Not wearing a mask on street

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by PanteriMauzer, Apr 6, 2021.

  1. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    What gets me is when you see people wearing them in cars when there is noone else in the car, or when someone is walking down the street with literally noone anywhere near them. These people are genuinely retarded.
    SDJR and brassknucks like this.
  2. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    You would love my commie State, Retards just like you described everywhere.
  3. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    The ones I consider Super Retard Virtue signalers are the idiots that run, bike or any other exercise with the mask on.
  4. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Apart from the instance with the moaning couple, all of my stories happened last year. Thankfully more and more people seem to have stopped giving a fuck and will just act like normal people. At the most some will give you a wider berth or stop to let you pass them, but it's hard to tell if they are doing that specifically because of covid or just because of politeness.
  5. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    All of them had been bitten by a damn ratmonkey
  6. Stitch 626

    Stitch 626 Fapstronaut

    Really hope you guys read this, and other sources too. Try this one, you'll know more information about the funkiest variants:

    I really hope I'm wrong and you guys can keep making fun, but please, send funny messages in a year or so from now as well. I'll be glad to know you guys are well and alive.

    (Of course, no need to wear masks inside your car or when you're all alone, and no need to be like the moaning couple)
    ItalianGrains likes this.
  7. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    I got the boris johnson version of the virus and t cellkillers are efficient to all the strains
  8. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Mate I've been making fun of it since the beginning, saying how things would be, and everything happening, in april I was crazy for suggesting more lockdowns around november, it happened, then said that after having the vaccine they would come up with something to carry on the fearmonger, oh! the variants!, also since april was calling on the chance of vaccine passport taking place, called crazy conspiracy theorist, do your homework, is stopping to be funny as we are sleepwalking into a dystopian totalitarian regime...

    I will say even more, since mid 2019 I knew something would create a market crash on early 2020, wasn't sure what would be the excuse, oh wait, corona happened, again.... call me crazy today, tomorrow I will say I TOLD YOU.
    SDJR, Mr Lee and Stitch 626 like this.
  9. Stitch 626

    Stitch 626 Fapstronaut

    Oh, absolutely! Can't wait to hear those words tomorrow.
    Congrats for... Well, whatever you're trying to do.

    Talking about homework...
    You just found out the connection between uncertainty and global market. Really recommend you consider the 1920 graph for spanish flu. Also take in consideration globalization, internet, neoliberalism, viral physiology... You know, homework. Don't stay in the obvious.

    As said, hope to hear from you in a year or so. Hope you're well.
    ItalianGrains likes this.
  10. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    In every story I told, I (or the people I was with) and the people who reacted to being near us were the only people within like 20 feet. Oftentimes there were no other people at all. In every occasion these people were not wearing masks either so them reacting the way they did made absolutely no sense. Did they expect us to wear masks but not them? Were they simultaneously so paranoid and also so lazy that they would react like I was a leper when they passed me but couldn't be bothered to actually protect themselves? If they were genuinely so concerned, why did none of them cross the street ahead of time, considering in all cases the people saw me way before the close contact occurred?

    None of the stories I witnessed indicate people being rational about a possible disease, they indicate people acting like idiots. I mean come on, they were literally jumping into the road instead of just crossing the street.
    Stitch 626 likes this.
  11. I've been in close contact with people on a regular basis the past entire year+ since the fear-mongering began. I went to visit a sick patient in the hospital whom some claimed had COVID (I don't think he did, but it was a bad cough)--without a mask. I walked right into the government-designated hospital for COVID patients, multiple times, without a mask (note: the poverty of the third-world country meant that most people didn't have masks and the hospitals did not enforce their use). I shake people's hands. I eat with them. I visit people in their homes. I go to church every week and meet a group of people there. No mask. No illness, either.

