The START 2021 STRONGER Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Day 46:
    Took a few days away from the site, similar to what @tonyk1982 said.


    "supportive subconscious". That's a very interesting phrase. Considering over 95% of our functioning is said to be unconscious, a supportive subconscious seems very important.

    Anyway, my last streak was 44 Days no porn or masturbation, which means I've now elapsed that.
    In my longest streak of 94 days no masturbation, I went 53 days no porn. So I have that to pass over still.
    Which I'm looking forward to.

    Keep going, friends.
    Day to day it's easy not to see the significance of what we are doing.
    Then an experience comes along that really displays the importance.
  2. TheManInTheArena

    TheManInTheArena Fapstronaut

    Day 39.

    Same ole, same ole, over here. Still calling a friend or two each day, doing some prayer and meditation.

    The mood swings are still in full boogie, but I have just come to accept that is going to be this way for awhile.

    It’s really helped me to be able to put a label on some of this shit. I find comfort in just being able to identify things as “mood swings” or “cravings” or “withdrawls”. I can overthink at times, and always want to get to the “bottom” of it, but sometimes all that is going on is withdrawls. My life doesn’t suck, I am just experiencing a mood long as I can identify that, I can accept the discomfort as more of the process of healing, than some emotional mystery that must be solved.

    Last edited: Nov 8, 2020
  3. quickstarter

    quickstarter Fapstronaut

    Sorry to post this here but day before yesterday I think I had a nightfall (first time), no wet dreams or so.
    This is my longest streak ever, so no experience about this. I don't know what to do, please guide me.
  4. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    Wet dreams are just natures way of recycling backed up stale sperm in your body. Wet dreams mean you are healing, it’s positive
  5. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Alas, someone else also teaching the true physiological basics of male biology. I can now retire! Ha!

  6. Day 47 Check in: Wahooo

    I feel this. I can be the same way, trying to articulate every little detail of what is occurring and why.
    Last Wednesday I was depressed. Eventually asking myself "What is the source of my unhappiness?"
    Essentially, the answer I found was "I'm not doing the right things, or what calls me."

    Still, being able to identify what things are "the right things" that I am doing gives me strength to move forward. NoFap being one of those things.
    Recognizing that the processing of that also can cause emotional turbulence helps me as well.
  7. Teutão

    Teutão Fapstronaut

    Since I've not checked here this last week, for obvious reasons, I will, according to the rules, be retracting myself from this challenge. A shame, but I will not give NoFap, will continue uptading in other threads, but with this one I just failed. So this must be a thorn near my heart every time an urge comes.
  8. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    There's always a new challenge. Tomorrow is a fresh day!

  9. Agreed. Your body does amazing things we can't control. Porn, masturbation, other acts that basically walk you down the path to fapping like chat rooms, sexting, edging, etc... These are concerns.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  10. Sorry man. You can still post here and support the group. Or as others said, find yourself a new place on NoFap. Best of luck either way
    Ian Of Freelandia likes this.
  11. Well friends,

    Despite my most sincere and honest desires to be a good role model I have fallen again to the desires that come shortly (a week) after hooking up with my wife. I cannot break this cycle and it's becoming perpetual. Sex - urges- fantasy- relapse. I'm so sorry to be less of the guide I hoped to be here. 3 strikes...
    Chakra_Serpent likes this.
  12. quickstarter

    quickstarter Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your guidance...
    I'm not worried now..
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  13. Schia

    Schia Fapstronaut

    The fact that you can relapse, yet still come back and not only start again, but also guide others through this process, encourage and inspire, shows both your determination and a human side which many of us can relate to. Yes, if someone on a long streak was running the challenge, it might well be something to admire, but I know the people who need this challenge most are those who relapse. To hear words of strength from someone who is really going through the same process as them, with the same relapse issues, and still determined to get up and give this another ago is exactly what NoFap is all about. We’re not all successful every time we try to stop. That’s why we’re here.

    I had come on to say that today is Day 73, and I’m awake after two dreams. One had a former friend who went on to show they were manipulative and false trying to get back into my life. Usually that would keep running through my head for hours, but not this time. I’d pushed it aside within minutes for being so far fetched as to be untrue. Then I had a dream about watching P with my wife. It wasn’t the type of P I’d call my speciality, and I don’t remember finding it much of a turn on in the dream, but I do remember wanting to have sex with my wife in it, so that’s kinda good. It could just do without having the P in it.

    Anyway, whilst I’ve gotten this far, the encouraging words and actions of so many in this challenge have guided me through, and probably none more so that you, @BrohkenCompass . You’ve inspired many here to improve themselves, so hopefully we can do the same for you. 50+ days by year’s end would still be an incredible achievement.
  14. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    @BrohkenCompass you've been a great leader in this challenge for all of us. And many of us that have followed this challenge since early on know you've had many stressful life situations over the last year or so. I'm pretty sure that I would not have been able to even consider a nofap challenge under such circumstances. So I'm sure that we will all stand by you and support you as you get back on track.
  15. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Day 55 - same old story as far as weekend stress. I've settled into a dull emotional state, neither excited nor distraught, but just sad deep down. I am firmly convinced that any PMO is going to make me feel worse than I already do, so part of me has changed enough that I am not retreating to that coping mechanism and bad behavior. About the only positive thing I feel in my life right now is that I am at my longest streak ever and it gives me hope that there will be some positive change for me in my life.
    BrohkenCompass likes this.
  16. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    To me a good role model is someone who never ever gives up. Someone who keeps going, who falls down again and again but who keeps getting back up and fighting. That’s a good role model.