Rejection by a girl I liked

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Tommy34, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    I’ve been burned by online dating many times. Recently I had been getting along really well and had a regular chat time. We were just about to meet, and I saw her account was deleted. I was gutted. But all we can do is move on.
  2. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    I went to a date to a girl who i meet online and it went well before the dates she liked me , and the dates well , the first one was ok, i made her laught (thats not hard for me because im crazy ahah) and she showed alot of signs was interested on me , touched me first etc... i was nervous but managed to had a good conversation, but we didnt kiss, then we had a second date , same thing but i get into her car we kissed but eventually she ended up rejecting me , why ? Her excuse was that" i say some things that she doesnt identifies" ..... wtf? Well i felt heartbroken at first because that bitch really caught me (i even went to a psycologist because i was really sad ) but...brain before heart alllllwayssssss and i managed to overcome the situation , i still chatted to her sometimes and almost did a third date but nonononono i canceled it and deleted all related to her ! Why? Because if i was with her i wasnt being myself, im a very political incorrect guy and i dont like to take things serious , life is too harsh to me on no laugh mood , i like to laugh and things thats me , and with her i wouldnt be myself sooooo always putt yourself first ! Yesyesyesyesyes
    And this was a valiuable experience , i become more stronger, think as that as always valiuable experiences
  3. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Honesty won’t get you many friends, but it’ll get you the right friends. No point prolonging a lie. Lies don’t have long shelf life.
  4. I dont use dating apps anymore. I meet people in person. Always. I have learned that messaging girls is usually a very bad idea. Dont try to keep the spark alive that way. It can easily turn into a desperate chase which turns her off.

    The girl I am dating got very defensive when I asked her on a date. We had already known each others for a year and I thought it was about time to make itreal by admitting that I want to date her properly. At first she rejected me and didn't answer for 3 days. When she finally answered she wanted a date. I got a little desperate and flooded her with messages. Bad idea. If her shields go up, give her all the space she needs. Even if it means not messaging her for a month.

    Now she is unresponsive but we still have this date on friday. I will drastically decrease my message frequency. I also read trough everything we have exchanged during the last year. At times she messaged me the most and we mostly kept a light and humorous tone.

    Lately my messages have just been boring and needy.

    I have two dates on Friday and one on Sunday. I am planning on meeting the girl I like first. If it goes well I will invite her to my Sunday date since they are mutual friends. If it goes to hell however then I might not contact her for 30 days or never.

    In situations like this girls need space. Give them that space and if you are lucky they will come around again at some point. But dont count on it. Keep living life as normal.

    I will as I said message her a lot less from now on until she becomes responsive again. And I will watch out for my needy message behavior. Just stick to the easy light conversations and never message her more than she messages me. Preferably use messages to get in touch and plan dates. Dont use it to all the other bullshit you need for your ego to feel better.
    Tommy34 and Deleted Account like this.
  5. This is great advice, loneliness is a b*** but this is great advice to stay happy in the long run.
    Tommy34 and Fullyawake like this.
  6. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Thank you. Being true to yourself is really important.
    Tommy34 likes this.
  7. Vagran989496

    Vagran989496 Fapstronaut

    Tell me please, WHO initiated this connection in the first place : Did she write to you first or did YOU write her first ?
    A person who writes first - looses
  8. Ive been having that same story happen to me countless times as well! Ive been meeting women for dates and most have gone well, but got rejected for a second date or ghosted by text.
    It's pretty depressing. My theory is because women are wired to automatically think we are cowards because its more comfortable to approach women digitally instead of in person so they just go with the next guy down the line.
    Modern dating is killing us.
    Fullyawake likes this.
  9. Tommy34

    Tommy34 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. I would like to share a success story. I think that this rejection lead me to be a better version of myself. Although, I was down. I picked my self back up within a month. I been working out everyday/eating healthy and praticing good habits. After a month of working on myself I went back on the dating app again and met a wonderful girl. We have met up a few times now and things are wonderful. Sometimes Rejections are good for us to learn from and it helps us eventually build confidence to move onto better things. For those of you who are in a similar situation, just know that once you start focusing on yourself and building confidence, you will find the right person.
    jax2k19 and ikerxkenshin like this.
  10. BigBob73

    BigBob73 Temporarily Suspended

    Just read "How to be a 3% man" by corey wayne. He has all the answers and turned me into a dating beast