Anyone else learning to code?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by spidermanfan123, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    Is anyone else using nofap and the extra free time it provides to learn how to code? I'm currently learning web development with Javascript and it's quite challenging, but very rewarding. If others are doing the same, perhaps it would be good to start a group discussion where we can share knowledge, challenges, motivation. Just a thought if others are interested.
  2. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I’m currently in a coding bootcamp studying web development as well. It’s pretty fast paced but I enjoy it.
    GuacoTaco likes this.
  3. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    Thanks! motivation is tough, due to the complexity and stuff changing so fast, but I find it really fascinating, which is keeping me going.

    Hear the term lambda functions thrown around a lot, but not sure what it means --yet.
    engelman likes this.
  4. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    Very cool. Which one? if you don't mind me asking and would like to share.
  5. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Its fullstack academy. Given the current situation in the world though, it seems like the entire program is gonna be remote. Im currently in the second phase of it.
  6. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    I have a friend attending one now and they've transitioned to fully remote as well. If outcomes are similar and they can save costs on locations, might become permanent. Feel free to share anything interesting you're learning; as someone self learning, hearing about things I'm not exposing myself to helps fill in gaps.
  7. webdevil81

    webdevil81 Fapstronaut

    I'm currently learning the JS stack at 'The Odin Project', just finished the Web 101. I'm self teaching and working the studying like a job(9-5 mon-fri). Really challenging course and I feel I'm making great strides with it.

    Currently working on common design patterns and objects/object constructors, what are you guys currently learning?
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  8. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    @webdevil81 been hearing a lot of positives about the Odin Project lately. Really interested in trying it, but in my early days I did too much hopping around from one resource to another, so I'm a little focused on my current path now. But what I've seen of their curriculum makes sense and seems difficult (in a good way, i.e. becoming really knowledgable on a topic before moving on to the next). 9-5 is super serious, keep at it! Wish I could dedicate that much time.

    Personally, I'm currently focused on building stuff. Helped a photographer friend by making him a site (not up yet, as he hasn't paid for hosting, but hopefully soon). Now I'm building a random site to practice things I've learned lately: relative positioning, arrow functions, classes. I'll keep building after I'm done with that, but I want to take some time to learn React.

    I know a good amount of things, but it's a bit scattered and there's gaps in my knowledge, so I'm using the FrontEnd Developer Handbook as a guide on what I should know as a hopeful FE dev. I'm going through the beginning of that now, so maybe similar to you in that I am getting an overview of how the internet and the web work respectively.

    I've recently learned about JS data structures that I didn't really know about at all: Map and Set. But I have to look into these more. Just trying to stay organized and chip away at things slowly, one day at a time. I have a full time job, but am looking to make a career switch. With COVID, it seems like a good time to dedicate my free time to something valuable.
  9. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    If others are interested in joining this thread and regularly updating, I think it would be pretty ideal. We could have a network of likeminded people that could maybe help each other out and could develop a professional network if some people actually start working in the field.
    ThePeakWae likes this.
  10. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    I am currently learning (or relearning) python. I am also learning how to use bash. I also have to learn how to navigate WRF (weather research and forecasting). It requires knowledge of Fortran as well. I'm all over the place, but my progress is slow. I have always been interested in learning programming across the board, but I have always given up although not necessarily throwing my hands in the air, but because I start to do something easier. So I sly myself away from the work. I feel like this thread can be helpful!
    Roady likes this.
  11. spidermanfan123

    spidermanfan123 Fapstronaut

    @fromsheeptowolf Very nice. I tried my hand at Python a few years back, after JavaScript it's the language I like most. Definitely easier to comprehend than something syntax heavy like Java.
  12. Adam_714

    Adam_714 Fapstronaut

    yeah me too, just me hok me to any groups for that stuff
  13. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    I am very interested in coding..
    Can you guys plz suggest me an online platform (preferably free) where I can learn coding..
    Also what should be my starting point in coding like where should I start from
    Roady likes this.
  14. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    I’m coding game stuff with csharp in unity ! I love it.
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  15. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    Depends what exactly you want to code.. Like what would you like with the code?
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  16. Caged_bird

    Caged_bird Fapstronaut

    I want to design an app
  17. iLoveRain

    iLoveRain Fapstronaut

    Well In that case a popular solution would be Java script. Depending on the app you want to design there are also a multitude of platforms and softwares to help you with that.
    Fighter_4_life likes this.
  18. ThePeakWae

    ThePeakWae Fapstronaut

    Sure why not, I´m in the ending phase of my master´s last year I played around with Atom, but this year, I´m going full coding, I´m making detailed pastes and memorizing on which program helps with what, so I devellop some starting points, already downloaded like 15 different programming exe(s) and I found out about that coding game, so if all works well I´ll probably be sticking in this thread for quite a while.
  19. newstartolife

    newstartolife Fapstronaut

    I leave coding to the nerds while I just go out and get trashed.
    Just kidding, I tried it once and then became immensely bored.
  20. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    It is quite difficult to find good apps for mobile devices (including tablets) for advertisement blockers and YouTube erroneous content blockers. I was thinking that maybe some coders here could start up a project to develop content blockers for mobile devices that are superior to what is currently available. Perhaps even reaching a level similar to that from computers.
    Fighter_4_life likes this.