Do you know lucky Larry?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by SoaringEagle, Aug 7, 2020.

Do you know who is Larry Silverstein?

  1. Yes, I know he was the owner of the WTC and profited immensely from September 11th

  2. Nop, never heard of the guy, I wish I was that LUCKY.

  1. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    I'm not saying you're right or wrong, I really don't know enough about these issues to have anything resembling an educated opinion. What I will say is this, the fact that you're so angry and hostile about this lends credence to the people who think you're a conspiratorial nutcase. Again, I'm not saying you are, I'm saying that's what it looks like. If you really believe that these ideas are facts and something needs to be done, you need to drop the hostility and anger, and approach people calmly and rationally. Be more empathetic and understanding of other people's point of view rather than jumping down their throats at the earliest sign of disagreement.
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    That is exactly how it should be. Now when someone comes in saying something as brainless as “is the earth flat too.” Perhaps you can see why I reacted in that way. Sorry, but idiots need to be held accountable for their behaviour.
    ”is the earth flat too?” Is not a point of view. It’s an insult to our intelligence. Is that hard for you to understand? It’s like saying “you guys are stupid.” So tell me why I should be so calm in my reaction, genius.
    GhostRider@11 and SoaringEagle like this.
  3. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    You should be calm in your reaction because your emotions are your responsibility. Even if someone calls you a dumb cunt (just as an extreme example, I don't mean to say that to you as some sort of passive-aggressive attack), whatever emotions you feel are your responsibility. I'm not saying you shouldn't feel angry, whatever emotion you do feel you should honour without repressing it. However, how you act is also your responsibility and shouldn't necessarily be associated with the emotion that you feel.

    You say that idiots need to be held accountable. What for? What does that mean? Basically you feel anger and so you feel justified in acting out that anger, but to what end? What exactly is the purpose for lashing out in anger? Is that going to convince the so called idiots that they are wrong and you are right? Again, if you really care about people believing you then lashing out in anger at even the most disrespectful disagreement is simply counterproductive.

    And I'm not saying that you should be a pushover or let people walk all over you. You must have boundaries. However, you can put up those boundaries without lashing out in anger, and in doing so, you increase the chances that the disrespectful person will apologize. Disrespecting a disrespectful person just creates more disrespect, lowers you to their level, and completely removes any opportunity for productive dialogue about issues that are very clearly very important to you. If you want the disrespectful person to act in a respectful way, be the bigger person and lead by example.

    With every action you take, you create the interactions you have. Stop creating counterproductive, disrespectful interactions. Even if the other person remains disrespectful, you can at least say that you are not a disrespectful person and acted from a place of higher consciousness.
    7Tails and PeterGrip like this.
  4. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    Are you a therapist? Because that was so well written.

    Edit: Oh I see 'Life Coach' in your signature. Not sure what that is exactly, but makes sense
  5. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    Honestly I was testing the waters. I was genuinely in doubt about the seriousness of this thread.
  6. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    We have an arm chair psychiatrist everyone. Listen bud, I don’t subscribe to the hippy doodle bullshit you do. I’m well aware my emotions are my responsibility, genius. I chose to respond with a harsh tonality, because I wanted to. Not because I had to based on what he said. I don’t subscribe to snowflake ideologies like yourself. Idiots need to be held accountable is pretty straightforward. You say something stupid and socially awkward, you get scolded for it, and maybe next time you think twice before doing it again. Maybe you don’t, either way, the scolding was a worthy attempt at changing a behaviour. It’s how dogs are trained, kids are raised, and it doesn’t need to stop there.
    You are missing the point. Do you know what they say about first impressions? It’s typically used to judge whether or not any useful dialogue can be had at all. I made the judgement that there was none to be had, and therefor chose to respond in a specific manner. That’s all there is to it. You really are taking this a lot further than necessary. Next time, miss me with your snowflake armchair shit.
  7. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    A life coach is essentially a therapist that goes through different regulatory bodies than what is traditionally considered a therapist. There are multiple different avenues to do essentially the same thing.
  8. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    This is exactly what I'm talking about. You are acting in a hostile and threatening way for absolutely no productive reason. It's just to satisfy your anger. There is no difference between the way you are acting here and the way a radical SJW screams at those they consider fascist. You are one in the same. Interestingly, it's likely this same, "assumption of hostility," that is motivating you to believe in conspiracy theories. You are more likely to see threats where there are none. I sincerely wish you the best in life and that you recover from whatever traumas are motivating this extraordinarily hostile worldview.
  9. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Hahaha dude you are such a cuck. You should really get over yourself.
    Its someone with such a large ego that they believe they are in a position to give people unsolicited advice on their life.
  10. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    This is the last thing I'll say so if you don't want to respond to it, that's totally fine. If you do, so be it, I won't respond to whatever you have to say.

