6 year Flatlline

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Durante casi 6 años no he visto pornografía ni nada parecido. Dejé la televisión por varias temporadas de más de 6 meses, una que estuvo más cerca de un año, me deshice de mi teléfono inteligente durante más de un año y tenía un teléfono plegable, cambié drásticamente mi dieta, dejé de beber (5 años limpio y sobrio, muchas gracias) dejé de jugar videojuegos, restringí SEVERAMENTE mi tiempo en Internet, la lista podría continuar para siempre.

    Esencialmente, he cambiado mi vida por completo, ¡pero mi pene todavía no funciona! Realmente quiero ser claro aquí porque sé que alguien pensará que debe estar haciendo X o Y y es por eso que aún no se ha curado. Te lo digo, si hay algún comportamiento que estoy haciendo, simplemente no sé cuál es. No me arriesgo, y no estoy despierto en FB en toda la noche, o casi nunca. No tengo citas online, no navego por Internet, como muy sano y hago ejercicio con regularidad. Y solo para aclarar, esto fue después de años sin PMO / MO.

    Recuerdo cuando encontré YBOP y lo leí por primera vez. Fue la misma experiencia que tienen algunos alcohólicos cuando leen el Libro Grande. Lo leí y me encontré en cada historia. Comencé a hacer PMO, fue mi adicción más prominente a lo largo de mi vida adulta. Lo gracioso es que ni siquiera sabía que era una adicción. En algún lugar del fondo de mi cabeza sabía que tenía un problema. De todos modos, PMO / MO fue una parte tan importante de mi vida que mi cerebro simplemente no sabía qué hacer sin él. Sin embargo, me mantuve fuerte, y esa determinación de dejar la pornografía hace 6 años todavía está conmigo.

    A casi 6 años de esto, todavía no puedo tener relaciones sexuales. Mi sistema nervioso todavía está bloqueado y no sé qué hacer. He ido a todos los médicos que hay, desde la medicina occidental hasta la oriental, todos los cuales dicen que soy un tipo sano. Así que esta noche busco ayuda de la comunidad.

    Revelación completa, si buscas en "Reddit pornfree" encontrarás un viejo diario mío que dice que pude tener relaciones sexuales y eso es cierto. Aproximadamente a los 7 meses sin PMO / MO, mi Johnson comenzó a trabajar. Fn asombroso. Mi esposa en ese momento acababa de meterse en la cama y yo estaba tan duro como el Monumento a Washington. Eso es todo lo que tenía que hacer era meterse en la cama. Durante una semana gloriosa pude tener sexo como un ser humano normal, pero como muchos lo hacen aquí, lo hice y tuve sexo cuatro veces esa semana. Después de esa cuarta vez pude sentir que mi cerebro daba un giro. Al tratar de combatirlo, hice todo lo que se describió anteriormente y continué haciéndolo 5 años después.


    Un reiniciador verdadero y verdadero aún en su viaje hacia el éxito.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2021
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Have you noticed any mental or emotional changes?
  3. Unfortunately, I can't write words of encouragement. Reading what you wrote to you, I found myself in every word written by you. I can say that we share the same experience and I have exactly 5 years since the disaster. If you want to write in private. If I write here those who believe in the myth of 3 months say that I am a negativist, unfortunately I think the truth is completely different. If we don't talk anymore, I wish you luck and for the miracle to happen, let's heal!
    D7b5bird likes this.
  4. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    What do you consider a "complete cure"?
  5. In most cases, after having one or two orgasms, you return to a flat libido and your sexual functioning begins to decline.

    Men with PIED may continue to have sex but will never be able to have sex consistently again. In these forums you can identify this same experience in thousands of reports.

    If a man heals 100% it was perhaps because the case of PIED was very very mild.
    Alex__13 and Anonymous86 like this.
  6. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    So do you think that people with PIED are fucked up forever?

    And is it normal for people to flatline after ejaculation to an orgasm to porn?
  7. Sexual functioning does not return to the same level of performance. Sexual response is not the same.

    This does not mean that it is not possible to have sex again.

    You can have sex again but not consistently. That is: you may see improvements with abstinence, but you can't go back to having the same number of orgasms as before you got hooked on PMO on the internet.
  8. In the case of some sexual conditioning, some people will have created such powerful pathways tied to screens that their sexual response to partners may never be what it would have been had they not deeply conditioned themselves to porn.
    drkarim likes this.

  9. @Alex__13

    It is very unlikely to be 100% curable. It is best not to get your hopes up. I went three years in a row without any Orgasms in monk mode (Other than some wet dreams), however, nothing changed.

    The above does not mean that the sex life is totally dead. In my case, I can have sex on my part, but I don't think I can have sex as often as before I used so much PMO. I don't know for sure why. I can have sex, but very little (once every couple of months or once every month and a half sometimes).

    One thing I've noticed is that I still like women a lot, but they don't surprise me as much as they once did. My libido is not the same as it was a few years ago. Maybe it's partly age (40 years old now). Maybe my libido has changed because of using PMO so frequently. I don't know for sure.

