Feeling weak,tired,lazy,and lots of self defeating thoughts,and heightened social anxiety

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by FpsMato, Mar 28, 2021.

  1. FpsMato

    FpsMato Fapstronaut

    Hello guys.I been doing nofap for 3 years so let me tell you my story.I always felt like something is off when i was fapping before I even knew about nofap.Like I used to think like in ww2 men were fighting and youre just here being pathetic and jerking off.It always felt to me like its feminine thing to do.Then i found out about nofap and heard about all the benefits and decided to give it a go.My first streak lasted about 1 week.Second 2 weeks.Then me and my friend decided to make a bet if we will last from winter to summer.So we went on streak but I dont remember being tired all the time while i was on nofap I remember like ultra strong urges but not feeling lazy or tired and I dont remember even having any depressive thoughts.And I felt so good like I felt every benefits described in reports.But during my streak at start of summer I became addicted to cola like I would drink 2l bottle a day.Eventually due to drinking so much cola I got depression, it was hell it lasted 1 year for me.And also during the depression I might have developed ED cause I feel like my dick is smaller than ever.But before I got the depression i noticed that I didnt feel any benefits during my streaks also the streak got much easier for some reason like I started feeling horny at day 50.Like I could go 130 days and only mild benefits but I was ultra horny.Probably cause I drank too much cola during those streaks and it might have postponned the withdrawals.At this time I dont know which day I am on probably day 20-30 but I feel very tired,lazy,and iam having lots of depressive thoughts and somehow my social anxiety is harder than ever.I dont even eat sugar now so It could be that porn withdrawals with sugar withdrawals combined.I feel like that for weeks now.Does anyone have same experience?Is it just start of flatline?Also any motivational comments would help me and I would appreciate it greatly.
    Edit:Thank you all for support really keeps me from relapsing.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
    BeezMeUp likes this.
  2. DGZ

    DGZ Fapstronaut

    You might be in for a very long flatline with ups and downs. It's called PAWS, or post-acute withdrawal syndrome. But the good news is that you WILL recover, if you don't relapse. Hang in there! All the benefits will return.
  3. Blazey

    Blazey Fapstronaut

    Quitting sugar is very nice decision if you really watch those carbohydrates in foods you buy and be very strict about it.

    I was in keto diet myself and felt like shit the first week or two, but o`boy after that i felt invinsible.

    The damage what has done in brain will heal faster, if you start making everyday healthy food and make it a habit, you will feel very good in a no time.

    This is brave approach you have taken, quitting sugar especially that white sugar (Yuk!) will make you feel like a new person, trust me.

    Im thinking about going to keto diet myself again and replace sugar-fuel with fat-fuel.
    FpsMato likes this.
  4. Rationaliser

    Rationaliser Fapstronaut

    Try cold showers. Don't start off lukewarm or hot. Just let the water run as cold as possible by itself, and then jump right in.

    One of the problems you'll find is that you're being in your comfort zone too much. You might be escaping discomfort in many areas in your life and taking the easy way out of things.

    Cold showers will help you learn to embrace discomfort voluntarily, and to compose yourself in difficult situations.
    FpsMato likes this.
  5. FpsMato

    FpsMato Fapstronaut

    Thx man I appreciate your support.I will not relapse I got a strong urge today cause of ad on youtube but fought it off.
  6. FpsMato

    FpsMato Fapstronaut

    Yeah I myself am thinking about going on keto diet to lose some weight and improve my mood.Shame that gyms are closed my country cause of covid I would love to workout especially during flatline/withdrawal symptoms.And thx for support man means a lot to me.
  7. Blazey

    Blazey Fapstronaut

    If you are lazy person in general like me who likes to play video games all day for example, i suggest you buy an pull-up bar and place it in a good spot where you walk alot in your appartment, You will get ripped very fast. Dont make any special goals, just see it as a fun iron-bar where is fun to hang, if you have lots of weight you propably wont get any or just 1 pull-up but thats not an issue, it is just the beginning and you will get better very fast. In my opinion this is the best exercising weapon a person can have in his home, mixing it with push-ups is a great way to improve your whole upper-body. Best thing is that because it is very heavy training, you dont have to do it alot, if you just few times a days jump to it and squeese whatever you can, you will notice that your body has been doing some heavy shit.

