I am feeling like I am going to die soon

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. I am orphan.
    Nobody loves me.
    Everybody around me is yelling at me beating me without reason.
    I feel like i have to commit suicide.
    Now i am very angry i don't know how to control it.
    I don't know what is going to happen.
    blacklabel92 likes this.
  2. Follow your avatar. Good luck.
    blacklabel92 and RockyRocky like this.
  3. Yeah:)
    Thanks bro
    Conquering Winner likes this.
  4. skybrowser

    skybrowser Fapstronaut


    Please keep living, I know what it's like to feel there's no point to it all but you won't see the good God has for you if you give up now. I have found some of Dr. Stanley's sermon's helpful, hopefully this will help you.
    RockyRocky likes this.
  5. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    You must escape toxic environments and people, not escape your life.
    Fat Boy, jax2k19 and RockyRocky like this.
  6. Thank for Understanding my Feelings brother.
    Sometimes i feel this feelings are awful and unnecessary but i can't can't avoid this feelings.
    Thank you for your Care Brother
    skybrowser likes this.
  7. It will take some time brother.
    Now i am Studying. I don't have job/money.
    I will find soon and I will leave.
    Thank you for your Advice
    IbrahimViking likes this.
  8. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Rocky, let me just say something. You have the best gift anyone could ever want! You have life and a soul! Do not extinguish your spark just because of crappy feelings. It’s easier said than done, but I believe in you man! I want to see you alive, healthy, and stronger than ever. I think you will find a job some day and-
    No, no. Wait, hold up.
    I KNOW you will find a job some day, and will make money! If you ever need help getting started let anyone on here know! We’re all here to help one another!
    Timecop and RockyRocky like this.
  9. Thank you so much Brother for your Love and Care.:)
    sometimes i feel like i want to die but after some time i feel like i am just wasting time on such bullshit thoughts.
    I faced horrible situations in my life.
    Is it normal to have such suicidal thoughts?
    I am very much confused brother.
  10. Yes i will do it bro by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Roady and Buddhabro like this.
  11. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You’re human and you will have emotions that are extreme at some point. I don’t want you committing suicide. Life is too precious to waste it and I believe God has a purpose for you. If you need help finding jobs or any advice feel free to message me or any of the guys here who might be also willing to help. I want you to succeed. I believe you will find a job, make money, find someone special, and maybe have a family. All that, while doing NoFap! I believe in you!
    RockyRocky likes this.
  12. Thank you So much brother for such positive awesome words.
    I am feeling great after reading your post.
    Yeah I believe God has Purpose for me.
    Once again Thanks alot Bro.:):):emoji_thumbsup:
  13. If someone is treating you violently, seek help in any mean please !
    No one have right to hurt you!
    Because you are and orphan, doesn't mean you are by any means less human and deserve being beaten !

    Please don't let anyone hurt you !
    RockyRocky likes this.
  14. Warwick

    Warwick Fapstronaut

    There are phone help lines available if you want to talk things through with someone.
    Perhaps talking directly (keeping covid safe ) with a good counsellor might be helpful.
    The moderators here could help if you needed more info on phone number helplines.
    RockyRocky likes this.
  15. They are my relatives:(
    I don't have my own house so i can't leave from here.
    When I'll get job I'll leave.
    Thanks for your care Bro:)
  16. That's a very good idea bro.
    Thanks For Your Care:)
    Warwick likes this.