
Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by FlowingSaiyan, Oct 15, 2020.

Does this happen with you?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    Have you ever heard things that just seem to be true, and also a part of you maybe even wishes they were. Some examples:

    1. We only use 10 % of our brain.
    2. The rich are making the poor even more poor.
    3. A.I will cause the destruction of humanity.
    4. People become arrogant once they get famous.
    5. Science was more evolved in ancient times.

    I am not saying that the above phrases are true or false. But my point is that they are appealing, and maybe this is why conspiracy theories are also very appealing. I don't know if this tendency is called something, but I like to call such events 'scripts', simply because they make some amazing movie scripts, Lucy and Terminator being some examples. But simply because they are appealing doesn't necessarily mean they are true. I would love to hear what you have to say about this.
  2. False promise

    False promise Fapstronaut

    Is the idea that there’s a private group which controls every aspect of society from the media, to the medical system, to the government and military, appealing to you?

    Is the idea that fluoridation of our water is nothing but a simple way to get rid of a toxic byproduct produced from aluminum manufacturing, appealing to you?

    Is the idea that the pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO contamination involved with our food supply is completely toxic, unnecessary, and only permitted because it saves money, appealing to you?

    Is the idea that chemtrails are being sprayed 24/7 above us poisoning the very air we breathe, appealing to you?

    Is the idea that vaccines do exactly the opposite of what they say, that is make you much sicker rather than healthier (due to toxic elements such as aluminum), appealing to you?

    Is the idea that this entire “pandemic” was planned and orchestrated as a means of gaining total control over people, appealing to you?

    If you ask me, these conspiracies are rather disturbing. Quite the opposite of appealing, which is probably why most prefer to stick their head in the sand and pretend these things aren’t happening.
  3. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    These conspiracies are definitely disturbing, and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be. If someone says that they aren't disturbing, then I think either that person is highly ignorant, or that person is the one causing these problems. But I didn't mean appealing in a positive light, which is definitely my fault as it would have obviously created confusion. I meant that maybe there are some factors in our mind due to which we would rather pay more attention on the negative aspect of things than on the positive ones. You might say that's because our mainstream media constantly supplies us with negativity, but I think this would be a chicken and an egg scenario. While trying something new, as far as I've heard, most people think of all the ways that thing could go wrong, but never how it could go right. So, there's definitely some reason due to which we focus more on negativity than positivity, and in that sense I think yes the above scenarios are indeed appealing.

    P.S: My question was just something that I was curious about ; it has absolutely no applications in real life, I will probably delete this thread later.
  4. Not sure why I'm replying to this but anyway..

    First of all, it's not very important to my point, but the examples the OP gave aren't very good in my opinion. What would be a better example.. that 9/11 was an inside job, I guess.

    What's appealing about stuff like that? Basically it's appealing because it makes people feel like they have access to privileged information, and makes them feel a little better than the dumb masses who have been duped by Majestic 12 or the Masons or whoever.
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.
  5. FlowingSaiyan

    FlowingSaiyan Fapstronaut

    Yeah that would definitely be a better example. Moreover, I guess you are right about your reasoning too. I think, more often than not, people who say such things are trying to establish their own identity, instead of genuinely believing such conspiracies.
    diaspar likes this.
  6. That's possible. Maybe a lot of theorists don't fully believe in conspiracies, but rather, they think the conspiracies might be true.
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.
  7. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    I don’t think humans are capable enough to predict the future with a reasonable accuracy.

    The current generation(and the ones before and perhaps after) is brought up to think in a very Humanistic, Limited manner.

    There will be things developing in the future you can’t fathom right now, new principles in science altogether. Perhaps a massive makeover of Science itself.

    Time travel, AI, Teleportation that sort of shit is very limited thinking.

    Did humans playing with fire have the slightest idea that they’ll wank off to Slu** on some “thing” on which people can see arousing women?
    We’ll never know, but my limited Human imagination screams they won’t be able to imagine this.
    FlowingSaiyan likes this.