Question for vegetarians or about vegetarianism.

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Apr 19, 2021.

  1. Hello.
    I've thought about becoming a vegitarian.
    What are pros and what are cons? I personally feel like it will make me feel way better in my own skin and it will make me feel like... Younger?
    Vegetarians what are your experiences?Is it worth it?
    Bob8 likes this.
  2. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    I'd go for paleo diet or keto. Or a regular modern diet. What's wrong with meat that you wanna avoid it?
    Hachiraya likes this.
  3. arkad1

    arkad1 Fapstronaut

    Nope, you won't become younger just cutting out meat, and neither healthier just by that.

    Just cutting out meat from one's diet is not a big deal.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  4. To be honest I don't really know. It's just that I've heard a lots of negative stuff about it. I know meat is actually good, but... There's a point that it's a dead body and what good can it bring to you? Also I've heard that it makes you look bit older or something. Maybe it's a fat lie, I don't know.
    I guess also some self improvement books have suggested that not eating meat can be good for you. Stupid side is that they don't quite explain why but that just tingles my curioisity so I want to try this vegetarianism thing.
    Hadrian3 likes this.
  5. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    Check this video mate, its long.. but worth it, changed my life:

    GTraven95 likes this.
  6. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    Also search for the documentary ''The Game Changers'' on Netflix, you will find so much amazing info about ditching meat and dairy on that. super eye opening.
    GTraven95 and Hachiraya like this.
  7. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    I've found that listening to podcasts by Rich Roll and Darin Olien have been super helpful to continue to learn about this way of life, i've been vegan for almost 3 years, and its the happiest, healthiest and best version i've ever been of myself, highly recommend.
    GotCaught and Energyworld like this.
  8. Thank you for information and valuable opinion, but vegan and vegetarian is not the same, right?
    Veganism doesn't seem to be something I want to try (at least not now). But being a vegetarian is pretty close, right?
    Bob8 likes this.
  9. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    You're welcome, let me know how you get on, i would say start with ''The Game Changers'' if you can find it on Netflix, or even ''What the health'' its on there too.

    You're right, vegan and vegatarian are different, of course, but start with vegetarianism and see how you go, just slowly cut out your meat, fish and dairy intake, and see how your body feels and responds to it, try and plan it right, and use YouTube for some recipes and alternatives to your favourite meals.
    GTraven95 and Hachiraya like this.
  10. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Dont be a soy boy
    BugsBunny555 likes this.
  11. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    Hachiraya likes this.
  12. Soy is more of vegan thing, isnt it? I can find tons of foods without soy in it that are good for me and they are not meat.
  13. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    I think is easier to find them with hidden soy than without nowdays.

    GUYS guys! let the man be a vegetarian, or ovolactovegetarian to be more precise, don't try to turn him in into the vegan cult.

    Better ovovegetarian in my opinion, dairy is pointless.
  14. If you want to start a vegetarian journey you should remember that you will deny to yourself some kind of energies that you get when you eat meat. Without them you don't suck energies from other living forms and you need to find somewhere else these energies, like in a "spiritual world", and eat healty.
    SickSicko and Hachiraya like this.
  15. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    Look up some healthy vegan or vegetarian recipes online, have some meat-free days and then some meat-free days and pay attention to how they make you feel. If you feel lethargic try adding more protein (etc).
    And if you are cutting out meat for longer than a week or so you will probably need supplements - B12 at the very least.
    You might feel the healthiest you have been. Plenty of people do. But it varies.

    You want to avoid soy? Then you need to cut out processed meat, sausages burgers etc. which are padded with soy. A largely vegan diet with your protein from pulses (other than soy), grains etc and occasional grass-fed meat or eggs for extra protein is the best way.
    GTraven95 and Melkhiresa like this.
  16. BugsBunny555

    BugsBunny555 Fapstronaut

    fredisthebes likes this.
  17. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut

    Its better than being a dairy boy

    Dairy increases estrogen, not soy. Soy is simply a green vegetable, a bean infact. While dairy is bovines pumped and injected with estrogen (and still not a good kind for human females) to cause them to produce unnatural amounts of milk because they are used as nothing more than a commodity

    The propaganda is ridiculous
    MindfulWarrior likes this.
  18. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Milk is evil, soy is evil too
    BugsBunny555 likes this.
  19. BugsBunny555

    BugsBunny555 Fapstronaut

    Soy is gross and unhealthy.

    I refuse to elaborate.

    Not a big fan of milk too thick. Alcohol, beer specifically can cause the body to produce estrogen, stay away from it.

    On the topic of veganism and vegetarianism. I have only seen one healthy looking vegan/vegin and that is Clarence Kennedy, but he juices. I have known many people who were frequently sick from eating on veg and supplements. Doesnt seem economically viable considering the amount of supps you gotta buy.

    The only animals I like are cats and dogs. The rest I have nothing but wrath for, and they taste good.

    Oh rabbits too
  20. RavenGT

    RavenGT Fapstronaut


    I've been vegan for 5.5 years now and I drink 2L of soymilk a day plus other foods containing soy in them. I am 6'0 and weigh 190lbs / 86kg and I'm natural and on a bulk right now. Do I look unhealthy?
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021