Medicine, Foods and exercise etc.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by WhoGo, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. WhoGo

    WhoGo Fapstronaut

    I think it will be a great help if we take such kind of medicines that will reduce the urge of this addiction. I know anyone can question that if there are such kind of medicines available why do we need the struggling.

    Only the medicine will not work and I'm talking about just take some advantage of the medicine.
    Is there any doctor who can suggest us?

    Furthermore, some foods are really increase the sex drive such as honey, milk, egg, meat, junk food ect. Similarly, some kind of foods also help to reduce the sex drive, I can not remember the names right now.
    If you guys mention the names that will be great help.

    Also, some exercise will help alot, who of you can help us on it?
  2. Thrivelife

    Thrivelife Fapstronaut

    garlic and onion are the number one increases of sex drive according to chinese and yogic medicine.
  3. WhoGo

    WhoGo Fapstronaut

    Wow!!! this is totally new information to me. you know, I like garlic and onion too much and I add it always with my meals. Now, I will reduce it from today.
    Thanks Brealoutofjailcard.

    Please advice us if you know which food decrease sex drive. And also which kind of medicine will help to make our brain little forgetting about PMO.

    I'm expecting more and more advice from our nofap friends.
  4. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Peanuts are believed by many (including me) to increase libido--so much that peanut butter was officially banned from menus at girls' schools in apartheid-era South Africa.

    There are several substances that can reduce the male libido by flooding the system with female plant hormones, which lowers testosterone. The most common are marijuana and soy. It takes at least 120 mg of soy per day. These are not recommended, because lowered male hormones has many undesirable side-effects in the male, such as breast enlargement, feminine fat distribution, osteoporosis, hot flashes, and symptoms that resemble female menopause.

    The best way to decrease your desires to fap is to stop fapping for long enough, and NoFap is the best way to do that. I don't think anything you eat could be nearly as successful.
  5. msa2388

    msa2388 Fapstronaut

    I'm gonna second the last comment.

    Our problem isn't that we have a high sex's a self control problem that is impacting our sexual health. PMO is a coping mechanism or has simply been ingraved into our brains which has the consequence of replacing normal sexual practices.

    No matter what quitting for good is going to be arduous and require a lot of effort...I think instead of worrying about specific foods you should concentrate on an overall healthy diet. I wouldn't go crazy with it though....treat yourself a bit too.
    Markguy likes this.
  6. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    Don't quote me on that amount of soy! I was writing from memory, and it was 120 of some unit or other, which the context implied was a fairly large amount. However, if I understand correctly, 120 mg is a very small amount. This is an example of my typically American (and totally unashamed) metric illiteracy. Nothing confuses us Americans like the metric system! :confused:
  7. WhoGo

    WhoGo Fapstronaut

    mv8652, thanks for sharing valuable information.
    I stopped PMO last 2/3 days, only one thing I'm feeling that something important I need to do (PMO). Though, I'm trying to take my brain another way but still It is making me crazy. My favorite things of porn is trying to seduce me always.

    It seems like all things stop because of not doing PMO. Really horrible situation.

    I wish if any medicine can help me to control myself little bit in these days.
    Sometime I'm thinking to take sleeping tablet that let my brain always sleepy.
    Is that a good idea?
  8. mv8652

    mv8652 Fapstronaut

    No! There's no medicine to cure PMO! If there were, it would be almost as popular as fapping.

    You can become as dependent on sleeping pills as you can on porn. They're both bad news. The best aids in quitting PMO are this very NoFap organization and your own determination. So, stop looking for a easy way out and get on with it! It's not the easiest thing in the world, but once you get a good running start past the first few weeks, it does get easier and quite manageable.