Do you think that without sex your life will me miserable ?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 4, 2021.

Do you think that without sex for the rest of your life your health or life will be miserable ?

  1. yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. no

    7 vote(s)
  3. I don't know

    4 vote(s)
  1. Hi folks!
    My question - "Do you think/believe, even subconsciously, that without sex for the rest of your life you will be miserable, you health poor and you might even die without sex?"
    Hypothetical question, for scientifical purpose and research.

    Personally I was thinking like that until one point, whats your view? Examine you conscious subconsious thoughts/beliefs.

    Thanks in advance warriors!
  2. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Sex, while enjoyable and part of human nature, is not a necessity for life like food and water.

    Would I enjoy life less if I never had sex with my wife again - yes. Would I die from it? - no.
    HE^MAN and MeTP like this.
  3. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    Depends who you are having sex with. If you never find your significant other then you wont miss out on much because sex without having feelings for someone just isn't pleasurable.
    Overforme and MeTP like this.
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    A life without sex would most likely mean a life of never being in a relationship, a life of being alone, a life of no real sexual intimacy.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say that life wouldn't be worth living without all of this. But I think for most of us something very important is going to be completely missing from our lives without these things, maybe one of the most important things that most of us want from life is going to be completely missing if we don't have these things.

    This is the way I see it.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2021
    MeTP and Ghost79 like this.
  5. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    First, unless it is a choice you've made, you won't go without sex for the rest of your life. Second, due to prostate cancer and treatment and my wife's menopause, we haven't had sex since my prostate cancer surgery in 2011. I am not miserable and my health is not compromised because of no sex. Finally, nobody dies without sex. That's ridiculous. The question has some major factual errors in itself. I think that what you stated is more of a fear than a fact. My wife and I enjoyed sex before my surgery and we're intimate in other ways. You won't die from not having sex. You WILL die if you stop eating for an extended period if you stop breathing if you stop drinking for a few days but you will NOT die without sex. For some, it may FEEL that way but feelings aren't facts. Is life less enjoyable without sex. You betcha but it's not life-threatening. I HAVE learned that much of my impotence was because of my porn addiction. Being away from porn and masturbation, I can see some of that impotence going away.
    MeTP likes this.
  6. TheForsakeen

    TheForsakeen Fapstronaut

    you know what marcus aurelius said about sex? at the end of the day it's just people rubbing against each other, so it's no different than socializing with your partner or whatever.
    Loneliness on the other can make most people unhappy except for workaholic and anti-people.
    MeTP likes this.
  7. It's interesting to see some opinions. I'm not thinking that without sex my life will be miserable. But back in the days where I was thinking that without sex my life will be screwed I was unhappy being single and not even aware how powerful my happiness as a man is conditioned and dependant on sex.

    Man you survived some serious stuff ! Hats off !
    TheForsakeen likes this.