    More people die of the common cold than of COVID, and more people die of alcohol than either of them. If we really want to prevent mortality, there are many other issues that could legitimately receive our time and attention above and beyond the COVID molehill. Because others are afraid does not mean I should be. If I am not sick, and I am living healthfully, there is no reason I should be any danger to others, nor them to me.
  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I think is because Mr Lee comments are mainly in the off topic section. They don't count.
  13. Stitch 626

    Stitch 626 Fapstronaut

    You're absolutely right. It doesn't make sense at all to react like that if you're not wearing a mask as well. I have seen people complaining about others that didn't wear mask, didn't spread alcohol on their hands, didn't do a lot of the recommended stuff, when they did probably even less going to parties and all. Those people are not really concerned, they just want to demand and keep this image that they're doing the right thing, fighting the disease, etc. It's really a shame what they've done to you, makes no sense at all.
    ItalianGrains and AtomicTango like this.
  14. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    It's a form of virtue signalling. Make yourself appear virtuous to others instead of actually doing anything practical.
    Stitch 626 and ItalianGrains like this.
  15. There's a 10k fine to those that don't wear the masks. I'm forced to use them when no one is around, but I usually don't if there's no one but I've got so used to having it on that I don't even notice it when I be driving. I guess it's useful. I also have faith in my immunity system but if it fails me, its doomed so maybe I shouldn't be overconfident.
    Stitch 626 and ItalianGrains like this.
  16. sikreodds97

    sikreodds97 Fapstronaut

    It has been programmed into peoples mind since birth that the government/elites of the world are working in their best interest. The one who question them are labeled as crazy even tho more and more people are waking up to the fact that 12 families pretty much own the entire world and all big companies and news outlets. The biggest lie mankind has told itself is that corruption has happened for 10.000+ years and suddenly its no longer present.
    SDJR likes this.
  17. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    I think there lies the problem. Government shouldn't coerce its citizens to wear these face coverings as it creates a precedent to institutionalize and enforce unscientific policies. You know where that begins but not where it ends.

    If you put a capnograph under the mask whilst you wear it, it actually pings as it detects an alarming rate of raised CO2 levels (this shouldn't come off as a surprise):

    The fact that YouTube actually deletes these videos because it 'violates community guidelines' - if that doesn't scare the shit out of you, I don't know what will.
  18. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    I assumed this is why I feel lightheaded if I wear a face covering for more than 15 minutes or so at a time. I went shopping recently and was in there for ages. When I got home I was totally out for the count, as though I was suddenly and inexplicably ill.
  19. I feel that my point of view is the same as yours. I wear masks and take the necessary precautions (i.e. hand sanitizing and safety distance) because I think that it's the right and responsible thing to do.
    Even if in an hypothetical tomorrow it turns out that none of it all mattered, I'll still rest easy knowing that my intentions were in the right place and that I didn't harm anyone.

    Although I completely agree on alcohol and other issues being present, I feel that the first statement is debatable.
    On pages 12 and 13 you'll find the graphs of deaths in regions of Italy, with the average for 2015-1019 in blue and with the 2020 data in orange. Overall it's quite an increment.
    It's also worthy of consideration the fact that the italian government has taken action to hamper the diffusion of the virus. So the virus provoked more deaths while being hindered; had it been left to itself like the common cold, do you think that the numbers would be the same? In my opinion they would have been greater.

    I haven't noticed any effect on my body after wearing a surgical facemask for 6+ hours when I worked in a factory this summer with 35 / 40 °C. And what about doctors before or during covid, who had to wear this type of mask for 8+ hour shifts? They don't just collapse after 10 minutes of work because of the masks.
    This is a similar video which uses a saturimeter:

    Also, judging wether or not a video is legitimate based on YouTube guidelines is really fickle. You can find accounts of countless examples in which YouTube's policies for "appropriate content" have been contradictory and inconsistent (at best).
    Marshall 5 likes this.
  20. Not really a problem. All you have to do is just put the mask on. Problem avoided. Why do they do this? Because people care about their pockets more than their health. Do I aid this decision? No, but its effective and because of that, I haven't gone sick in a while.
    Yeah. The masks are useful in keeping germs out. I once had a similar experience and was Yo these masks aren't so bad after all.
    ItalianGrains likes this.