    Either way, this is what I'm talking about with the hostile worldview shaping how you see threats. I gave unsolicited advice because I saw someone that I can relate to very closely. I used to be incredibly angry at the world. I was sexually abused at 7, bullied severely at school, and abused at home by an emotionally unstable mother and sister. I hated people for a long time and that hatred led me to act out with drugs, pornography, and increasingly violent behaviour toward people that didn't deserve it.

    When I saw your posts, I was genuinely concerned about you because I assumed that you might be experiencing the same pain that I was going through. I offered advice because I thought it might help you recover from that pain.

    Due to your hostile worldview, you perceived it as an attack. You assumed the worst about my character and my intentions, and that made you feel angrier than you already were, and further justified a hostile response against me.

    You saw someone trying to help you. You erroneously perceived it as an attack. You acted in kind.

    You respond to help, even if misguided or incorrect, with hostility.

    Just think about how that way of thinking is shaping how you perceive all aspects of your life.

    Again, all of this is merely an attempt to help you see in a way that I believe is actually more productive for the achievement of your goals. Perhaps you think this way of thinking isn't more effective, and that's fine. Just try to put yourself in my shoes and understand that I am genuinely trying to help you be a more effective advocate for your beliefs. Even if I'm wrong, do I really deserve to be treated in such a hostile manner?

    Again, I wish you the best man.
  11. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    With all honesty man, if you were in doubt you could have disputed the claim that September 11th was not a zionist israeli attack and that Larry was just lucky and to explain your sources, reasons and any research you have done.
    Throwing random insults is not testing the waters.
    GhostRider@11 and HumansAreFree like this.
  12. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    I understand where you are coming from, but what you are doing does seem like virtue signalling in a big way especially after you should have noticed already that he didn't want your advice. And whether you'd like to admit it or not, that dude throwing the flat earth insult does deserve to be replied in kind.

    There is indeed plenty of people who have such low self esteem that they think anyone with a different view is stupid and they are smart just because they are part of whatever the majority believes in, making any meaningful discussion online is actually more difficult because of his kind. And they do indeed harm everyone because they keep the status quo operating and the ones who have committed those murders free. Not that single post of course, but there are millions like him who like parrots just repeat whatever they have been indoctrinated into mindlessly and in the aggregate they have a very detrimental effect.

    While you yourself are trying to help, you have failed to see the insult the first guy have thrown and tried to attack the one who replied because you are biased towards certain beliefs.

    So according to you, anyone who saw building 7 collapse in a controlled demolition way for no reason, and who have learned all the different connections and people who have made lots of money from it especially despicable larry silverstein, and the well known criminal netanyahu are psychologically deranged?
    And yes word like despicable do have their use. If someone is responsible for murdering countless numbers of people he deserves it, and saying it is only normal even if that is not covered by your DSM.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
    HumansAreFree likes this.
  13. SynapticMagic

    SynapticMagic Fapstronaut

    I wasn't defending the person who was giving the insults. I was talking about how to deal with people when they do give insults. I'm saying that conversations are far more productive when we don't give into our desire to respond with hostility to hostility.

