Space Marine February - Team Deathmatch (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by EndPornLiveLife, Jan 27, 2021.

I pledge my allegiance to the...

Poll closed Feb 6, 2021.
  1. Space Wolves

  2. Black Templars

  3. Dark Angels

  4. Blood Angels

  1. Ruhns9593

    Ruhns9593 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely gutted I missed out on this, awesome theme! I loved 40K as a kid!

    Wishing all of your sworn Astarte Brothers all the best with the challenge! May you bring honour to your houses.
    GottaBFree and RK@24 like this.
  2. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    Stick around brother! We do this every month so you'll be able to get in on the March challenge when it goes live, it would be great to have you join!
  3. Newmanatee

    Newmanatee Fapstronaut

    Checking in as a fallen Black Templar. Only the first day but it's good to go even 24 hours clean. I'm finding a little motivation at the moment from just not wanting to be in the same position I was in yesterday, feeling completely hopeless. We've got to do this now, waiting for our future selves to take action and stop this isn't going to work, we have a duty to the future lives we want to lead to sort this problem out NOW. Deus Vult!
  4. Yeah, Man! I have a strong and trustworthy person- a teacher who always admires me and trusts me.
    Thanks for your concern. I will not lose to the odds of these people. Anyway, I am going to become the best physicist.:emoji_bow:
    EndPornLiveLife and RK@24 like this.
  5. Checking In!
    Day 5!!:emoji_alien:
    Had some issues, but i got them all fixed.:D
    EndPornLiveLife and RK@24 like this.
  6. Everydayisday0

    Everydayisday0 Fapstronaut

    Checking in, Day 18/28, Space Wolves.
    EndPornLiveLife, RK@24 and Newmanatee like this.
  7. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

  8. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    Brothers and sisters I need advice, and this is gonna be a long one...

    As you may remember, I recently started dating a girl. For the sake of argument, we shall call her B. However, before B, there was another girl who we shall call A. I met A in November, where we got off at a party, and we texted for a while afterwards. A is basically everything I want in a partner - we share basically all of our interests, she's intelligent (a big point for me - I have two masters degrees so I am very attracted to people who can match me), she's really driven (again, I'm trying to build a tech company atm, drive is super important to me), she loves running (I'm training for a marathon this year) and she seemed keen to go on a few dates to see how things worked out. However, she was super busy with work, and I was stuck with a very strict schedule, and she is genuinely awful at texting, so nothing ended up happening. Apparently she has been asking after me at a few parties without any prompting (we have not met face to face since November) and has mentioned me several times in casual conversation. Furthermore, our mutual friend has a "scandal chart" and she seemingly hasn't got with anyone since getting with me. However, I recognised that I was starting to go down a rabbit hole and decided "it's probably not going to happen with her, I haven't seen her in three months, it's time to move on with your life". That night I met B, and things happened, which later led to my date the other day. I like B, but I don't know if I see a future with her.

    Now the conundrum. I have been invited to a party tomorrow (and I've said I'll go, no backing out now), but both A and B are going to be there, and there will inevitably be a lot of alcohol and debauchery. Neither of A and B know about the other (why would they? I haven't done anything immoral). So I have to ask you all... WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! If given free choice between A and B I would choose A, but I kinda have things going on with B at the moment and I don't want to hurt her, but I also don't know for sure if A is interested in me, WHAT. THE. FUCK. DO. I. DO?!? If any single variable was different I would know what to do - if I knew A was interested in me, I just tell B that things were great but that I'm not sure I see a future with her and there was somebody else at the party who I thought things would be longer lasting with. If I knew A wasn't interested in me, I'd just enjoy the time with B. If things were more, or less serious with B, my choices would be obvious! I've been dropped into some deep shit and I have to work it out before tomorrow evening... HEEELLLLLPPPP!!!!!!

    (Also thank you so much for anyone who reads this and actually offers advice, you're all amazing)
  9. I'll save my proper checkin for tonight but I stumbled across this totally out of the blue and I wanted to share it with you. It fits our theme!

    Father Mike Schmitz knows what you did.
  10. Oooooof. Yeah, that's quite the situation you got there.

    All I can say is not wanting to hurt anyone is a noble, but often difficult thing to achieve in situations like this. Say you find out A likes you. Then because you'll want her then, you risk hurting B no matter what. She'd hopefully understand because compatibility is important. Also, from your post, you only had one date with B. I won't pretend to know everything about what's going on between you and her, but from the sound of it, you're not that committed or invested in her and her to you. She should, assuming she's mature, understand should you decide to go with A.

    You also don't sound particularly excited about B. You went on a whole paragraph on how A is so much better for you. You owe it to yourself to see if A is still into you as I think you made a mistake when you assumed nothing was going to happen between you and her. I know a guy who was in that situation where he wanted to ask a girl he really liked out, but she had to decline him initially because she, like A, was very busy. However, he didn't give up, he kept in contact and would talk to her, compliment her, etc. Eventually, her schedule cleared up more and he asked her out.

    That was roughly 14-15 years ago. Today, they have 3 daughters and run two businesses.

    I'd probably check (maybe discreetly if you can) if A is still interested and go from there. But please get a second opinion, perferably from someone more learned about this sort of thing. My advice may not be the most sound.

    Good luck, either way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2021
  11. That’s awesome.
    All the best mate
  12. I don’t want to sound like stupid but I would say you simply be with A. I hope the B one is enough mature to understand the lesser mutuality between you and her(I mean B is not too compatible as you mentioned). More mature and experienced person would be able to help you out try asking them out.
  13. Checking in for the Black Templars! Today matches my best streak! Can't wait to smash that record and keep on going.

    @Sebbrix I agree with what the others have said so far. A sounds like the better choice. Hopefully B understands the situation, and if not, that's not really on you.
  14. ToMMy.H

    ToMMy.H Fapstronaut

    @Sebbrix man on this type of topics never ask anyone else for opinion. NEVER.
    Because only you truly know whats going on in this situation. We have no idea. We have no knowledge. Thats why whatever we say doesnt make any solid advice.
    Why would you ever listen to complete stragers online rather than yourself?

    Go ahead. Do it your way. The only way and the best way. Fuck it up, but always fuck it up your way, your own decision not listening to thers.

    I mean if you have a great friend who knows whats up, can ask him/her for opinion. But dont ask addicted pmo strangers.
  15. Agree with what @ToMMy.H said. In such cases the final call should be from your heart.

    Dude that hurt.

    As a person who has been single since last 3 years and is practicing brahmacharya, I don't know if I am qualified enough to give advice but....
    You sure you were not a backup option for her that time?
    I may sound negative but am giving my honest opinion.

    Idk if one date is enough to completely know about a person. Many people have layers of personalities, maybe because of their insecurities. Once they feel comfortable enough to trust their secrets you get to know a completely different version of them. So judging a person from just one date is something I will not do.

    I was gonna say go with A but that last line changed my mind. A has not cleared her feelings for you and you are seriously not sure if she is interested. While your relationship with B is just in growing stage. If you both were not interested then you and B should not have been dating in first place. Go with B, you already have stayed quiet a long time away from A. Probably A will not mind few more days until you are completely sure how B is in person.
    EndPornLiveLife, RK@24 and ToMMy.H like this.
  16. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    Welp I am in the middle of a crazy week and decided to check out of reality and fell. I am going to work to make it a reset, not a relapse.