Do you think porn can escalate to child porn ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by CodeTalker, Jan 23, 2020.


Can child porn be induced by porn escalation ?

  1. Yes

    179 vote(s)
  2. No, you need to be attracted to children first

    34 vote(s)
  1. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I'll address the first part since I'm short on time.

    It only took me about a year to get into transwomen (didn't know it was a thing, probably didn't take much escalation), and vore was instant, so I have been watching transwomen for about 9 years and vore for 10 years.
  2. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I would like to see a case where:
    1. A person begins watching vanilla porn first, and after some time begins watching child porn.
    2. It can be proven that the person was not attracted to children before watching vanilla porn.
    3. It can be proven that the person became attracted to children through vanilla porn.

    And then I will accept the claim vanilla porn can escalate to child porn. I think these conditions are pretty reasonable but I might need to look at them again.
  3. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I get that. And I especially agree that research is needed. I am not trying to sound stubborn, but I just want to be as logically consistent as possible and avoid making assumptions without a valid reason. I am willing to accept the possibility that vanilla porn can cause people's sexual interests to change.
    Divine By Design likes this.
  4. Divine By Design

    Divine By Design Fapstronaut

    I agree. I too would like to see some attempts at obtaining conclusive evidence pointing either way. Until then, we cannot assume that the hypothesis is true, but we also cannot conclude that it is false.
  5. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I agree 100%, and that is what most of my arguments on this site are about. I don't like to see people making assumptions without good reason, and if I get caught doing it myself I applaud anyone who corrects me.
    Divine By Design likes this.
  6. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    the fact that you say you are sad about the death of a serial killer means u are mentally sick and you should have the same end as him, i dont reply again to you, sick monster that u are. nasty
  7. Quiet Riot

    Quiet Riot Fapstronaut

    well said. its impossible to generalize all people. Some people get cancer from eating fast food, others don't. Some people end up being abusive because they were abused, others don't. It all depends on the person, their personality, morals, and how they think.
    Gef.71 likes this.
  8. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    the death penalty is considered by many to be an act of uncivilized nations, they prefer to reform them then release them among the general population or just hold them till they rot; i believe that is what he is implying rather than sympathy for serial killer.
    Falcon 003 likes this.
  9. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    No, Child porn, doesnt work as a progression to Normal Porn, I've been fapping for 10+ years, I'd know if I suddently started getting that worse, it's all a matter of mental sanity, if you keep your mental fantasies in check and set boundaries you'll be fine. Pedophiles have no boundaries for child porn which is why they are dangerous and scary.

    What can happen that I've noticed with Child Porn in regards to Ruroni Kenshin's mangaka being caught with that kind of porn on his PC, is that you can devellop FOMO in regards to collecting pics/vids on that kind of porn, if you fear the Child porn material will get deleted and you'll miss out on it unless you download it.

    Ofc thats a trap and basically ensnaring by Forbidden Fruit kind of logic, but again if you have boundaries it wont be a problem.
  10. The point(s) I was making completely went over your head apparently. At no point did I mention the question of guilt, personal responsibility or whether or not people have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. Of course Ted Bundy deserved the death penalty. All I was trying to say is that by dehumanizing these perpetrators and calling them "monsters" in the media, assuring the rest of society that they were simply born that way, gives "normal" people a false sense of security. Anyone could turn out to be such a "monster" at any point. And more often than not it's precisely those seemingly decent and charming people who commit those kinds of horrific acts (e.g. Ted Bundy).
    This whole notion of the fake concept of normalcy in the media is part of media theory which I've researched a lot at university during my media-related masters degree. It's not surprising that my attempt to boil it down in a single post went south.
    Quite worrying that you would want to lock people up for not agreeing with your terminology, though. Ever heard of freedom of speech? Why do people deserve jail for not agreeing with you or for not using the labels you use? It's just words and afaik the choice of words has never constituted a crime - let alone one that is punishable by imprisonment. I'm sure there's quite a lot of psychologists and lawyers out there who wouldn't use the term "monsters".
    But anyways, I certainly never said they should not be called "monsters" either. Once again, I merely explained how the use of that terminology in the media is an attempt to quickly dehumanize criminals in order to give the rest of society a false sense of security and to assure them this could never happen to them and/or their loved ones. When in reality, there is no "normal" and anyone could do anything at any point. It's no coincidence that countless movies revolve around that same idea; a simple and ordinary man who suddenly loses it and goes on a rampage.
  11. Mordobarn

    Mordobarn Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I think that you've missed the point here. Vanilla porn doesn't cause escalation. Instead, it's the addiction that causes escalation. The direction of that escalation depends on exposure (if you'd never been exposed to transwomen, you wouldn't have become addicted to it), and other as-yet-unknown factors.