    From the experience of someone who spent three years in monk mode: You can abstain from orgasm for years on end, but, the day you have an orgasm again, you're back to square one.

    Believe me, after three years without any PMO, and no O. Nothing changed.

    No one likes to hear this here, but, the truth is, this has no total cure. Those who are completely cured in a short time are very few and probably have never been such severe users. These people don't even reach 2% on forums like this one and others.

    What I can recommend is this: you may see improvement over time if you practice abstinence, but it will never be a complete cure from PIED. We will never be the same. I tell you this from experience, as I have been on this journey for many years.
    Alex__13 likes this.
  10. @Anonymous86

    My mental state is fine. I don't have depression or anything like that. I am already separated, but everything is normal. Just the PIED.
  11. Unfortunately you are right. Exactly so I think, this shit is actually not curable. Only for those who are just beginning to have symptoms. Unfortunately there are few who accept the truth and I would like to believe that it is not so but I have the same experience as you. If you look at the success stories chapter, you can hardly find one that writes that it has been cured by ed. And the one with good chances after a few orgasms will lose his erection again.
    drkarim likes this.
  12. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Will I eventually stop feeling brain fog though? What about my low motivation? These mental symptoms suck, and I can't bear living like this forever even if I do abstain for 3 years and don't see improvements.
  13. In my opinion, I do not believe that pornography causes mental confusion or low motivation. Maybe those problems are underlying and have nothing to do with seeing buttocks on a screen.

    Giving up pornography gives you advantages, but if you have underlying problems such as low motivation or mental confusion, they will not go away by stopping watching porn. You need to approach these problems differently.
  14. It depends on the number of orgasms.

    In my opinion, any healthy man after having many orgasms during sex loses his erection for hours or days at a time. That's called the refractory period and as we get older, that refractory period gets longer.
    drkarim likes this.
  15. Yes you all right, for me refractory period mesured in months ...
  16. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Why do you think this? It's pretty well-known from NoFap and Your Brain On Porn that dopamine dysregulation from chronic porn use causes these mental symptoms that people like myself are having ailments about. How can you just simply dismiss them as "underlying" and talk about how you've been on NoFap for 6 years and just not get cured and say there's no cure to NoFap and everyone is permanently damaged?

    It's disgusting and huge slap in the face to everyone here suffering. Whatever man. I don't get you.
  17. @Anonymous86

    First of all: apologies.

    I think I am making a mistake and I am speaking from my own experience.

    I have never had mental fog, nor low motivation. I am quite sociable and do a lot of things. Maybe I am speaking very subjectively.

    For me personally, addiction to pornography has only affected my libido. Nothing else. I am sorry for that.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  18. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Apology accepted. My intention was not to cause any drama here, but it kind of caused me to respond a bit harsh so apologies from me as well.

    But yeah, it's a scary thing. My brain feels foggy, l have motivation that's very low, disinterest in most activities, and I'm very depressed. Add to that I have no libido. And antidepressants don't work. They make the problem worse sometimes. I think that my addiction to porn is a culprit for my mental symptoms here.

    Abstinence is hard enough when I have low motivation to do other activities.

    I just hope that people here (including you) can heal enough to where sex is enjoyable again. Your situation, I can't really speak about well enough but am hoping you are able to find sexual satisfaction in life again.
  19. It's the same as you. My refractory period lasts a month and a half. Sometimes two months. That's also a long time. Maybe because of our PIED. We have PIED and Flatline.

    In the three years I was in monk mode, there were weeks when I would get hard just by running my towel over my legs. Those days of hard sensitive penis lasted almost twenty days. But, some other weeks everything would calm down and I would feel flat despite not relapsing into PMO or M.

    It's quite strange and curious to me. It's as if in very long restarts the sexual desire and good erections come and go for no reason after six months in a difficult way.

    Alex: there is a proverb that says:

    It's not what happens to us that's bad, it's how we deal with what happens to us.

    Like you, I am going through this, but the mentality with which we take on this ailment is very important to forgive ourselves and to be resilient men. That helps a lot.

    You, like me, can get back to living our lives. We may not be the best lovers in bed anymore, but we are not crippled for life either. That doesn't mean you can't have sex with a girl again.

    The idea would be to find a partner who is not abusive about sex and who is happy with our rhythm, because sex four or more times a week came to an end for us many years ago.
    drkarim and Anonymous86 like this.

  20. Thank you
    I can't understand how porn causes other men this kind of motivation problems and concentration problems.

    Would you believe me if I told you that my GPA at my graduate school is 4.9?
    It's very high and I'm doing very well in my studies.

    I have never taken medication. And I consider myself a person with a good sense of humour. With PIED but in a good mood and in a good emotional state.

    One thing I am absolutely sure of. Very sure:

    If you stop using porn for months at a time, and then go back to using, it makes PIED and bad libido much worse and recovery much more difficult. It seems that intermittent use is much more harmful than daily use. I recommend my other post on this subject. In the beginning I recovered with only thirty days, then in other restarts it took me longer (2 months), and over time, due to more relapses it got worse and I could never recover again.