R most of the benefits true???

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Riot02, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Riot02

    Riot02 Fapstronaut

    OK obviously I'm not saying don't do nofap of course do nofap but it seems overhyped. I mean it seems like it's more of when u finish 90 days or more u become this super heroes figure instead of a regular guy who made a difference on there lives. I see In aritcals and YouTube videos that for people who r no longer addicted to porn or who have gone a 375 day streak of no pmo its seems on there opinion they don't see much of a difference. My longest streak is 26 days and don't get me wrong I got less anxiety and depression my brain fog was cleared a bit and felt more self esteem but than it says it makes ur face glow, be more attractive and have more of symmetrical face when it sounds bs other people say its bs but also some people say its true idk I've been addicted to this shit for 5 years, I've Benn on nofap for mabye 2 or 3 years and I've always believed what nofap said. But I've trying to do more research and the more I do the more I believe that nofap is overhyped.

    I'm not saying this as nofap is a total lie when u do recover there r really good benefits to it I felt them myself but what I'm saying that it's a bit of lie coz it makes people into this super heroe who was waiting for this moment for his life.

    This Is all just an opinion and I mean no harm at all to nofap I am just a guy on a mission trying to get a better life just like the rest of u. I hope ur journey will be a success and live free.
    safa61947 likes this.
  2. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    well i guess for me at my age i was seriously hurting my body by over M, sometimes several days in a row bc of porn and sexual images, since i have stopped P, i no longer M to the point of pain and feel much better physically bc my body has time to recover, so nofap has many benefits, just gotta find yours, and no one expects this to be a miracle cure or professional help, but does really help alot of ppl, so overhyped, not really.
  3. ssmike100

    ssmike100 Fapstronaut

    So has your research uncovered additional solutions and help?
  4. Hustypeta

    Hustypeta Fapstronaut

    Hello.You are making a great point. See, many people are praising nofap too much either to promote it or to make more money out of it, especially youtubers in that case. On the other hand, there are people who are saying, that it is total BS. I would say that the truth Is somewhere in the middle. Nofap is tool, that can help you build foundations (habits, routine, diet...) on which you can then add other things to make your life complete. But certenly it won't make your dick bigger.
    It is actually great, that you are questioning nofap. Everything should be questioned, otherwise we would believe every BS on the internet.
    jsrazw likes this.
  5. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    Husty where has anyone said anything about it making your male part bigger? don't be a troll dude, no one here needs that
    Slowlybutsurely likes this.
  6. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Choose between staying addicted forever or being free. You choose. NoFap for life.
    Slowlybutsurely and Nak like this.
  7. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Only way to know for sure is to find out for yourself, you don't lose anything by trying.
    Nak likes this.
  8. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    well said oh when, the only real failure in life is the failure to never try
    Slowlybutsurely likes this.
  9. Pizzer

    Pizzer Fapstronaut

    I think Husty is correct, it probably lands somewhere in the middle, but I think it's hugely dependant on how deep your addiction is too.

    If, like me, you've been using PMO since you were young (11-12), and have been doing so for a long time, NOFAP can be hugely beneficial, I've seen a lot of improvements to my mental state that's for sure, and my muscle tone has improved (marginally), I don't even work out. I have also noticed that my tits have shrnked a bit, it wasn't gynocomastia levels of titage, but not nice, and being overweight doesn't help, as body fat tends to hold on to oestrogen.

    There's some "truth" to the hype of superpowers, but what it is really, is feeling normal, and having normal development that I believe PMO hinders, just my thoughts.
    Hustypeta likes this.
  10. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    It brings benefits. But there are still problems in our lives we have to fix and we still have to build ourselves as men. Think of it like this. You eat protein after you workout, and it makes you stronger. But you still have to workout. NoFap isn’t magical, it’s just one of the keys to being the most successful men we can be
    Slowlybutsurely and bulldawg1970 like this.
  11. Hustypeta

    Hustypeta Fapstronaut

  12. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    noFap = harder erection = "bigger" dick
  13. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    Yes, there are some people on this site who believe very strange things about rebooting or semen retention. I agree with you that many of these 'super hero' claims are nonsense. But ...

    Do not underestimate these two. The knock-on effect of these on the rest of my life has been enormous.
    TheForsakeen likes this.
  14. L1ght

    L1ght Fapstronaut

    @Hustypeta @Pizzer @op_jack
    I absolutely agree with you guys. Nofap is very personal and I would say the two main factors affecting how beneficial it will be for you are:

    1. How strong your addiction was before. Someone who used to binge at weird fetishes for multiple hours every day for years will probably see a more drastic improvement in his life than someone who just PMOed a few times a week.

    2. How you change your life while rebooting. No, it does not magically solve your problems, it gives you the power to face them yourself. Again, someone who starts exercising, meditating and focuses on his work or relationships during the reboot will see a completely different result than someone who just exchanges fapping for gaming.

    In the end, it is difficult to see from where exactly did the benefits result. Are you looking better because of noFap magic or because you started running and eating healthy as well? Are you more confident because of noFap or because you are looking better and you are happy with the person you are?
    Why are girls attracted to you now, is it a magical noFap superpower? Well, you are probably just looking better, confident and you are paying attention when she gives you the signals.

