(CLOSED) Harry Potter and the Secrets of Nofap

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by im’possible, Dec 3, 2020.


Poll closed May 11, 2021.
  1. managed

    25 vote(s)
  2. complete

    3 vote(s)
  3. ignored

    3 vote(s)
  1. Thanks haha, it actually went good! Hadn't written an exam in a year, since Corona started.
    Muhammad Husayn and ItsSeal like this.
  2. As we speak, I'm currently studying for another exam I have tomorrow.

    I'm also close to reaching 2 weeks sober, I'm happy about that :)

    Just wanted to remind you guys and gals that this is worth it, and that despite our DNA, we all have the power to "do magic" and turn our lives around.

    Don't be discouraged if you relapse, just keep aiming for that which you wish to be and try again. We can all do it :D
    Muhammad Husayn and ItsSeal like this.
  3. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Some wizard had entered my house because could only slept three hours 0.0
    But the lion is still in the game ;)
    Muhammad Husayn and Cole96 like this.
  4. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

  5. Yay! Keep going man :D

    Congrats! :) If you keep going like this, you'll be celebrating the Force on May 4th being sober haha

    The exam didn't go as good as I planned, but the sadness and disappointment I felt at first is slowly turning into the drive I need to study harder next time. I think that practising NoFap is helping me to remain focused in other things :)
    Muhammad Husayn and ItsSeal like this.
  6. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    You never know, the result could still surprise you positive!
    Muhammad Husayn and Cole96 like this.
  7. True :)

    Thanks for the support. Also crazy that it's been 2 weeks already!
    ItsSeal likes this.
  8. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut


    This week's result........

    :emoji_wolf:Hufflepuff 36 points! 2nd

    :emoji_eagle:Ravenclaw 47 points! 1st

    :emoji_lion_face:Gryffindor 35 points! 3rd

    :emoji_snake:Slytherin 36 points! 2nd

    Slytherin earned the most points as expected. Ravenclaw had the most minus points. Not knowing why. Some students are not only inactives but no counters and no check ins. For the fairness, they will be put on hold from the total calculation starting from next week.

    Cole96 likes this.
  9. Yayy the snakes are doing well haha.

    I think a good idea would be to check on the students to see who is still willing to remain active on the thread :)

    (I already contacted all Slytherins to see what's up haha)

    I agree with putting them on hold.

    I still feel we should do some cool activities to make it fun for us while we are here. I still don't know what haha, but if you ladies and gentlemen have seen anything on other threads, maybe you can mention it here :)

    I hope everyone stays strong with their sobriety and takes care during these days :)
    im’possible likes this.
  10. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Oh no- the lion is last! I shall carry my team with my last breath!
    im’possible and Cole96 like this.
  11. Please do! I love competition hahaha

    We can't let the magical world be run by dark wizards who use PMotions against the muggles and all sorts of wicked spells.

    We must prepare ourselves for the dark times, but also celebrate our achievements and not forget that we still are one of the best schools in the world! hahaha

    (I got a bit too fan-fiction-ish, I know haha, just want to revive that inner kid)
    ItsSeal likes this.
  12. Hello, my fellow wizards and witches!

    Just wanted to share with you a secret I heard on the school hallways.

    Someone said that the Room of Requirement has been spotted for those who practice NoFap diligently.

    There have been multiple students who have been seen coming out of this room, and they all have at least reached 30 days of sobriety.

    Rumors say that these students are getting special spells that help them with their schoolwork. Wicked, right?

    So if you want to get better grades faster than Ron figuring out how to say "Wingardium Leviosa", make sure to stay sober :)
    im’possible likes this.
  13. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Wow. Now i finally understand why i couldn't find the Room of Requirement. Something i could look forward too.
    Cole96 likes this.
  14. Sure :) just read the first post, there you will find the instructions on how to be part of this thread :)
    im’possible likes this.
  15. alright
    Cole96 likes this.
  16. im’possible

    im’possible Fapstronaut


    This week's result........

    :emoji_wolf:Hufflepuff 42 points! 2nd

    :emoji_eagle:Ravenclaw 52 points! 1st

    :emoji_lion_face:Gryffindor 42 points! 2rd

    :emoji_snake:Slytherin 40 points! 3rd

    Additional rule, anyone is doing the courses shall be rewarded by house points. You can post what you've learned. Spoilers if need it. Such as:

    Subject: (Pmotion, History, Emotionology....etc.)

    Content: (What the lesson was about? What you've learned from it?)


    Enjoy the feast!

    Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
    Cole96 likes this.
  17. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Tjeezus! Ravenclaw is strong!
    Cole96 likes this.
  18. Ravenclaw has a firm "grip" on the scoreboard hahha

    Jokes aside, though, I'm glad we are still adding points :)

    That means that we are still on the journey.

    I'm excited about checking the Room of Requirement soon :D

    When I'm done with my exams in 3 weeks, I'll start the courses here as well. I always wanted to find a way to defend myself against the dark arts hahah

    keep going, everyone! we got this :)
    im’possible likes this.
  19. Hello everyone :)

    We are getting close to the weekend again, and I wanted to share an update here.

    On the 2nd week of April I have to write 6 exams online for my bachelor's degree. It's quite a lot and rarely do people do this, but it is possible.

    I was kind of suffering a withdrawal effect for the last days and the realization that I have to do this has been driving me crazy, to the point where I almost was physically sick haha

    But after some time, and lots of talking to my girlfriend, I think I found a strategy that will work for it.

    What I want to share with this is that sometimes we will have some insane things to do, and since we are all going through a physical and mental recovery, it can sometimes get ugly; but even in the worst of times, we can find a way out. We can reach out to people, or just listen to ourselves and be patient and kind.

    I hope everyone else is doing alright. I'm really looking forward to studying the subjects in this thread, I'll get to that as soon as I get the chance. Take care everyone <3
    im’possible likes this.