I need Help

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by warrior2k20, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. warrior2k20

    warrior2k20 Fapstronaut

    I was doing so well and recently I've fallen, and hard. The past few days I've fallen into one day on, one day off, and now twice in one day. I don't want to go back. I hate this but there's something enticing me back. I don't know what to do and feel so fucking helpless. I went close to 60 days of improvement only to fall to this.
  2. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Almost 60 days is a great achievment that you must be proud, sometimes in the parh we stumble a bit but the important is to keep moving and dont quit
  3. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    I've had 6 total "streaks" that went past 30 days, 3 of them were 60+ days and I still relapsed terribly. The recovery line isn't always linear and you just need to be willing to take the punches, learn anything you can from your relapses, and do your best to move on and get better.
  4. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    I feel you dude. This shit is addictive as hell and i don't have a solution to offer. If being PMO free is too hard, perhaps you can try to quitting only P but keep MO?
  5. I second what @A8X said. In the equation P+M+O, the variable P is definitely the most harmful one. A simple example: With MO, you could never indulge as much as with PMO, simply because you wouldn't get so horned up anymore through external stimuli. P can make you horny even if you physically don't want to. It's completely unnatural. So if you can cut that out as a first step, it's already a huge success.

    There's a guy on YouTube who advocates exactly that.
    He calls this the "LowFap" strategy.

    And here's a link to his channel if you dig his vibe and strategy.

    warrior2k20 and Lovelife247 like this.
  6. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    You've fallen. It happened and it's now the past. Pick yourself up and move forward again. Learn from what happened. Make some plans to avoid falling in the future. If you don't make plans, you are planning to fall. There some excellent podcasts on a whole variety of topics to help you recover on Porn Free Radio (www.recoveredman.com) if you want to hear someone talk for real and with some good advice and strategies. I've found them helpful for me. Mainly remember, you can't do this alone if you want to be successful. It's important to talk with a real person who can help you; not condemn or condone but help you to take ownership, be proactive, guide and support you. Whoever that may be for you, therapist, NoFap group, personal friend, mentor, spiritual director, SAA group, etc. Encourage you to find that person(s) and seek out their help. You need to get to the root of the issues underlying the porn use - counting days is fine short-term to get started, but you need to get to the deeper issue. Best wishes to you.
    RobbyGo36 and Candun like this.
  7. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    Is this dude still on this site?
    warrior2k20 likes this.
  8. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    I hope I won’t fall
    Into this category when I hit 60 mark
    warrior2k20 likes this.
  9. I'm afraid I'm not really sure what you mean.

    @A8X is the guy whose reply you can find directly above mine.
    So, yes, I assume he's still on this site. His profile also says "last seen today".

    This was his message:
    Or did you mean GoldJacketLuke or Seth from my YouTube Links?
    Lovelife247 likes this.
  10. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    I was asking is the black dude in the you tube vid that was a nofap success story still here
  11. sam30

    sam30 Fapstronaut

    are you talking about Jordan Green?
  12. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    Think Seth Alexander was his name
  13. Must be a misunderstanding. I don't know if he ever even frequented this site. Definitely not with his real name. At least I never saw him on here. I only heard of him through his NoFap-themed YouTube channel.
  14. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    yeah I saw a YouTube calling him the king of nofap. Just though it would of been cool to see his start or journal to where he took it to now. He legit made a biz off nofap
  15. warrior2k20

    warrior2k20 Fapstronaut

    I think this is a good idea. I wouldn't get super hung up on a masturbation relapse here or there when I started, but towards the end I felt quite a bit of shame considering over a month had passed since I masturbated last. The past is the past, but I don't want to think I'm high and mighty again. Right now I'm going to eliminate all porn usage that's come back into play, and if I feel any urge just release it with masturbation, at least at first. Hopefully then it won't be a high pressure situation where I constantly feel like I have the world on my shoulders, and I can fight a smaller fight.