When it's just too much

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Scotius, Jan 22, 2016.

  1. Scotius

    Scotius New Fapstronaut

    So I've been trying to reboot. I'm married and sometimes work at home when the wife is out, and sometimes it feels like I just can't get anything done if I don't PMO. Like I'm just fighting to make any progress on all the work I have to do, and it feels like, "if I just do this, I'll get it out of my system and be able to get some work done." I know I'm going to be frustrated with myself afterwards, but I'm already frustrated with myself for not being able to get anything done.

    That feeling never fails to push me over and break my reboot. But I don't know what to do about it. I get panicky that I'm getting further and further behind in my work the longer I'm fighting the urge. How can I get past this trigger?
    Peepaltree likes this.
  2. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Hey, man. I empathize - there are two main reasons I fall: the physical urge builds up in the scrotum and the throbbing is nonstop and distracting and/or the psychological temptations are relentless and won't let up, and sometimes both together - which burn out one's willpower for eventual relapse. Sound familiar?

    Try the ice pack method that I describe in the following post - it is good for physical throbbing in the balls, but also for tempting thoughts alone, even if you feel no ball discomfort (that's really the source and fuel for sexual thoughts - which a guy probably wouldn't get if he were castrated, right?)

    In the following post, I responded to a question of cold showers, but within the reply I describe the ice pack method - which I promise you will calm down your urges and nervous energy, allowing you to focus, work, or sleep again.


    Report back, too, if you give it a try. It works for me.

    Best wishes!
  3. JerryRice

    JerryRice Guest

    I know nothing about working from home, but if it's possible for you to go mobile (i.e. using a laptop or tablet) I would recommend heading to your local library or Starbucks to get work done -anywhere but staying at home behind closed doors, where you're pretty much left to your own devices. I have to do this when I find myself home alone; in fact, usually I head to my church which is empty during the weekdays and has no Wifi. I find that I can focus a lot easier being by myself, with limited amounts of distractions and nothing but my work in front of me. I'll head home after a few hours when my parents or sisters get back from work/school.

    I'm not sure what kind place would work for you, or if that would even be possible given your circumstances, but I've found that getting away from that kind of environment has saved me more than once from having to reset.

    Hope this helps!
    bulldawg1970 likes this.
  4. im gonna try this, thank you joeinMD!

    I have massive blue balls and it is so painful. i shouldn't have fantasized last night. it preventing me from focusing:(
    JoeinMD likes this.
  5. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Let me know how it goes, for any relief? Do it no longer than 10-min increments, on/off etc.
    goodnice 2.0 likes this.
  6. it worked like a charm! Thanks agaiin
    JoeinMD likes this.