My mind is trying to find an excuse to not go on a date..

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by pornfree4ever, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. pornfree4ever

    pornfree4ever Fapstronaut

    I am in my mid-30s and have never been on a date in my life. I signed up for tinder and got 3 or 4 matches, one of them agreed to go on a date this weekend.

    My mind is trying to find every excuse to cancel this date, here are some examples of my inner dialogue..
    • "I am extremely boring, I do not have much to talk about besides tech & engineering, why bother?"
    • "I f*ckin hate short talk. I can't stand conversations that don't have a well-defined purpose. I don't have jokes or stories. Talking about the weather, travels, etc is extremely boring to me".
    • "Even if I mastered short talks and keeping the conversation going, that's not going to be enough to spark an attraction and she would probably see me just as a friend".
    • "I don't speak English natively, and my weird accent is probably a turn-off".
    • "I posted my best photos on the app, but I don't look as good in real life. What if she changes her mind when we meet? or what if I meet her and find that she looks worse than her photos? The rest of the date would be awkward. How then would I end the date without looking like an a$$hole?"
    • "There is a pandemic, so we should not eat indoors. And we cannot walk outside because it is cold".
    etc, etc, etc.. you get the idea.

    I feel like I would hate myself if I did not go, but I would hate myself more if I did go.
    How long should a date last? Is there a polite way to end the date early if things get awkward or there is nothing to talk about?
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  2. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    what's your longest streak away from PMO
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  3. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    You definitely should go. The key is acting like you're the one who people are trying to date. You want to be borderline dick to be attractive, but don't try too hard. Say flirty stuff like, "so do you always dress in super cute outfits" or "dang I liked you until I found out you like Nickelback," or somethin like that. Also realize that you are into tech and engineering, so you're probably smart and fairly successful from what I can see. So know you already have attractive attributes and own it. Just make sure you don't overdo the compliments, and when you do say them phrase them in a sexy way. Don't say, "I like your heels" say, "I'm not a big heels guy myself, but those are nice" or "can I try on your heels? I wanna see if they look better on me or u" or some shit like that. Look man, I'm no pro at this, I'm in college and have only dated a little.

    Before you go into the date, knock out 20 pushups and listen to some hype music. Bring that same energy into talking to her. If you run out of something to say, no problem. If she's into you, she'll keep the convo going.

    I know there's never a guarantee with women and they're unpredictable, so it's hard to say what she's gonna be like. Make sure you retain all the way to the date and work out well this week. Play to your own strengths. Also if you haven't picked where you're going out to eat, text her and tell her where you'll go or text her with two options. Show decision making skills and leadership; these are masculine qualities and super attractive to women.

    Good luck man, I hope it goes well. If not, don't worry, keep building yourself as a man and move on to the next opportunity.
    pornfree4ever likes this.
  4. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Before asking a woman out you shoud better check if she is interested in you. When a woman is interested she is going to put effort in the date and you are probably going to have a good evening. If she is not then the convo is going to be forced and boring, don't waste your time with woman like that. You can tell how much interest in you she have by how much and quicky she response your texts and how hard she makes it to set a date. Is she asking you personal questions or you are just talking about her or trivial things? You can also agree to talk to her over the phone for 10 mins, if the convo over the phone is boring you already know that a date in person is a waste of time.
    There are woman that are into that stuff too, there are not a lot but there are. Is easy to see that by talking about it over chat or the phone before the date. If she don't like that at all.. then don't bother dating her.
    That's what you talk with a person you see in the street. In a date is about having fun and getting to know each other. If you have nothing interesting to talk about you should better start doing things in your life that you can be passionate about and are happy to tell people about it. Besides that she can have some interesting stuff going on in her life, just ask her about them and the convo will flow, woman love to talk about their stuff.
    If she is attracted to you then you don't need to over think it. Go out, have fun and make a move before the nigth ends. Make it clear to her that you don't want her for a friendship.
    Again, a phone call before the date can get this out of the way. You also want to hear her voice before the date, maybe she is really anoying while talking.

