I feel stagnating

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Trailblazer7, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    I just made 42 days, it’s my best record so far in 9 years but I feel like I can’t manage to add more things right now. Like only NoFap
    Idk I’m really depressed too, didn’t eat for a whole day slept through all day and I never feel hungry. I just eat to survive

    I don’t want to be a douche but I’d really like someone’s perspective and especially someone who’s been through the 90 days or at least 60
  2. Mateus long

    Mateus long Fapstronaut

    Hi mate, well done for getting to 42 days that's a good achievement. The thing I'd ask you is what is your lifestyle outside of nofap? I've reached 130 days and try to eat healthily, meditate, exercise, etc. Nofap is by no means easy either way but having a healthy lifestyle, getting up at the same day and eating consistent meal times will make it far more manageable. Even doing these things I still have 'low times' but this is just a part of life and I now know that nobody can be happy all of the time. Even if I don't feel great I try force myself to exercise as I'm always feel more energised afterwards. I hope this helps mate and feel free to reach out to me. Good luck bro, you got this!
    Erwin and Stenacity like this.
  3. I've done 90 days or more and experienced depression. It's part of rebooting. However, like in my case, it can be a problem that needs help. It is not weakness etc. I strongly suggest that you look at a website like C.A.L.M. for advice and don't hold back from telling someone how you feel and get professional help.
    Stenacity and Mateus long like this.
  4. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for taking the time to respond man ! I really appreciate it

    these days i’m so depressed i’m just sleeping all day and eating once just to survive. I never feel hungry. I just can’t seem to function. It hits so hard. I just dream of scenarios where my life just ends in someway so I can stop feel pain. I don’t know man it feels like there’s no way out
  5. Mateus long

    Mateus long Fapstronaut

    Hey mate, I'm sorry to hear that and just remember that you have the strength to get through this. It might not feel like it but you can do this. Just try one thing like exercising 20 mins a day even if you don't feel like it mate.
    Trailblazer7 likes this.
  6. cramok

    cramok Fapstronaut

    I can relate with being more tired throughout the day and feel less energized. I think many of us will feel this in one shape or form.

    Perhaps you have been hiding these true emotions and how you really feel about life with PMO? Maybe you finally are coming out of your shell and you need to feel worse before you start to feel better?

    I am a firm believer that quitting any addiction will reveal what truly is hiding and you will start to get the proper incentives to want change in your life. It is not natural for us to always feel privileged to have what we want and not have to work for it.

    I feel lonely and empty since beginning this journey. As I should, I have been hiding this with consuming porn and now I hope that I will have the incentive to go out there in this scary world and make true change.

    But let's also be humble to the fact that nofap and rebooting may not be the root to it all. As you are describing, maybe you have a depression and need professional help with this. So many people experience depression nowadays and for most people it has nothing to do with porn.
    Trailblazer7 likes this.
  7. Stenacity

    Stenacity Fapstronaut

    I'm still early in my recovery, but I can relate to the depression. Do you have a therapist you can see? I've dealt with passive suicidal ideations (passive is when you stop eating, fantasize about everything ending, etc. Active is when you're actively thinking/planning about suicide). The last time I had passive suicidal ideations I ended up seeing a psychiatrist for meditation to help me start digging out.

    I still struggle with wanting to live, but I've started to do small things to help me start re-engaging with life. I try to go outside and get some fresh air every day. On good days I also go for a walk. I've started doing my physical therapy exercises at least once a day. I try to eat at least twice, ideally three times a day.

    My "functionality" is minimal, but I start each day reminding myself that my goal each day is to do 1-3 things that will make my life better - something as small as a shower to as big as unpacking a box or exercising.

    When you've hit the ground, the secret is to stop digging and be up for getting support.

    Good luck! It's all about building on small things.
    Trailblazer7 likes this.
  8. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    Reading your reply just gave me some motivation man !
    Mateus long likes this.
  9. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    Spot on man, I'm speechless
  10. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    to be honest, I feel like taking my own life needs courage. I've though about it a lot and couldn't muster up the effort. Passively I still daydream when I could die cause the pain will go away and it's been there for too damn long. I went to a psychologist and got prescribed anti depressants and told me to workout but little did I know all gyms are closed :p

    You're a role model to be honest because I feel that in such situations it is always hard to function normally. For me it is when my beard grows, no apetite, forget to shower and I lose sense of time and feel awkward
  11. cramok

    cramok Fapstronaut

    Do whatever it takes to get back up again and never give up.

    Always let people around you in, you need people to talk to in real life about your issues and let it all out. I have had friends in similar situations like you where they were depressed and kept all that inside without telling people. I had one friend who took his life and another one who tried. The one who tried, is now talking to people about his issues and is back on track with life.

    I know it is so simple for us people that are not depressed to say things like this and think everything will be alright. Let's be real, it is not that easy it never is.

    But please, there is light on the other end, you just need to make it to the other end to notice it. Please man, never give in for the demons in your head. Most of us are stronger than we will ever believe.
    Trailblazer7 likes this.
  12. Trailblazer7

    Trailblazer7 Fapstronaut

    I will my friend, I will
    Mateus long likes this.