Why do some people keep reinforcing that porn is not bad?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ahighertruth, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. Anti-Hero

    Anti-Hero Fapstronaut

    All of the above are qualitatively different from watching porn.
    • If you have sex with someone you step into their sex life sure, but you also make them a part of yours. It's a two-way relation.
    • Jacking off to your own experiences is not like watching someone else fuck. So I don't think it's wrong although I'd say there are better uses of time :D
    • Striptease does not include sex. On the other hand, the consumer is still passive/creep/submissive/loser - he doesn't (usually) walk to a titty bar to talk to the girls and try to have something with them, just to look and salivate. Also if you need women to be half-naked, you've been desensitized. I remember in my pre-porn/nude pic consuming days an average fully clothed girl's beauty was enough to take my breath away. I'd love to have that back.
  2. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    Now you are making a pro-porn argument, if you haven't read " A woman in berlin : eight weeks in the conquered city " she make the argument that men should have something like porn so as not to be easily turned on by women( i personally disagree and statistics i think show that it's a false assumption but this is coming from a woman who has experienced repeated non-consensual sex act so who know).
    Now i am not even going into the morality of strip teasing as a profession because it is none of my business but strip-teaser actually prefer just to perform without having to do anything for the client/boss later on.
    But everybody is entitled to their own opinion i am sure some religious fanatic or workaholic somewhere can find a hundred sins that an average guy do on a daily basis
  3. Wait that's literally your subjective opinion??? I asked you to defend the claim that porn is objectively bad or harmful.
  4. Anti-Hero

    Anti-Hero Fapstronaut

    We've been through this. You can "but why" your way around literally any statement. It's what children do when they seek to annoy their parents.

    If you're honestly puzzled and not just attempting to be edgy I suggest you reread the conversation here. There's more than enough repetition already.
  5. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    I’ve seen some of that stuff and decided not to look at it anymore. I think the so-called experts (some of them really have no qualifications) don’t know what they’re talking about. Likely no real first hand knowledge. My guess is that few people struggling with obsessive porn use who have been sufficiently involved in these forums would write such judgements.

    Even having an advanced degree in psychology does not guarantee having an understanding of porn addiction, or whatever you choose to call it. Not listed in DSM but so what? Does that mean we can just be relieved. “Oh, wow. I don’t have a real addiction so maybe I just need to (who knows what?).”

    Here’s the deal: Others can knock NoFap all they want. The reality is the recovery/mental health industry has failed to cure addiction. I especially include in that pop psychologists making their living on books, articles and speaking tours, and expensive “retreats” that are just that - expensive. The success in mental health has been with medications that regulate brain chemistry to address anxiety and depression. There is no pill for addiction. (Some supposed exceptions such as stuff that will make you puke if you drink alcohol, it those don’t fix the actual addiction.) There’s more on that in my journal, which includes links to some articles.

    Also, porn (sex) addiction is a relatively new area as opposed to the decades long attention to alcohol and drug dependency. It would not be surprising to see it officially categorized as such in the future.

    I try to focus on what I read and write here and ignore outside opinions that are likely based on superficial analysis and/or inadequate experience in the challenges we face.

    Stay safe everyone. And Congrats to you, ahighertruth on 161 days sober!
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
  6. Socratic dialogues are edgy? I'm sorry, I won't ask people to defend their positions anymore.
  7. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    Sex is the oldest subject in “art.” More than ten centuries for that, but of course the power of sex is almost as old as the first meadow in which the act was performed.

    I try not to despair of our current times, because history is replete with debauchery and excess. With the internet, though, we are in the midst of a big turning point in how our human experience is shaped. For me, the question is how I elect to personally control my own experience.

    Lots of discussion here on all kinds of opinions and/or their validity. Porn is stuff. I can’t make it magically disappear, or even necessarily make anyone think of it differently than they wish. Addiction is behavior. I can choose to change that. I have to do it in the present moment. I can’t make you do that. It’s your decision, and if you have a silver bullet for success, I’d welcome hearing about it.
  8. vercent99

    vercent99 Fapstronaut

    they are in denial, like how my addicted self tried to deny that porn is addictive, while that same person couldnt go a day without porn for years