    Are there situations in which hostility is necessitated? Yeah absolutely. If I'm talking about my views in a public venue and some Antifa protesters start violently suppressing my speech, then I believe that I am within my rights to violently defend myself. I believe the conversation between myself and Antifa would be far more productive without violence or hostility, but I understand that reality sometimes just doesn't allow that to happen.

    When it does allow that to happen, I think it is up to us who value the free exchange of ideas to do what we can to keep the playing field free of hostility. If that means turning the other cheek when someone acts with hostility, then so be it. The goal is far more important than my pride.

    Again, I know nothing about these issues, so I really can't say anything about them. The issue that I was pointing out is that when you have a hostile worldview, where you believe that acting with hostility is more justified than less justified, that changes how you perceive the world around you.

    This is done through the RAS, or Reticular Activating System, or selective focus. You've probably noticed that when you buy a red car, you suddenly start seeing red cars everywhere. This is because red cars are now a more salient stimulus than they were before, and so your RAS allows that information to more readily pass into your conscious awareness. Rather than noticing green, white, or black cars more.

    When you choose to have a hostile worldview, you are essentially programming your RAS to selectively focus on information that confirms that worldview. Such as with this entire situation, False promise reacted to what I was doing with hostility that was far from appropriate. Reread his messages. Does that seem like an appropriate response to someone who was just trying to help? Does that really seem like an appropriate response in most contexts? It does if you have a hostility-focused RAS that only allows you to see information that confirms your hostility.

    When it comes to any theory or idea about the world, it's like you said, we need to have a rational analysis of the facts. If the evidence supports your theories about 9/11, then that evidence is sufficient to prove the veracity of the theory. The issue that I was trying to point out was that if you have a hostility-focused RAS, you are more likely to perceive neutral information as hostile. That means that you're more likely to create and believe in theories in which there is hostility. Again, I know nothing about these theories and so I cannot speak to them.

    However, if we allow ourselves to have a hostility-focused RAS, we are far more likely to believe these things because they confirm our beliefs about a hostile world, rather than on a rational analysis of the facts. I don't care how true the theory may be, if it is believed for the wrong reasons, then you are making a bad choice. This is because you've come to the right answer with the wrong methodology, but you'll assume your methodology was correct and use it in the future where it is likely to give you wrong answers more often than right answers. It is very difficult for us to change our methodology, even in the face of counter-evidence, and so we'll blindly keep this methodology regardless of how many problems it creates for us.
  14. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the reply and for keeping your cool!

    But guys honestly back to topic!
    No one's psychology is perfect and no one can define what that is, but whatever the reasons. There is plenty of evidence for the fact that the israelies did September 11th false flag attacks. To anyone who has done the research it is more than an obvious truth:
    If anyone haven't done the research, quick things to look into are:
    -Dancing israelies, celebrating the slaughter of people, and on record saying they were there to document the event.
    -larry silverstein strong connections with criminal netanyahu, Larry and frank lowy (another known criminal) bought the building extremely suspiciously, and made huge amounts of profit from it.
    -Building 7, if anything building 7 just shows it! The thing collapsed for no reason.
    -No pentagon footage of the missile (alleged airplane)
    -I can go on and on but just chose the top ones.

    If anyone wants more info, check:
    Christopher Bollyn's work Solving 9-11 (has many interesting reference names which you can look up)
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2020
    GhostRider@11 and HumansAreFree like this.
  15. SoaringEagle

    SoaringEagle Fapstronaut

    HumansAreFree likes this.
  16. unnamed friend

    unnamed friend Fapstronaut

    I know it's difficult and uncomfortable to accept the truth but it'll be better for you in the long run.
    SoaringEagle likes this.
  17. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Me reading through this

    SoaringEagle likes this.
  18. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    More conspirancy theories , funny
  19. unnamed friend

    unnamed friend Fapstronaut

    Sure, keep telling yourself that.
    HumansAreFree and SoaringEagle like this.
  20. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    My name isnt Larry