my community college sucks. no girls ever bother to talk to me.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Its not luck .....its the result of confidence , self worth and self esteeem, you can work on that by riding books, learning and putting in pratice social improvment stuff .... you really need to stop complaining and start improving your life, starting by stopping eating shit, if you feel that bad about you what will others think of you???

    University, 4 have (funny enough one that talks more and laughts and plays with me as a bf) but thats also because im not interested neither needy on that , its just natural things happen, what im focused is to do my degree on university . Other things come naturaly
    Im from Western Europe , but any of that doesnt matter , what matters is having self confidence and social skills .
  2. im not needy or don’t act like i am interested i simply... don’t say anything. now i guess my question would be, do girls have a sixth sense where they can smell no confidence or social skills off of me? i mean, i guess you pretty much can tell from the way i speak.

    yeah you go to a university where everyone lives on campus, everyone at my community college (from the looks of it) goes off to their car and leaves.
  3. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    You need to tchill out stop being nervous, i deffinitely you read about stoicism , really really
    The way you perceive of yourself is the way you Project to the external, if you think and feel like a looser , you will project that image to the other people

    What? No , my university is very small, and my classes are at night, everybody goes home after class ends , and its normal what would you expect on a corona time and at night lol

    Btw sucess and improvment take time , dont expect everything good immediatly
  4. what class are you taking may i ask? and i don’t understand what you mean what i bolded above^
  5. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Its master degree, i dont know the name in english

    I mean that, all bars and night life are closed so its normal for people go to their houses , because their litteraly obligated to do
  6. Stoicism I heard good things about... Maybe I'll read Marcus Aurelius' book Meditations. If it helps me improve my confidence, and social skills, I'll take it!
  7. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    I asked the book for christmas ahahah , but ive seen youtube videos and they really make sense and helped me alot having inner peace and happiness
    ForYouAreWithMe likes this.
  8. Could you share some things you found useful? I'm intrigued because it seems to have really helped you. I don't know anything about it LOL.
  9. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut


    Follow this channel its quite good

    But its not just stoicism, above all its faith , and me changing my lifestyle(i love sport and my body and i have good looks dispite not being a model lol but i have good looks because i started taking care of my image ) for better since 18 , the only thing that is not putting me even further is PMO , specially P thats why im here finnaly focused on doing this shit properly !
  10. your classes, like english, science, math, ect. not what degree you are going for.
  11. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Ah its classes all about marketing