My Results From No Masturbation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Damian Newman, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. (I have posted this for the first time just recently at the NoFap Reddit)

    Started masturbation when I was 13. Stopped masturbation when I was 18.

    The huge benefits became apparent for me only a week after I stopped, and now at just over three months later: Acne has completely diminished & dandruff/seborrheic dermatitis has completely cleared up.

    I now realize that my acne (along with other things) really kicked in the same time the masturbation began. Sure, I got a few pimples here and there before that, and I know that some acne is normal for puberty, but I have no doubt that masturbation turned my puberty-pimples into the disfiguring acne that I never was supposed to have. Especially since the acne died immediately following my abstinence.

    Now when I was 18, I got seborrheic dermatitis. This was shattering, because I was already dealing with the horrid acne, and now this, this apparently chronic condition... which ceased since ceasing masturbation. And here are some other benefits: My over-anxiousness and general anxiety problems are no more, my sluggish slothfulness has stopped, the excruciating abdominal pains & cramps that became a real issue for me since I started high school... or should I say, since I started masturbation... is gone... you know what, all of these terrible ailments and infirmities that just came out of nowhere since the same time I started masturbating have all vanished like a ghost after I stopped masturbating. Yeah, now I look back on it, before I was masturbating I was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I wasn't debilitated by all these problems because I DIDN'T HAVE THEM.

    "Still, masturbation is normal." When I didn't masturbate, I was normal. "Masturbation prevents prostate cancer." I absolutely doubt that is true, and if it is, I would gladly die at 50 having a full life, which is evidently unattainable if masturbation is apart of my life.

    I am very awestruck by how masturbation has basically been the phantom menace of these last 5 years - I was unable to see that whilst I was in the habit, but now I do... and I now wish that I could go back in time and tell my 13 year old self of all this, in order that the last 5 years could've been spent living, not in a coma-zombie-like state... I even noticed in the last few months of masturbation (before I stopped) that my hair was shedding excessively... maybe it would've eventually also caused hair loss? (I shudder to think of that - thankfully that excessive shedding ceased too and my hair hasn't suffered to lose it's near perfect glory.)

    Nevertheless I can share this with others.

    Oh, and one other thing: I am just brighter, like I've finally had my batteries replaced after half a decade. I feel like I was in some fever dream for the last 5 years and I've woken up. I have a liveliness and energy and high spirit within my core, and all this I had before the dark days of masturbation, I just didn't realize the changes because it all became normal to me. Well, I am just... alive.
    AlltheRageBackHome likes this.
  2. The strong spirit that you lose by masturbating is so important for one's life. You will get it, mate.
    Thank you.
  3. uchicha15

    uchicha15 Fapstronaut

    I find it astonishing that you have this point of view already at the age of 18 years. You are lucky. There are people who come to this realisation at the age of 25 or more and for these people it is really really difficult to stop masturbation since they are used to it longer.
    I am glad to hear that NoFap has positiv impacts on one's life.
    Did you have sex during your NoFap months?
    mr lonely likes this.
  4. challenge

    challenge Fapstronaut

    So true! I know exactly what you mean by feeling brighter and getting batteries replaced! For the first time I feel ALIVE
  5. PigMan

    PigMan Guest

    Agree with Uchicha, already able to put this nonsense behind you at such an early age, good job man! Quite the inspiration.
  6. slipsonic

    slipsonic Fapstronaut

    Im 30 and finally figuring this out thanks to this site and a couple others... Ironic, the internet is the source of this problem for most, but its also where we can go to overcome it.
    Congrats on kicking the habit at an early age, tomorrow is a new day! :)
  7. faptastic

    faptastic Fapstronaut

    Brother I am glad you are on this page. All these personal accounts only reaffirm my new found beliefs that the pronz perpetuates excessive masturbation, and is an attempt at the extinction of the human race.

    We need to do something far more than nofap about this. This is only the beginning. How long before we can spread this message to the entire world?
  8. Soul Cage

    Soul Cage Fapstronaut

    I have nothing to add here that hasn't already been said, but just want to say I love this thread, it's so positive and life affirming. Damian you seem to have wisdom beyond your years.

    Feeling strong today
  9. No, I didn't.

    It seems to me that the world is only becoming more sex-crazed and defiant of any notion that intense sexuality 24/7 is anything but the greatest thing ever. I see young men looking towards a future where they live out their fantasies through sex-bots.

    But as all this reaches it's ridiculous peak, there will be a resurgence that stands opposed to the unhealthy sexual craziness. For now, men must spread this amongst themselves. Did you have any ideas yourself of spreading this?

    Thank you, and to everyone else who has replied thus far. I'm very pleased that this is affirming and inspiring others, which is really what I hoped sharing my experience would do.

    My experience was so revolutionary and transforming that to not tell it would be a crime, like keeping the cure to cancer a secret.
  10. faptastic

    faptastic Fapstronaut

    No not yet, but if we keep asking that question the answers will come.

    For now, I'm being (selectively) open with other males in my life. My openness comes as a shock to them but I think that helps get my point across, because for me to be so openly talking about jerkin my wang off, it must be pretty serious. But as you can see, I'm only on day 2 so I'm waiting for more results to manifest before I REALLY start pumping this thing.

    I know the results will come, I know this is right, but I just want to be able to back it up with my empirical evidence. You know how people are they for the most part HATE being changed lol.
  11. iwillovercome

    iwillovercome Fapstronaut

    Dude, nice job at only 18. I am 23 and still happy I am stopping now, but if I was 18 and stopped, my college years would have been a lot different. Still, I am grateful for desiring and stopping now and I know it is never too late to change. Inspirational man. keep strong
  12. jonsnow92

    jonsnow92 Fapstronaut

    Gotta echo some of the other responders and say how lucky you are to have developed your self-control at 18. I'm 21 and wish I could go back in time and slap some sense into my younger self! I hope you continue seeing benefits from doing this and good luck with it!
  13. fapcultative

    fapcultative Fapstronaut

    good! you had more or less the effects than I did.

    and remembering... I started my NoFap challenge with 19 or 20 years old, now I have 28 and I still live very equilibrated about sex matters.
  14. looking

    looking Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this. I share so many similarities with you it's surreal just reading that, almost like I'm looking into the future.

    I found this upon Googling for a connection between MO addiction and SD.

    I was a completely different person when I was a boy myself. Now 15, I'm really just a shadow of my former self. A once perfectly healthy boy who was going to so good with his opportunity is now ridden and tortured by depression, anxiety, hypochondria, acne, dermatitis, hair shedding (which bothers in a unique way, because while I was never a popular kid, people always told me hair was great, haha. Now it's just another certainty slipping away), "sluggishness", and a lack of energy.

    This post is inspiring to me because it makes me think that maybe, if I get the strength to do this, like you, I can live.
  15. Trollofduty

    Trollofduty New Fapstronaut

    Wow, I can't believe how common our problems are. And I totally agree that all my problems too came after starting masturbation. I am suffering from OCD, anxiety, stress, brain fog, sleep problems, tired eyes all the time, fatigue, acne, SD, hair fall and bad PMO problem. It's like I am a zombie or something. I haven't been happy from like 3,4 years. It sucks.
    Your post is really motivating and I hope I can stop PMO once and for all to live a normal life.
  16. Hi bro,

    Allow yourself to work through any underlying issues as to why you use PMO as a means for escape in the first place. It's the only way of healing and moving forward without relapsing any more.