.

    Around 9 am, for breakfast I'd eat a slice of bread without any ham/bacon (nothing made out of meat). I'd just put on some cheese, cream or something made out of fish. For lunch around 4-6 pm, I'd eat normally a plate of food, meat included. For dinner, around 10 pm, I sometimes wouldn't eat anthing and sometimes a slice or two of bread (again either with conserved fish or cheese/cream). I would drink coffee throughout the day and a glass of juice maybe, but no sweets, chips and the like in between meals. I didn't do any special training programs really throughout this period.

    First couple of days of this regime were the hardest. You have to endure hunger a bit and sometimes your head hurts. But you get used to it fairly quickly I would say, within the first week. I was suprised how I could suddenly function normally with much less food than ordinary. I started forgetting about food altogether. I also noticed I was much more focused mentally and intellectually (and this intelectual satisfaction kind of replaced the feeling of being satieted with food). I lost maybe 8 pounds during this 6 week period which isn't a lot really.

    The sex urge was still there for the first two weeks, but than it unexpectedly started to decrease significantly. By the fourth/fifth week it got so weak that I could beat it quite easily. This is something I haven't experienced for years and I was really shocked. It took much less effort than usual. I was basically at a level I almost didn't get the urge at all, and if something triggered it, it was much, much weaker than before. By the 5th/6th week I was completely clean with so little effort I couldn't believe it.

    At this point I understood that my experiment and observation is really important for people struggling with addiction. I'm not saying it's a magical method, but the urges get really weak and they are far more easier to control.

    I think the correlation between food intake, libido and clear intellectual activity is really there. After this little experiment, I don't think it's even possible to seriously talk about abstaining without reducing food intake. I can't even imagen how much progress we could do if all of us addicts would collectively apply this a couple of times a year.
  2. Inconcievable

    Inconcievable Fapstronaut

    This makes a lot of sense given our evolutionary background. When you're hungry, without enough food resources, you're not prepared to procreate. The loss of nutrients triggers a loss of libido. I think you make an interesting point, but this isn't a magic bullet.

    Losing over a pound a week from fasting is not a sustainable long-term approach for many people.
    With that said, you make a great case for some intermittent fasting for people who struggle with overwhelming libido issues. I think there's a healthy strategy to be found here.
    Infidel.48 likes this.
  3. Indiahel

    Indiahel Fapstronaut

    Might have something to do with the dopamine you get from food. Following is just Wikipedia quote:
    Dopamine fasting is a form of digital detox, involving temporarily abstaining from addictive technologies such as social media, listening to music on technological platforms, and Internet gaming, and can be extended to temporary deprivation of social interaction and eating.
    Proponents of dopamine fasting argue that it is a way to exert greater self-control and self-discipline over one's life
  4. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut

    This is a fascinating thread. I think you have really brought up a fantastic point: I think that the lack of food intake and certainly the kinds of foods avoided do-and-must have an impact on sexual triggerings. Just as a layman guide, there are certain 'adrophrodisiac foods' which certainly when eaten, as said to increase libido and so forth, and ofcourse alchohol when one imbibes to a point, it has triggering, or can have triggering aspects.

    On a personal note, from experience: when I have been under quite serious job-related, military-mission-like duress and high tensile activity whether it be

    - travelling to a different country through highly dangerous places
    - working 14-16 hour days for a difficult boss
    - totally consumed by a project such a book writing trying to study to pass a test (which can go 6 months or more)
    - feeling under attack from a particular business foe
    - needing to survive from day-to-day and getting a job/ or keeping business up

    I have found that I simply don't have time or energy psycho-physiological energy to even think about those lower thoughts or PMO because, my stresses have somewhat shut-down those dopaminurgic receptors in the brain and maybe also in the body (I believe Jordan Peterson once said something about that)

    Anyone else had this happen - that sometimes they are just to damn skinny/poor/stressed out/over-worked to feel any sort of drive to PMO?
    Falcon1493 likes this.
  5. Falcon1493

    Falcon1493 Fapstronaut

    I'm not vegetarian or anything and maybe this is just my subjective experience but I noticed that when you eat more meat and meat based food, the libido somewhat starts recovering. Someone said to me, it might be due to hormones in the meat itself, but I'd have to research that.

