got no choice, I´m blocking youtube

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ThePeakWae, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    You select any key words, apps, websites etc that you want to block. You invite someone you know ideally to be your accountability person, you don’t have to be an accountability partner. If you try to access something you have blocked the blocker x app will notify your accountability buddy. They can then check up on you and give you the code if you need to change your settings etc.
    ThePeakWae likes this.
  2. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Interesting I didnt consider getting a accountability partner til now, this made me question that position, I´ll think on it and give a answer on this tomorrow or the day after, I wanna test how my life without youtube will be like first, btw do I need to watch out for any withdrawal symptons from Youtube?

    I tend to post a lot, so I fear that may translate to the Nofap community, so I´ll try to keep it cool, the best I can, but the first few days will be hard.
  3. ADMG

    ADMG Fapstronaut

    This is what I did with my phone. Though I used a different app than Blocker x (App Locker). I have found accountability partners to be pretty unreliable, unfortunately. So I have it set up where the App Locker needs a 16-digit PIN code to unlock (to prevent memorization), and then I stored that 16-digit PIN at Downside is that I have no way to access Settings if I need to do so immediately... though I also preemptively downloaded some apps to control specifically WiFi, Display, and Audio to minimize my need to go into Settings. Overall, it's a good set-up for me. And very rarely do I feel that downside.
  4. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    just a thing, there isnt any 3rd party hacking risks with using this kinds of apps right?
  5. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    I used to have app locker, it’s good.
  6. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    You may experience withdrawals. I got rid of my smartphone for one year when I first discovered nofap and I gave up the internet and fapping at the same time, I experienced withdrawal, my sleep was bad for a few months. The nofap forum can be a great way to ease off and post on here loads instead, don’t be fearful about posting to much on here. This place has been created to help you break free, so for the next few weeks you could post on here loads instead, that’s what I do from time to time and it feels good.
  7. ADMG

    ADMG Fapstronaut

    Honestly don't know. Never looked into it. Theoretically there's probably some risk... I think you need to give these sorts of Apps pretty universal permission on your phone (don't quite remember, but it would make sense).
  8. Steppingintotheunkown

    Steppingintotheunkown Fapstronaut

    That’s a good way of doing it, when I was using that app I just wrote the 16 digit number down on a piece of paper then threw it away lol, big mistake. Now I have another human to go to who will enter the code while I’m in their presence, so I have to tell them why I need it. I went for years just trying to do it on my own and eventually it tired me out
    ADMG likes this.
  9. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    If thats the case I should do it the natural way deinstall the apps and build up discipline naturally, Alex Becker managed to clear his phone of a ton of hard to clear apps (doubt he´s using the accountability partner method and not mention it), with some kind of way, afterall. I found hard to deinstall some apps though, I´ll need time to reach peak in this issue, however it´s ok, I have time, I blocked youtube today I´ll do some research and work tomorrow, deinstall some aditional apps and so on and forth.
  10. MisterDoe

    MisterDoe Fapstronaut

  11. ADMG

    ADMG Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I definitely think accountability partners are the way to go. Unfortunately, I've confided in a handful of friends in the past, and it's never quite worked out... usually they get tired of me asking them to help, or vice versa. So while I will occasionally go to these friends of mine if I need something, I don't have them as a regular accountability partner.
  12. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    It´s like bringing friends into business, unless you both have reasonable skin in the game it just doesnt work as well.
  13. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    I tried something similar already, it doesnt work, I´ve a completionist addiction in that I crave to watch playlists and put likes to mark I watched those vids, when it comes to a variety of youtubers, I tried to avoid subbing to the majority of them, but it doesnt work, it´s like a serious fapping addiction youtube version. If I dont block it and try to overcome the addiction first it´s pointless, I also "overpost" another issue I´ve to get fixed as well.

    My first biggest issue when I realized I had to 100% drop a youtube channel was my experience with "I love Comics" that lazyass youtuber posts vids of content he already posted before and I caught on to that, so I permanently dropped his sorry ass, but if it´s constant stream of new vid content creators I´m screwed, so I had to block it.

    The worst part is that the fearmongering FOMO news on certain vids likely to get banned, just made my addiction worse, I need to cut youtube permanently for at least 1 month before returning.
    MisterDoe likes this.
  14. MisterDoe

    MisterDoe Fapstronaut

    I see. Well in that case blocking youtube would probably be best for you.
  15. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    I think I´ll get better after the 15 days (maybe), but I wont test that, I also need to fix my manga/anime addictions, I crave that way too much, but I have to go step by step.

    Also used to be a addictive gamer, but I fixed that.
  16. lonely_1

    lonely_1 Fapstronaut

    I have a problem with using sites like this, I start to get sucked into a sort of group think. Soon I just become ignorant of people who are different and such, so now I also just read up on stuff that is more neutral and (respectfully) talk to people who disagree with me.
  17. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I had initial problems with this in the early stages of the YAC. Got over my biases and speak as I please now.
  18. lonely_1

    lonely_1 Fapstronaut

    Nice, for me I got sucked into youtube black holes, which was bad. But now I'm over that, it feels so good to say what you want to say knowing that its your voice.
    ThePeakWae likes this.
  19. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Yeah I purposedly stayed away from channels that dont let you post, or channels who state "you post otherwise, I´ll delete your comment" types, those are shitty echochambers.