    After you have done this week or two or maby 3, you will start to learn listen to your body, you will start to notice how to squeese your muscles in different situation to a maximum or stop doing it not to hurt yourself. My point is not that you should start to do always maximum, it wont work, you will lose the appetite very quickly, it needs to become part of routine mixed with fun and progression, then it starts to feel like progress and that you have control in this area, its nice after that.
    FpsMato likes this.
  8. Blazey

    Blazey Fapstronaut

    Dude! Im going to go now into cold shower and the time is in here right now 3AM :D

    You gave me inspiration ! thx! :)

    I had bad mood swings last evening and it is still haunting, im going to jump right away to the cold shower and torture myself a littlebit, maby it helps... lol
    FpsMato likes this.
  9. Rationaliser

    Rationaliser Fapstronaut

    Cold showers won't automatically fix your problems. Confronting the cold water, composing yourself and letting the resistance go are practices that you need to replicate in your daily life.

    Treat them like learning lessons instead of problem solvers. You're the one who has to solve the problems by embracing and confronting discomforting decisions.
    FpsMato likes this.
  10. Babayao Mzito

    Babayao Mzito Fapstronaut

    Constructive discussion! I have purposed to go as far as 365 days. Healing and rebooting is now, not any other time!
    FpsMato likes this.
  11. StopW4nking4life

    StopW4nking4life Fapstronaut

    I don't think sugar with can be that addictive that it causes depression. It's because of your body not getting enough other nutrients and getting bombarded with cola. Social anxiety to me seems like a more of a porn withdrawal symptom than a sugar withdrawal symptom. I used to drink cola, red bulls and sugary food and never had any withdrawals as bad as porn.
  12. FpsMato

    FpsMato Fapstronaut

    Well Idk but since i started to heavy drink cola I got depression,no motivation,low energy,lack of enjoyment from little things.I never had those issues in my life before only after I became addicted to cola.But you could be right idk man all I know is that I usually have only down days during days 0-40 of nofap so could be porn withdrawals.
  13. Blazey

    Blazey Fapstronaut

    Scientific truth that white sugar is very toxic, basically a neurotoxin. It affects the same area in brain as cocaine, so you can assume it is very addicting.

    Sugar withdrawal dont last as long as P withdrawal but it is super-strong i dont think you have ever gone trough them. First 1-2 week you will feel so weak that you cant do anything combined with depression and very severe headach.

    Many people nowadays doesent understandably realize that in almost every food there is white sugar, they put it in there because it is so addictive. Addiction = more consumers. The real detox from sugar begins when you start to watch carbohydrates in foods and cut them out.
    FpsMato likes this.
  14. Blazey

    Blazey Fapstronaut

    Wow just wow, i did it last night. I first read about it, 5 minutes in maximum cold shower. I have been in cold shower many times maby 30 seconds or 1 minute at max but never 5 minutes.

    First 2 minutes was pure torture, i was thinking "how in the world can anyone do this everyday!", it felt littlebit like a panic and depression, then my skin started to get numb and littlebit red, last 2 minutes was easier than the first, the whole 5 minutes went by reaaaaalllly fast i was so supprised.

    After my alarm ringed and i stopped the shower, oboy what a feeling, i felt this rush of good feeling all over body and my adhd symptons was gone.
    After that i drank lavender tea and was just smiling and sitting on sofa.

    I am definitly going to do this same thing every evening/night! +++++
    Rationaliser and FpsMato like this.
  15. Do you suffer from low self-esteem? Maybe this is one of the causes of your porn addiction.
  16. FpsMato

    FpsMato Fapstronaut

    Yeah I do suffer from low esteem and its porn related.I know cause when I went on my first sucessful 90 day streak i felt high with never ending confidence it seemed.