I don't want to be horny, I want to be happy.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Fallacious D, Feb 26, 2021.

  1. "I do not wish to be horny anymore... I just want to be happy."

    You guys might have seen this meme already since it's been going around for at least a few months. But I saw it for the first time today and wanted to share it with you, because it really resonates with me. Hopefully you will see what I mean.

    Disclaimer: I do not endorse any language which may be perceived as misogynistic.

    Possible Triggers:
    the videos inside the spoiler contain a couple seconds of suggestive, but not sexual, depictions of women. The first video is 100% safe, even for little babies like you.

    Three more videos:

    While these are funny, I think they also have a powerful message. It's in the words - "I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy." This is pretty straightforward, but very easy to overlook if you don't understand why someone would say that.

    Being horny is obviously a natural part of life, and isn't a bad thing by itself. Most men probably don't mind being horny every now and then. But why does this meme make sense to so many people? Right now, there are an abundance of sexual outlets on the internet which come in many different forms. In the old days, sexual content was mainly confined to porn sites. Now it can be found almost anywhere you look - streaming sites, subreddits, social media, anime, digital art, and many other platforms. For men with certain lifestyles - loners, introverts, the "gamer" community, and guys who spend a lot of time online - this ocean of sex can create problems.

    Why do I say "men" and not "people"? Well, with a few exceptions, men have a very persistent sex drive and tend to feel horny pretty much all the time. Also, most of the erotic content online is designed to appeal to a male audience. Since this content is everywhere, it can be very easy for guys to consume it endlessly. And no matter where we go there is always more to be found. Sometimes we can't seem to stop, even if we desperately want to.

    For example, this morning I jerked off to porn like I do most days. Then when I got up, I watched some YouTube videos, responded to some comments, and decided to keep browsing. I quickly got sidetracked and found myself watching dozens of short clips featuring sexy, YouTube-friendly hand-drawn animations. I wasn't sure why I kept watching them, because I wasn't planning to jerk off again anytime soon. But I kept clicking on similar videos anyway, since they were too interesting to turn away from. I couldn't snap out of it. This brings me to one of the origins of the meme: a comment on a porn site posted by someone who is clearly frustrated and distraught over the constant need for sexual release.


    This summarizes the "coomer" experience very aptly. Most men want to be productive, happy, and feel in control of our own lives. But because we are male, our perpetual horniness makes it easy to get distracted by the first arousing thing we see. And because the internet is full of such distractions, we feel chained to this sense of inescapable desire. We feel like we are destined to coom, even if we don't want to, and this makes it difficult to feel happy with ourselves. It's as if we are prisoners to our own biology.

    This is why the phrase "I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy" hits so hard. It describes something we have all felt before, but none of us have been able to express in so few words.

    Me too, kid. Me too.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2021
  2. True memes never die. They are inseparable from us. They are what we are. We are memes, and memes are us. Carry that with you wherever you go.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2021
  3. Ashen One

    Ashen One Fapstronaut

    Wow. Very very very good post man. This is deep. I am here trying to study for something about 3 hours, but horny thoughts doesn't get out of my head. I don't want to be horny anymore, I want to be happy. I believe I'll succeed though. I have a positive outlook on my reboot.
    ArMed_ElK and FellatiousD like this.
  4. Silence WENCH, I do not wish to be horny anymore. I just want to be happy
  5. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    When I first started nofap it was purely to get my libido back, I felt emasculated that sexual thoughts and images of women were no longer arousing to me. I went two months hard mode and I got what I wanted, my libido returned but all it ultimately led to was the thing that took it away from me in the first place. I was so focused on wanting to feel horny again that I overlooked that at the core of it, I was and still am deeply unhappy. Now all I want from this is to feel the enthusiasm and joy for life that I had before I discovered porn and fapping, I don't want to be horny anymore because it's clear that I cannot handle it like a normal person.
    TheForsakeen and FellatiousD like this.
  6. Freedom_from_PMO

    Freedom_from_PMO Fapstronaut

    This meme is absolutely amazing and you did great job analysing it.

    I think that the need for being in control of one's own sexuality is often overlooked aspect of mental well being and sexual health. I remember that during days of my escalation my sexuality felt like ever changing mess that can be different every day and I never knew what new fetish will catch my attention. I don't feel fully rebooted yet, but during past few months I had minimal exposure to porn and I did some over a month or close to month streaks so my various porn induced desires started to fade. Coming back to my sexual "default settings" is really liberating experience. I even come to terms with my natural kink (scalies), because if I don't watch porn related to it it is no longer a problem, I can cope with that attraction. For many people (myself included) escalation is a moral problem, but also it is a problem of being unable to control very intimate part of self. Newfound fetishs are source of sexual gratification and at the same time anxiety. It is impossible to being confident with ever changing sexuality and it is impossible to accept ourselves if we don't even know who we really are, because the next they we can discover a new kink. In a way we pay for being horny in our own happiness.
    ZiguShar, FellatiousD and Ashen One like this.
  7. Ashen One

