A discussion on why this forum is a better social media than all other typical social media

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by goodnice 2.0, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. Think about facebook, insta, snapchat, etc. Doesn't it make you feel lonely, jealous, full of negativity. This is quite common in mainstream social media, which often tends to do the opposite of what it is supposed to do: create meaningful connections

    I was describing to my girlfriend what NoFap was.

    She told me "I find that so amazing that in the guy community, you guys stand up for each other. You would never find something like that for women."

    I corrected her, "Not all guy communities are like this though. But NoFap is one of those places where people stick out for one another. It took a lot to even find them in the first place, I'm sure there is something similar on the women's side."

    One might argue that this site is a social media which i guess it kind of is, but it doesn't produce any of the bad feelings from other social media like instagram. Idk about you but this forum is the best i have ever come across. It is therapeutic in many ways. how come? The thing that differentiates this forum from other social media is that its centered around helping other people, rather than showing off. The people here are supportive, they try to help one another, offer advice, and they are REAL. They are HONEST.

    Social media is just a superficial display, an outward projection of happiness, which is fake. You can't connect in that way. Here, however, people reveal their real problems, they are vulnerable, and this facilitates a culture of trust. Forums like this is different, because everyone here have something that unites us (Our addiction, disgust for Pornography, etc)

    The people here are friendly, nontoxic, supportive. This is the reason why this forum works so well. However, I have noticed lately that it seems kind of dead. Not nearly as many people contributing as say 1 or 2 years ago. Anyone else notice this?
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2021
  2. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, it is not. One can get 'addicted' just the same. The mere fact of having an off-topic section, people posting memes and likes and whatnot, means that THIS IS a social media just like any other. Just the difference is, people here have the same objective of staying away from pmo. Just that.
  3. swordmaster

    swordmaster Fapstronaut

    Also, maybe you can get bad using the site too, I get bad sometimes. When I see someone with a lot of days away from the curse of pmo and me here, still on day one, it makes me feel bad just like any other social media. In the end, it goes by what you do on this 'social media', what you expect of it, how much time you spend ofn it, etc.
  4. Uhhhh.... ok.
    Yeah, men are so awesome. I love men.
  5. J053H32n4nd32

    J053H32n4nd32 Fapstronaut

    I feel like going on Facebook,twitter, and instagram just to follow artists on my iTunes library lol.
  6. My title says "this forum is a better social media" than other social media. so i said from the start that this site is a social media
    The difference is their number of days is not being lauded and thrown in your face. The main content isn't about showing off or mindless gossip, its about supporting one another. And there aren't pictures either. I don't think most people's intentions is to brag about their counter btw, but rather just to keep track of their days. Also, keep in mind, a lot of people simply forget to update their counters. So a guy's counter that says he is on 500+ days could just be due to inactivity

    Thats true, but it hardly generates a fraction of the jealousy, insecurity, negativity I feel from other social media. I have always felt this place to be quite homely, and full of positive vibes for the most part
  7. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    No it doesnt
    Facebook : i use it to read the news , and get some information , also to keep up with this covid insanity , good also to debate on some groups were im in (about sports and history no philosophical stuff because i dont like deep debates) and also to laught at some videos there

    Instagram: Good to connect with my friends , seen also some cool photos and i also see some news and learn some stuff

    Snapchat: i dont use anymore snapchat but when i used it was for trollling photos wt high school
  8. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    I think you have a good point, this forum is generally nice (except when there's a vegan thread where everyone just throws shit around).

    The big social medias like facebook, instragram, twitter, etc, have a really dark side, but like others have mentioned, there are more to those sites than that. You can definitely find the good parts in them and ignore the bad. Just being aware of how toxic it is for you lets you avoid it.

    But anyway I feel like you might not be here to argue that much, and instead simply compliment the people on this forum, and thank you for that! I also think people are so nice here, and it's just lovely to get support from everyone!

    I really don't know about it being dead, some people say it's been like it is now for years, but I'm only active from time to time so idk man.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  9. I liked what you posted. This is the best social media site. We're sincere about doing an ininterrupted streak. To get there, we describe our problems like is.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  10. yourhomieishere

    yourhomieishere Fapstronaut

    One reason is that people on other social media are trying to display themselves as being the perfect version of themselves. This website is for people to let out their faults and what they struggle with.
    goodnice 2.0 and Phast like this.
  11. We're serious! We don't just talk about the sunny side of our lives. We talk about the good a d the bad that happens to us.