    And yes, obviously you won't apply this approach longterm without interruption. But given how much we in the west eat and how our food is rich in calories generally, you really get those pounds back quickly. Doing a few weeks of this regime a couple of times a year, won't do much harm and it might even help regulate weight, libido etc.

    Sure, I used to do 12-14 hours on construction sites for days in a row. It's difficult to sit on a couch and have a beer, let alone feel the drive.
  6. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut

    It's super interesting as even in primates that are taken from the wild and put into zoos. I'm not sure the exact scientific reports but the basics are that the primates in the wild did not M and when they were put in captivity, they started to M.

    In the wild = survival priorities = no downtime = no boredom = no time to M

    In the zoo = survival taken care of = lots of down time = boredom = starts to M
  7. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut

    I would say, given this information - there are some adjustments to the way we live as humans, and especially as men: we could ask, are our lives in safe captivity? or are we living in freedom and wilderness and competition in our life = a certain healthy level of stress and preoccupation with growing and survival?

    There could be a direct correlation to our freedom vs captivity and tendency to self abuse...
  8. Waltz

    Waltz Fapstronaut

    Yes it does help a lot. I've experienced it myself too. The reason I believe is that when we eat less and it's something new we're trying to do, there's this anticipation of getting to eating. We get our dopamine release through food. Food is more often in our mind than sex as it is our basic need the most essential thing for survival. It's really a healthy way to distract yourself from pmo.
    P. S. If you're keeping up with eating less than I'd suggest to eat at least 90 minutes before going to bed. Washing your feet with warm water and message your soles with oil before going to sleep it'll improve your quality of sleep 3 folds this was very common in India and written all over the Ayurvedic texts. Keep up the good work. Good luck.
  9. 4:30am

    4:30am Fapstronaut


    I have never heard of washing the feet with warm water and massage the soles with oil before bed. I will try it: argon oil, olive oil, grapeseed?

    Maybe this is why those old indian guys live 100 years!

    Sounds amazing, will try it tonight.


    The day that I relapsed I remembered that I had eaten red bison meet about 10 hours before.

    I have been basically vegetarian during this whole process and that was the one time that I relapsed.

    Noted: diet effects everything.

    Now lets kill some uges!

    Waltz likes this.
  10. Waltz

    Waltz Fapstronaut

    Sesame oil is the best if you can manage otherwise coconut oil. Those are only 2 I've readed in books.
  11. Falcon 003

    Falcon 003 Fapstronaut

    That’s fascinating
  12. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    It's all about having control over your actions, not easy that's why many give up or fail constantly. Wish the best for you brotha.
  13. Inconcievable

    Inconcievable Fapstronaut

    Yes, I've had experiences where the stress is 24 hours for several weeks. I rarely had sexual urges and I think I masturbated once just to check everything still worked. It's hard to imagine how to make practical use of this phenomenon.

    Severe stress isn't really something most people can self-impose. What do you do, have a friend lock you in a closet for a week? Medium levels of stress might lower libido a bit, but the PMO problem is more about habit and addiction than it is about sex drive. Stressful situations often force people to turn to their coping habits (aka masturbation), so imposing high levels of stress doesn't seem helpful for most.

    Again, I don't want to shut down anyone's exploration. I think if someone's PMO problem is very libido-driven, they probably have to develop a different approach. I think people with an especially high libido should try normal mode, no porn but masturbation permitted. At least, this might avoid frequent relapses and stumbles trying to tackle their high sex drive and a porn addiction at the same time. Slay one dragon at a time friends.