Starting ALLLL over again. Need motivation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Namekian23, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I need some motivation. I decided to reset my PMO tracker back to 0 days. People were saying, "Wow, you did 75 days. Awesome!" or "Good job man! I hope you reach 90 days!" It was all bullshit, so I'm starting all over!! My biggest challenge is to beat my REAL record of 39 days this year. It's not a lot, but I'm really starting from the bottom. Since I HAVEN'T had a successful streak since mid summer of last year, I really need to get my shit together. I don't want to be congratulated on some accomplishment that I didn't even do! So I'm doing 15 days, JUST 15. Can anyone give me motivation? Anything is better than nothing. Yes, it's small, but I have to start somewhere. Everybody's doing better than me and I need to catch up!
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
  2. Burty

    Burty Guest

    @Namekian23 the very fact that you are here right now is just an encouragement to me and others.. I see you hit 39 days, what another encouragement to me and others.... The fact that you doubt what you have achieved is another encouragement to me and others, as we can all get weak and tired.. You say it was all bullshit...? I see someone who is full of something.. now what is it...??? ah yes encouragement!!! may that be an encouragement to you...

    All the best
    FreedomIsHere and JoeinMD like this.
  3. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    One thing about starting at day 1 again after having succeeded for a while (short or long) is that we really are a little better off than when we first started. Some reprogramming of the brain wiring has occurred and some detox has taken place. Keep journaling, dude, keeping faith in your set goals, and finding what has worked in your fellow NoFap brother's lives, as journaled by them. Godspeed!
  4. FreedomIsHere

    FreedomIsHere Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I just relapsed after a personal best 23 day streak and instead of looking at day 24 today, I'm back to the start. Just know that this is a new lifestyle change you are making and you're bound to make some mistakes along the way. The NoFap journey seems to be a roller coaster ride, sometimes some very high ups and some very low downs. But just know that there's a part of you and your brain that wants to walk away from all things PMO. There's also a part of your brain that is addicted to PMO and will do everything it can to rationalize with you to relapse. Just know that you always have a choice and hopefully you choose the part of your brain that wants to walk away. Don't worry too much about how everyone else is doing. Just focus on taking it one day at a time and you'll be one step closer to fully recovering. Everyone's journey is different and all you can do is always attempt to succeed. All it can take is 1 big streak to get you on the path to recovery. 39 days is an awesome streak man, sometimes it does take a long time to get back up after you had a long run. It took me a couple months to beat my old best of 14 days which I set in April. Just always research and look at strategies that others who've been successful and implement those into your journey. I hope you succeed and try again if you ever have a slip up! If you need any support feel free to message me on here. Keep fighting!

  5. ThatOneGuy56

    ThatOneGuy56 Fapstronaut

    Namekian23, sorry that you relapsed. I understand how you feel trust me I have been down that road so many times before. You just have to get up and get out there man! I know its hard, all these people probably see what were fighting against not really a big deal but... IT IS! THE FACT THAT YOU AND SO MANY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM REALLY TRY TO GIVE UP THEIR ADDICTION IS AMAZING! LOOK AT YOUR SELF YOU MADE IT TO 75 DAYS! THAT'S AWESOME! USE YOUR STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE AND WILL POWER TO BEAT THIS ADDICTION! BE THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE: PMO FREE! Sorry that was all in caps but I couldn't resist :p, but you can do it man I know you can. If you made it to 75 days, you can do it again and beyond that.
    Namekian23 and FreedomIsHere like this.
  6. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    Use my tracking dealie in my signature line. :)
    Namekian23 likes this.
  7. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your help guys. I appreciate your encouragement :)
  8. thedutchman

    thedutchman Fapstronaut

    I must say. What you had in your first post was what i had yesterday. Spent so much time on a habit which destroyed me emotionally and physically(sore and backpain from long "sessions").
    I actually wanted to give up. Let porn win. I felt bad, like i punched some 3 year old kid in the face.

    My last attempt was to post it here. I don't know why i did it. I wanted help i guess, even if i didnt believed in the fact that people here can actually help you.
    In no time people responded. people that i didnt know. I felt heared. Somebody knows how i feel. On that moment i realised that i need to give that back. So here i am.

    When you feel down, its just a moment, an emotion never takes for ever. Your sadness or hatred about what you did will turn into power. It will help you guide you to your awesomeness.
    And with the people here and maybe at home you will rise and be the man you never taught you could be. Simple because your awesome and i believe in you. When your down, fuck giving up. Giving up is for winners and that's where you belong. you will rise and eventually defeat this disease en let it perish in the darkest place.

    I support you bro!
    Namekian23 likes this.