    I would argue that most of the benefits (apart from curing PIED for example) come mainly from the "side effects" of noFap like exercising etc. But it was noFap that gave you the energy to care about your life in the first place...
    op_jack, Hakaishin and Hustypeta like this.
  15. L1ght

    L1ght Fapstronaut

    Also, a little bit of hype here and there is a cool motivation to say "Fuck it I'm in!" in the beginning :)
  16. redhalon

    redhalon Fapstronaut

    Its 100% overhyped.
  17. Hakaishin

    Hakaishin Fapstronaut

    What I think is that the benefits come when you see NOFAP not only as a streak but as an opportunity to positively change your life. Instead of counting the days on NOFAP...when people say that they became more attractive it is because they started being fit, they started taking care of their body being more conscious of their physical presence.
    And after 2 years of NOFAP anyways your body has already reached your baseline level and it's obvious you won't see any benefits because you already experienced those in the earlier days of your streak.
    When new to NOFAP imagine your mind to be pitch black and the NOFAP benefits be the white paint which is being colored on it. After a very long streak when your mind is fresh as new you mind will be complete white like a fresh piece of paper. Of course you won't see any more white color even on a white paper even though it's still being subconsciously painted on your mind.
    bulldawg1970 likes this.
  18. paperboyinpaperworld

    paperboyinpaperworld Fapstronaut

    overhyped? maybe, but isn't everything overhyped and over-sold nowadays? religion, politics, etc.

    You need to understand exponential, somebody that seems to have overnight success actually has been practicing for years, and success can only lead to more success - like how having some capital can help you make more money thus the rich gets richer (but that's another story).

    Having understood exponential, what NoFap does, as what Hustypeta mentioned, is to help you build the fundamentals - self control, good habits, etc. And only by building those small pieces bit by bit, then it can get you somewhere, because good habits attracts other good habits.

    You've seen ppl go on nofap for 90 or 120 days or even 300 days and suddenly it seems all the good things happen to them. That is because all the small habits has been building up and suddenly the day come for them to collect the dividends.

    Nofap isn't an answer to everything, but at least it is a start. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Might as well make that step now and today.
    Hakaishin, Hustypeta and bulldawg1970 like this.
  19. onwards_upwards_1

    onwards_upwards_1 Fapstronaut

    There are people who talk a lot of bs about nofap 'super powers'. I've seen posts that make claims like 'It made me a better skate boarder', or 'i suddenly got ripped', or 'I'm now irresistable to women'. Of course, those things don't happen simply by not wanking, and anyone expecting to suddenly be more attractive or suddenly master their hobbies is being naive.

    However, nofap is undeniably beneficial. Porn is extremely addictive and damaging. It can ruin relationships, sap motivation, cause ED, warp your sexual orientation through escalation and leave you with a constant lingering feeling of shame. So 100% nofap is beneficial. When people talk about nofap super powers what's really going on is that quitting porn opened up avenues for them to improve other areas of their lives. For example, if you quit porn but maintain the exact same lifestyle you had before, you won't randomly gain muscle. But if quitting porn helps to clear your mind and give you more motivation, then as a result you might start working out harder and more often and before you know it, you're seeing those nofap benefits that everyone talks about.

    At the end of the day, it's down to you to use your own judgement to cut through all the BS and really think about what quitting porn means for you. If someone just does it because a youtuber said it made them rich over night, then chances are that person will be very dissapointed and fail repeatedly. But if you really think that porn is having a negative affect on your life then focus on how quitting might help you to imprpove those areas and then I'm sure you will see real benefits.

    I'm on day 80 - my longest ever streak. I'm not richer, I'm not better looking, I'm not stronger. I'm still struggling everyday with urges. But on the plus side, my erections are super hard again (like being a teenager). I don't have as much lingering shame as I did when I was watching porn everyday. I don't live in constant fear that my girfriend might find a tab on my laptp that I forgot to close. I don't have to worry about not getting hard with my girlfriend because I already O'd that day. And I don't find myself mentally setting aside time for porn. I'd say those are some pretty good benefits - sometimes it's difficult to see the benefits when they are subtle, but they are there.
    Hustypeta likes this.
  20. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I’m the wife a a 40 year porn addict. Is nofap over hyped? I think you guys underestimate what pmo does to you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. So, when you finally, years later start getting clean, it can be dramatic. Does it make your dick bigger ( this seems to be so important to men) no, but it will definitely shrink your sick. 10 years into our marriage I commented to my husband that it looked like his dick had shrunk. Of course we both reasoned it must be an optical illusion because dicks don’t just shrink so it only looked smaller because he had put on weight. Lol! Nope. 6 months clean and I told him his dick was noticeably bigger even when flaccid. Plus, it looked healthier and was so much softer to my touch. A year clean, his fingernails which had always been deformed were almost perfect ( 2 years later they are perfectly healthy looking.) I asked my csat about this and she said it was common with sex addicts to have nail deformities. They don’t know why.My husband looks more attractive, stronger jawline, more hair on his chest. Deeper voice. Do not underestimate the physical toll this addiction will take on your body. He used to fall asleep while driving and totaled 2 trucks, always needed a nap when he came home from work, would literally fall asleep anywhere if he sat down to relax. I can’t remember the last time he took a nap and he no longer has to fight falling asleep while driving. Mentally- my husband says it’s easier to concentrate, clearer mind, less depression and he doesn’t care what other people think the way he used to. Emotionally, up until he started recovery it was like living with a 15 year old boy. He had very little emotional maturation. He was a boy hiding from his feelings, he was quick to be irritated, he was very unhappy for the most part. I couldn’t understand because he loved his job, was very successful, he’s very attractive, we have a great house, great kids, friends and family we love. Why was this guy so unhappy? Counseling helped him some but really the changes came when he started working recovery. I was not numbing out. I was not getting high ever chance I got. So I can see the stark difference that quitting makes. Super powers? No. Huge differences, absolutely. Huge. I think the ravages of this addiction are slower, but they do come. My husband didn’t get pied until he was 45. However he had de at 23 and for all of our marriage except once he started recovery. Pmo addiction affects you in so many ways. I didn’t know and my husband didn’t know UNTIL he got clean. It was eye opening! And no, he didn’t change his diet, he’s always been trim and kept in shape.