    Ashen One Fapstronaut

    Fight your addiction, brother. Let's rediscover happiness. You can do it.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. Thanks. A positive outlook, in my opinion, is essential to regaining happiness. I know it sounds like a paradox to be positive before you can be happy, but sometimes little memes like this help spark that positivity. You will succeed.
    Sometimes it's hard to understand how such little things like porn or masturbation can hurt us so badly. And that's what makes it hard so hard to quit. Everyone does it, and it's not even that big of a deal, honestly. But you explained the problem perfectly: people like us just can't use it in a normal way. Every time we try it, we go over the edge and destroy ourselves with it. The only way to truly quit is to learn through experience that it's possible to be happy without it.
    Thanks man. Moral problem or not, having a lack of control over our own behavior in such a significant way is guaranteed to make us feel shitty. But sometimes the struggle to regain control can be so difficult that it's easier to just give in and stay addicted.
    Freedom_from_PMO likes this.
  9. You have described it perfectly my friend. The addiction creates problems because it knows you will use it to cope with those problems, such as anxiety, etc. Essentially it's a cure finding an illness. In my case, however, I think the anxiety is what invites the addiction in the first place. As I grew up, I learned how to make my negative emotions go away very quickly. Playing vidya, surfing the internet, and watching porn/jerking off. These became my go-to activities whenever I felt anxious, which was 100% of the time. The addictions took root because I didn't learn how to deal with my anxiety properly, or never got the help I needed for it. Since then, it's become almost a Pavlovian response - as soon as my brain registers a negative thought, it immediately produces an urge to either game, fap, or surf. This response is so fast that sometimes I don't even realize I'm trying to avoid a negative emotion. Sometimes it feels like I just want to play games in that moment, for no reason at all. But I believe there is always a reason. We can't let ourselves get fooled. We can't compare ourselves to normal people - what's harmless to normies is toxic to us. Everyone knows at this point that sharing a drink with an alcoholic is a no-go. We need to treat ourselves the same way. Yes, you will be fine if you jerk off once, but are we really just going to stop at that?

    Sorry for the rant, I will make this a new thread lmao.
    TheForsakeen and sclguy like this.
  10. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    FellatiousD likes this.
  11. Stay strong men, we are more than just our sexdrive.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  12. Ashen One

    Ashen One Fapstronaut

    There are plenty of this kinds of threads in this forum. I am sure you will find a thread that you like out there.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  13. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Be gone thought
    FellatiousD and AngelofDarkness like this.
  14. Holy shit you're still here? It's an honor to have you in my thread. And you're absolutely right!
  15. Fighter94

    Fighter94 New Fapstronaut

    This is so relatable :emoji_weary:
    FellatiousD likes this.
  16. Love it. There should be a card which sends your opponent to horny jail as well.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  17. @FellatiousD Hey, uu,
    could you please post me again your information on why
    veganism is healthy and safe . ( we had discussion on B12 defficiency, lack of protein you know it all )

    I was ignorant, but now I want to be happy .
    FellatiousD likes this.
  18. Sure. I was and still am ignorant about a lot of dietary issues. The majority opinion within the nutritional science community is that veganism is healthy for all stages of life including infancy and pregnancy. Here is a document I've bookmarked:
    Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets - Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (jandonline.org)
    I believe the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is the largest nutritional health organization in the USA, and represents roughly 100,000 medical practitioners.

    Protein is incredibly easy to get on a vegan diet. The main things you will need to pay specific attention to are B12, Iron, Calcium, and possibly Zinc and Magnesium. Even omnivores tend to have problems getting enough B12, so both vegans and non-vegans should take a 1000mcg tablet a day if they want to be sure. Also, get your blood tested periodically to make sure you don't have any deficiencies, regardless of diet.

    Read the Wikipedia page on veganism if you want a fuller scope of information.

    This is the site I use to make sure I'm getting all my micro and macro-nutrients. It can be overwhelming, but after a few hours of research and diet planning you will have a good idea of what to do. They also cite most or all of their research.

    Here are some vegan recipes with a focus on athletes, so you might be interested in them. Plant-Based Recipes for Athletes | No Meat Athlete

    If you want ethical arguments for veganism, you will have to ask yourself whether all life is valuable or just human life. I can't decide that for you or anyone else. I will recommend that you understand what happens on farms, including "free range" farms, and determine whether you think it's okay. Instead of trying to find loopholes which would make some amount of cruelty acceptable, just ask yourself if it's necessary to exploit animals at all. For example, raising chickens in your backyard for eggs doesn't seem harmful to them, but actually causes them a great deal of health complications and risk of premature death. Even the honey industry creates an unnecessary amount of cruelty and damage to the environment. Over-breeding of honey bees creates so much competition that other pollinators are becoming ecologically threatened. These are very interesting topics that you should look into.

    Veganism is vastly superior to other diets in terms of environmental impact. Educated non-vegans don't even try to deny this, because there is no way around it. If you want to know why, just read this Wikipedia article and follow the links as you see fit.
    Leader of ME likes this.