6 months nofap today - trans P

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Believe007, Aug 8, 2020.

  1. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    in truth I think dudes only like she males because there mind makes it seem like they're women.. it's confusing for alot of ppl.. really tricky lol smh but they let there penis do the thinking and then try an rationalize whats happening or has happened.. devil on the shoulder thing not all your thoughts are correct is what we as ppl need to learn or it could lead you down a dark dirty smelly hairy aggressively confused path lol
  2. ctr

    ctr Fapstronaut

    T porn is a very common stop in the porn addiction cycle. As it has been stated here repeatedly, it does *not* mean that you are gay or bisexual. You should not let this define you nor bring you down. This is just what porn addiction does; like a drug addiction, one builds tolerance for the usual dosage and one is compelled to seek out an elevated and more intense hit each and every single time. That being said, it should be apparent to you that you have stumbled upon an extremely insidious and potentially psychologically damaging genre of porn; almost the pure heroin of the porn world. We should do everything in our power to completely stay away from this particular area of porn, as well as porn in general, and let our minds heal and be open once again to activities that can bring us genuine fulfillment and happiness.
    MrBlue201 likes this.
  3. MrBlue201

    MrBlue201 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The amount of bad advice here is shocking.

    Keep going @Believe007. Also, the "don't look at the horizon" approach is a good one! I have not heard of it described like that before.

    Just remember. Not everyone on this site wants the best for you, most do, but not all. Filter out the garbage to focus on what you believe as a man. Great username by the way. I know you're capable of filtering bad advice, but its sad to see someone try to hold someone's hand to the edge of a cliff.
  4. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words @MrBlue201. On 343 days at the moment, holding out for the magic 365!
    Different Built, Gef.71 and MrBlue201 like this.
  5. SeekingLife

    SeekingLife Fapstronaut

    Wow man that is amazing. As someone who has been fighting with trans p addiction for several years now... the furthest i’ve went was 60 days before watching it again.

    This past month i fell into the trap and started binging it again and it’s crazy how no matter how long i go, it’s always trans p that i fall right back into.

    Can you confidently say at the 300+ day mark that trans p is no longer attractive anymore? Does it ever still cross your mind or do you feel absolutely disgusted by it now?

    Just hoping for insight as i seriously never want to watch this shit again
  6. Paulie Walnuts

    Paulie Walnuts Fapstronaut

    Have you considered the fact that maybe youre just into trans women?
    I had many sexual experiences and even a 5 month relationship with a trans woman long before l ever watched transwoman porn.
    Its OK, nothing wrong with being that way.
    What porn did to me was change me from always being a "top" to being a "bottom". I acted out these fantasies and discovered it definitely was not for me! It was the porn messing my brain up.
    Have you ever been with a trans woman in real life?
  7. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    Yes it does cross my mind from time to time but I find that when those moments come I am better equipped to deal with them. I read some on here are disgusted by watching it again. Unless I tried it again I’m not sure how I would react. I’m hoping it doesn’t get to that point where I find out!
    I except this is something I will have to work with for potentially the rest of my life. For me it is a form of addiction after all.
  8. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    You could be right that I’m into them. I think it is most likely p escalation though.
    For now though I’m happy in a relationship with my gf and that’s not going to change (hopefully!). Being with a trans is not something I would be considering.
  9. ChangeUK

    ChangeUK Fapstronaut

    Keep going Brother.

    Also, do yourself a favour and ignore the 'it might just be what you like bro' advice. This is not you. As another very rational user put it, Trans porn is the heroin of the porn world.

    Advice to the contrary is going to be wrong. The science in 'Your Brain on Porn' is clear: I say to those telling the OP to embrace this confusing porn taste - stop giving dangerous advice based off a few sex positive activists.

    I have experienced likewise and I am secure in the knowledge I have learnt in the book. Read it - perhaps only read the parts relevant to you, but the book has the power of wielding you with knowledge in your fight against the enemy.

    I started off with very vanilla porn and here I am years later wondering if I might actually be gay. It is a completely standard path to take in addiction, except porn has the added effect of making you question everything you ever thought you knew about yourself.

    Good luck man! You will shake this addiction off.
    ctr likes this.
  10. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words dude....day 348 now!
    ChangeUK likes this.
  11. ChangeUK

    ChangeUK Fapstronaut

    Respect, that's great work.
    Believe007 likes this.
  12. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

  13. cali4sto

    cali4sto Fapstronaut

    Hang in there mate!! You got it!

    Have you got any kind of PIED or erection issues?

    I did escalate a lot on t porn as well and even acted on it. It was a lot of dopamine, was not bad, but did not feel like it was my true nature
    Believe007 likes this.
  14. Congrats dude,
    Good AA quote I heard; "No matter how far down the road you are, the ditch is not that far."

    Stay strong dude.
    cali4sto, Believe007 and Gef.71 like this.
  15. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    No pied. I’ve never really had that. In the absence of p it does feel as though my erections are better somehow!
    cali4sto likes this.
  16. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    How do you feel mentally?
  17. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    That shame and guilt one gets after hours of edging and then finally pmo I haven’t missed. Also when I have had a session like that I generally feel quite low for a few days after. In the absence of pmo obviously I’ve not had any of that which I haven’t missed.
    I think it’s probably helped with confidence too, there isn’t that internal introspection, self loathing following pmo. That’s made things more consistent in terms of emotions. There isn’t the dopamine high / dopamine low, things are more balanced.
    When I feel that p urge I focus that emotion and let that come out as affection for my gf, the outlet for the emotion has positively impacted on our relationship.
    Day 351 today.
  18. Dude this is the perfect strategy for me I think I'm going to implement it and see where it goes. Thankyou for sharing your story, I also have a trans porn addiction but whenever I have a relapse I feel so disgusting by what I'm watching, I know deep down that this isn't what I'm attracted to. But you always have people telling you that its you, and that it isn't bad to be attracted to it, but I know that it just isn't me, so its always good to see other people who agree. Goodluck bro and thanks for sharing.
  19. Believe007

    Believe007 Fapstronaut

    No worries. For some trans is their thing and that’s great if it works for them, no issues with that. One thing I think about a lot is a post on here where some one was saying why in trans p ‘...are the trans females referred to as chicks with d**ks? It’s actually guys with tits...’
    I think about that frequently to help give context.