    Bear in mind that child pornographers want child pornography to become mainstream and accepted. So, they have no qualms in gently but firmly leading you down that direction: Start with adults, lead onto 18-year-olds (still physically children, even if legally adult), then 18-year-olds who dress younger, then 18-year-olds who happen to look younger (because of genetics), then 17-year-olds, and so on. You get my drift.

    There have been documented cases of people who escalated to child porn. It was gradual, as I described. There was a BBC article on one specific case, the link for which I didn't save, but you can search for it.

    On the other hand, there was a documented case of a man who suddenly developed paedophilia, and stupidly then committed paedophilia, and was caught. While in prison, doctors found a fairly recent tumour in his brain. They operated, removed the tumour, and his paedophilia disappeared. That's not the only evidence that paedophilia can be physical. (It certainly isn't by choice — what sane person would willingly suffer from paedophilia?)

    As to whether or not you can prove that addiction to porn can cause escalation to paedophilia, well, you'd have to do the research on unwitting people who are into porn but not paedophilia, and then follow these people through the years and hope that they are honest when (if) they escalate to child porn. At the moment, we have to depend on self-reporting, but let's hope that proper research becomes possible.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  12. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Cool, thanks for the info. Sexual psychology is very limited right now which is why I like to crack down on posts that claim to have knowledge of certain facts. Also I want to point out that watching CP and having pedophilia are not the same. I think it's perfectly healthy to be attracted to what we call "minors" by the legal definition, even though we might have justified moral qualms about doing the physical act with them. Attraction to children by the biological definition (those who haven't reached the pubescent stage), I would contend, is a sexual dysfunction, and the act of sex with children is almost strictly immoral.
  13. Fallacious D

    Fallacious D Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  14. Eraserman

    Eraserman New Fapstronaut

    Porn addiction gets worse as it goes on, and with the constant need for new and weirder things, it's definitely possible it could lead to that.
    Munchausen likes this.
  15. Munchausen_Faltered

    Munchausen_Faltered Fapstronaut

    To the point.
  16. Mordobarn

    Mordobarn Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Apparently, that's a fairly recent phenomenon. Puberty has been starting earlier and earlier over the decades and centuries. We don't know why. Diet and general health are suspected to play a part.
  17. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Porn = Evil, Evil causes more evil. No doubts it can happen.
  18. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    i rather have my country called uncivilized, than have my country keep such monsters (pedos, rapists, etc) alive. You still have sympathy for those serial killers if you think they do not deserve to die, that is literally sympathy. So if anyone has sympathy for such monsters they are mentally challenged
  19. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    i didnt read the complete reply as its too much, but i skimmed through it.

    - there is ofcourse "normal" and "abnormal" regardless if u agree. Being a serial killer is not normal, they are psychopaths, yet this does not mean the rest of the normal people are all the same exact, something u seem to try me to imply. which i am not saying.

    - freedom of speech i support of course, but in every country in the world it is restricted. for example in some countries it is not allowed to use racist slurs, or sexist slurs, or homophobic slurs, meanwhile other countries say it is within their freedom of speech. Other countries have restricted the freedom of speech when it comes to making threats to a person like sending death threats. this is also a violation to your ultimate freedom of speech but it is done for good intention. Same thing with my case, i believe if u say such pathetic stuff as "serial killers should not be killed" that it should be against the law, same thing if anyone tries to justify pedophelia, they should be jailed. To you it may seem extreme, yet those other restrictions (slurs regarding sexuality, gender, race) or regarding threats, may also seem extreme to others so i dont care if u think i am extreme or not.

    didnt read the rest because its probably similar nonsense
  20. gertyfass123

    gertyfass123 Fapstronaut

    I'm glad nothing like that ever happened to me yet, nevertheless I personally think that it takes very little "derangement" in one's psiche for porn to break through and bring you, albeit probably with immense shame and disgust in yourself, not to mention regret, to enjoy even cp.

    You can often read about people, like a lot of us, that started with plain vanilla, maybe at a young age, and then escalated to very intense and degenerate porn, especially coadiuvated by the sheer quantity that is freely available today. It's never enough, and before you know it, you're watching absolute filth that would disgust and worry immensely your friends, family member and close ones --- and your younger self especially.

    In the same way that a taboo is broken one after the other, and they become the boring norm, so is cp just one of the ultimate taboo
    , just like snuff, real rape and so on