Nofap and scientific misinformation articles

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. I keep finding no nut November articles throughout the interwebs about how much nofap isn't healthy and just a joke. Reading through them gives me the message that they just don't understand it and claim opposite of the benefits. It just feels like a bunch of fappers that are hating on the movement spreading misinformation saying that its going to give you prostate cancer or some other BS.
    Is anyone else seeing these dumb articles?
    Little Prince likes this.
  2. L3t'sG0

    L3t'sG0 Fapstronaut

    Not really. It's best to help people for those who need help.

    Credentials: 15 years old so take my reasoning with a grain of salt

    Maybe those people haven't seen YourBrainonPorn website who tries to counter the statements claimed for the benefits of porn with scientific reviews and studies. Still, I bet some of them still won't accept them, because A. inertia and B. sometimes, emotions can be a lot more powerful than reasoning because people do whatever they can to get what they want.

    Still, YourBrainonPorn doesn't really know whether masturbation or fantasy is healthy or not. That's because we're essentially at the frontier of reproductive sciences. I remember someone defining fantasy as the seperation of body and mind. Something he believes is the best way to kill a relationship and sometimes set an unrealistic expectations of sex, especially when you're imagining porn. I personally believe that fantasy is unhealthy because of the reasons above, though someone else may believe otherwise and that's ok.

    Recently, I realize that I'm less happy with masturbation, even without fantasy or porn. I think the reason why is because it contradicts with my philosophy, that searching for happiness is the best way not to achieve it. After all, masturbation is instant gratification. It's unrewarding and it's like fleeting happiness to me. Of course, other people will arrive at a different reasoning. Until science (which I believe without conflicts of interests to be the best judge of truth) catches up, we can have one or the other. We shouldn't hate each other for reasoning things that hasn't even been proven. Even porn is still a little sketch in scientific validity, mainly due to the various controversies related to the research.

    I believe we'll get to a point where we all realize the truth of the matters. Until then, I'm sticking with what I know and no PMOing. After all, I promise myself no PM for life.
  3. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Yet, when priests do nofap because of religion nobody makes a fuss about it.

    I´m sure back in the early days, of religion celibacy was viewed similarly to nofap. It´s only a matter of time before nofap becomes recognized.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I find the anti nofappers very uneducated on the real scientific proof that it actually has the benefits and not the other way around. I can understand one thing that most of the things you see on youtube and memes do make it a joke by saying it gives you fictional super powers.
    They are trying to ignore the actual facts because A. They are getting the wrong info, or B. They enjoy being addicted to PMO and don't want to stop.
    Little Prince and Dynamogyan like this.
  5. I agree with you entirely. It's very strange to see people writing about how fapping is good for you when 100% of us here know that it's not. Its kinda sad. Its almost like i pity them for living in fog.
  6. They seem to try to overlook things like that too.
  7. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Case they´d have to shut their mouths on it as soon as someone asks them if priests fapping to minors is also a good thing.

    In Japan the mangaka of Samurai X got caught and sentenced to jail for holding illegal minor porn on his house, it´s not a joke he was fapping to that shit, while making some of the greatest manga material of all time, it can plague anyone, so why´s Nofap bad again?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. So true! Also maybe according to that, some people in the world have this higher connection to morality. We know its disgusting so we want to get rid of it and become our full potential.
    This might be for a different topic, but it may just be the "superpower" we have but haven't talked about.
    ThePeakWae likes this.
  9. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Like our "Mettle"
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. They found not masturbating "correlates" with prostate cancer, not "causes" prostate cancer. It's just a consistent variable found within the sample of people they studied, which can meaning nothing depending on the size of the sample, the truth of the study participants and other consistent variables. I've never heard anyone claim porn is healthy. In fact, many scientists agree that porn is very destructive and can cause many problems. In regards to masturbation, the body just absorbs the excess sperm in your testicles or expels it via wet dreams, that is, if you also don't have frequent sex, so I don't see how not masturbating can cause any problems.
  11. Truth right there brother.