    We all do! just don't post old photos that are not true to your current appearece. If she change her mind and don't like you in person that's it. She is going to cut the date short, move on to the next girl. You have to go thru a lot of NO to get to the YES.
    You go out on a date to have fun, and to know a person. If you don't like her in person, just have 1 drink and ask for the check and leave. Never do 1st dates in a place were you are stuck with this person for more than 1 hour. If she is nothing like she showed in the pictures respectfully tell her that you are not into dating people that lie in their profile. Wish her good nigth and leave. Your time have value, don't waste it with woman like this.
    No eating. Just one drink in a bar at nigth. If the date is going great after 1 drink you can order some fries with the 2nd round. Remember, some woman will accept going out with you for free meals and drinks, so make every first date as cheep as posible. Only 1 drink for starter, if you are having a great time with her you can order more things, if not pay and leave.
    Go out and have fun, if the date is boring the just leave after the first drink. Don't over think it. Dating is all about having fun and knowing new people, keep dating the ones that make you have good nigth and leave the ones that are boring.
    pornfree4ever likes this.
  5. 007_JamesBond

    007_JamesBond Fapstronaut

    I had dated very little and was very naive. There are girls and guys that are only interested in getting the other person's money. I speak from my own personal experience, because it happened to me during my second marriage. If a person on a first date wants to make out and is over eager then it is a warning sign. If someone says they don't have a place to stay and want to move in with you then it is a big warning sign. This happened to me in my first marriage.

    People should be dating others who have similar interests so that they are compatible. As you are educated then you should seek out an educated person.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  6. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    You should definitetly go, even just for the sake of experience and desentizing fear

    You are overthinking it. What is the worstcasescenario? That the date is boring and it will lead to a 'have a good night'?

    You have nothing to lose, you can only win something (maybe she can tell you 1 interesting fact that you can use in a later conversation with another person: "Oh, I have heard people eat a lot of XYZ in that place!"). You get my point

    Even is she rejects you, you still will learn something about it.
  7. This whole subject of fear is something that interests me a lot. The more we overcome fear, the less intense fear is because we give our brains proof that it hurts less than we thought it would.

    @pornfree4ever The thing to understand is that you don't have a choice.
    You don't know what's going to happen. So what's the best solution?
    To go for sure.

    Everything that happens is out of your control. Except if you can read the future but I doubt it.
    But you can be sure that you will learn and that it will be one more experience that will help you not make the same mistakes later on.

    Always choose the best thing to do. Even if you're scared and you feel fear intensely.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2020
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  8. Mind is ego, meanwhile gut is the soul. Listen to your gut more in these situations.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  9. Someguy810

    Someguy810 New Fapstronaut

    Best thing you can do is not to try and fake anything you're not. I would even go as far as telling her she is your first date if it comes up, be honest and try to have a good time.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and 007_JamesBond like this.
  10. neverpolitcallycorrect

    neverpolitcallycorrect Fapstronaut

    Those things happen ,the more experience you get the better you will be look at it as an opertunity to grow and learn and not take things so seriously
  11. pornfree4ever

    pornfree4ever Fapstronaut

    After some thought, I think the reason I was not very enthusiastic about this date was not being very attracted to the girl appearance-wise (from her photos). I consider myself high-value in terms of life achievements (education, career), and getting rejected by someone I consider average is a blow to my self-esteem.

    Also, I don't believe in marriage and never wanted to have children. Yes, I believe in a long-term commitment, but signing a contract has no value to me as a man. So I messaged her and told her that "I don't believe in marriage but I am open to casual dating". She replied that she wanted to get married at some point and she is not interested in "hookups". So we left it at that. I did not go on this first date.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2020
  12. All of the above is stuff you can work on. Go on the date. Some suggestions: Read a lot of books. Learn proper body language, how to flirt, how to have an attractive voice, how to be funny and so on. There are books on everything. Learn different subjects. You wont believe how much I learned after reading 100 books.
  13. Different Built

    Different Built Fapstronaut

    at least you're honest, I have a ton of respect for that