Trying to recover my life

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Angel29, Jan 1, 2021.

  1. Angel29

    Angel29 Fapstronaut

    Hi there! I'm new here. I want to tell you my story and how porn destroyed my life. Last December 29th, I turned 30 years old. I don't have a job, I haven't graduated from college, I don't have a girlfriend, I am such a shy person, I feel like a bug when I go out, I even have problems to have eye contact with people. I don't have friends, I tried to be Christian but I can't. I stopped attending to the church. In short, I'm a failure as a person. It wasn't like this before but since I started to watch porn and as a consequence to masturbate every single day, I became in this person. Pornography steals your life your dreams your plans, everything. It just gives you such a good pleasure moment but then comes the emptyness. I've decided to try to recover my life. I can't recover the time that I've wasted nor the missed opportunities but I'll try to do something good with the rest of my life. It's been two days clean and I feel great. I downloaded an app that counts my days sober and reminds me every day to keep on this recovering path.

    Please, quit this addiction as soon as possible. There is a real life out there waiting for you. Don't waste your life your time, your dreams, your talents. It destroys your life. Mine is already destroyed.
    Helluvanight likes this.
  2. FoundTheFreedom

    FoundTheFreedom Fapstronaut

    First, you're only 30. You have lots of life left to make something wonderful out of yourself. Don't throw in the towel now. Ok, so you're shy. Once you are rid of this addiction, there are many women out there that love a shy man. Don't give up on that either. This journey is not about giving anything up but changing your life so you can have many wonderful people and things in it. This is where you start to find yourself again and redefine yourself in whatever way you like. I'm 59 years old and I just started this journey 71 days ago. I'm late in the game but I'm not giving up. I ain't dead yet which means I make something left of whatever time I have left on this planet. Who knows? I might have another 30 years or so. There is a lot I can do with all that time. First up, I'm going to lose this addiction. If I haven't given up at 59, then there is no reason for you to throw in the towel. This is your chance to make a great life for yourself. Go for it! I guarantee everyone in this forum is rooting for you!
    Helluvanight likes this.
  3. Angel29

    Angel29 Fapstronaut

    I really appreciate your words. Thanks a lot.
  4. Helluvanight

    Helluvanight Fapstronaut

    Go out and be a success this year. The world is yours.
  5. Angel29

    Angel29 Fapstronaut

    I'll try to do my best. Thanks a lot
    Helluvanight likes this.
  6. No, you are not a "failure as a person". It is a new year and you have plenty of time to turn your life around, quitting pmo is a great step and will help you out alot. Good luck on your journey and install porn blockers on all your devices NOW. Picblock too.
  7. Angel29

    Angel29 Fapstronaut

    I'll do it. If I don't recover my life then it will be the end for me. Thanks