Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Wolfyoufeed, Dec 26, 2019.

So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  1. “This is the Way”

    147 vote(s)
  2. “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    2 vote(s)
  1. *I was editing my post when you responded*

    Okay. That's a symptom of other things going on though, right?
  2. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

    Day 20/40

    I just made a collage on my phone to remind me to practice in order to be ready to face my fears.
    Nofap is a passive habit.

    Working out, meditation and doing chores are stuff that require effort.
    So i am binding conquering my fear with working out and meditation.
    A paladin warrior lets say.

    Be the best version. This is the way.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  3. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

  4. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Meditation is really working for me as well. It's the first thing I do during the day.
    Sc8r51o1n and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  5. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Day 4!

    This is the way.
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  6. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

  7. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Hey @EndPornLiveLife may i retake the mando challange?

    I was relapse a couple days ago, so its perfect start for me
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  8. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Day 5!

    Feeling really energetic! I think I can go for a bounty, anything new?
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  9. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

  10. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Day 7!
    Spirited Potential!
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  11. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

  12. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

  13. Day 110 complete.

    Have been off for a couple of days due to a pretty big wedding I was involved in. A bit stressful at times but great fun.

    Oh @hollyman I didn't recognise you with your new avatar! Yes mate welcome back to the challenge:D

    Oops I almost told you about your day 15 reward, but in this challenge you're on day 8. Doing well!

    As for bounty, I just received a tip on the location of someone who owes Jabba a whole lot of money. He'll be very pleased if you can bring the scum to Tatooine. Check out a Tibanna gas mining colony floating in the clouds of the planet Bespin...
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
    OneSlipMan likes this.
  14. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Oh you mean he is in Cloud City I suppose. How does this guy look like?
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  15. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

  16. Checking in

    He's a human male, probably in his early 40's (in earth years). He's been described as a "stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder".
    OneSlipMan likes this.
  17. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    Thanks @EndPornLiveLife

    I was taking a pledge to change my avatar in november if i relapse , i cant change it, back then because i was stay away from the forum lol

    Anyway day 1
    EndPornLiveLife likes this.
  18. Sc8r51o1n

    Sc8r51o1n Fapstronaut

    Checking in day 26/46

    I've had an inspiring dream last night.
    I did a tai chi form and after that I had some white petals between my palms and I was concentrated, channeling my chi and the petals were transforming to white butterflies one by one as popcorn popping.
    The understanding and the message of the dream was to practice my taichi and forms so that Chi is cultivated and new wonders, transformations and achievements happen.

    Did 2 reps of the form today.
    EndPornLiveLife and hollyman like this.
  19. OneSlipMan

    OneSlipMan Fapstronaut

    Okay that was specific enough and by looking at the footage, I assume people don't like him that much. I will be on my way soon...
    EndPornLiveLife and hollyman like this.