Why do some people defend porn like this?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mr. Kruger, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    Its a disease if someone defends it he should go to a doctor
    WilliamJ.F. likes this.
  2. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    There is nothing good about porn or anything remotely related to it
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  3. They are stucked in the Coom Matrix.
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  4. MovingOnFromThePast

    MovingOnFromThePast Fapstronaut

    It dont matter why they defend it. What matters is what you believe it does to you.
  5. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    It kind of does matter in some ways. Some of these people are trying to normalize the habitual use of porn and saying that it's okay for children and adolescents to view it. While I don't think porn should be banned, I think it needs to be regulated in such a way that the general public are made aware of the potential physical and psychological problems that can arise from habitual use. I also think these free streaming websites (like ****hub) should be legally required to implement an age-verification system. Imagine being an adolescent today and having 24/7 access to an infinite selection of hardcore fetish porn on your phone; your brain's reward system would be fried before you even made it to 15 years old. These kids don't understand that what they're doing is harmful; they just stumbled upon something thrilling and want to keep doing it.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2021
    Dave G 123 and Psalm27:1my light like this.
  6. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I tried to argue with such people in the past too and show them what science actually says, just like you. A while ago however, I stopped doing that. This is the advice I'd give you too:

    Just stop trying to convince them. If they want to be ignorant and tell you how wrong you are, then let them. You know you are right and that is the only important thing. Act according to your believe and let them to the same (and potentially destroy themselves). It's not worth your time and effort to argue with strangers on the internet. It only robbs you of your energy and sometimes the negativity stays with you all day. Is that really worth it? Like Epictetus said: "If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you'd be furious. Yet, you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled - have you no shame in that?"

    If someone asks and wants to hear more, sure tell them. But if they start arguing, just let them waste their life.
    CArT_Vader and Mr. Kruger like this.
  7. kingsizexx

    kingsizexx Fapstronaut

    Why do you call it a knife? Everything in this world is right, its just your point of view that makes it bad.
  8. Kramum

    Kramum Fapstronaut

    There is no point in anyone discussing anything with you because you already know you are right, so no matter how many arguments are thrown at you, you will never change your mind.
    And that is not a discussion. That is a one-sided lecture.
    Which I could listen to if it was given by someone who has results. But you don't. You struggle with something you often describe as "a simple 90 days PMO", if which was as simple as you claim, you and others wouldn't struggle to reach it, right?
    However, you do struggle to reach it, some for years. And while going there, and after reaching it, you don't get many results outside of "I am more confident", which isn't much, unfortunately.

    The "indisputable" evidence you are talking about is not as good. It is incomplete and very lacking.
    This is why no one cares about your "evidence". Because it is not good enough. Not because "they don't want to know the truth" lol.
    When asked to give evidence, all you do is linking a website with tons of poorly made studies.
    What you should do is to link at least a few of very specific ones instead. Of course, to do that there would have to be something to link in the first place, and there isn't.

    Also, NoFap itself doesn't say that masturbation is bad. However, most people on NoFap do say that. Some go as far as to say that ejaculating at all is somehow draining off your life, whatever that means, and that conserving it is going to give you some benefits. I still have no clue what they could be though. It's not like anyone ever shared them.
    Then you have people having lots of stupid (because there is no other word to describe it) opinions about the world, sex, and people. I don't want to quote them because that would look as if I was one of the people sharing these views. But you def know what I am talking about.

    Also also, you are not interested in having a conversation. You are interested in convincing me to change my opinion about the world and start living the life the way you think I should. All of that not because you are deeply concerned about me, but just because to feel better about yourself, like you're the boss and you rule.
    That I cannot take seriously.

    And there are a few other problems which don't really deserve as much attention.
    For example, your laughable attempt at trying to villainize everyone who does not agree with you, not seeing the loophole in your own argument and also not being willing to analyse it when someone points it out to you, thinking that your opinion = a fact about life, thinking and talking about sex as if having it and thinking about it was morally wrong, and several others.
    Oh and that one, just because I am curious: what have you got against incest exactly? Assuming it's between two consenting adults?

    At the end of the day, it is not about defending porn, which personally I couldn't give less tosses whether it exists or not - though if it was up to me it would still exist, just not in its current form. It is about not agreeing with all of the nonsense that you try to preach.
  9. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Huh? How did you get all that from what OP said?
    starwarsfan and Mr. Kruger like this.
  10. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    When did I say that NoFap is simple?
    When did I imply any of this? You make a lot of bold accusations lol.
    Lillercoaster likes this.
  11. I used to be a bit mad that people mocked chastity and stuff. but I read a lot about people who get STIs like herpes.stI horrible. Sure they make fun of celibates like us, but oh gosh, those lustful people pay a lot. I honestly feel sad for their suffering sometimes. I don't think it's lustful people's fault as much as it's some society's or social group's fault.

    Some societies or social groups want copulation and population growth, even at the cost of fatal STIs. If more people knew about the dangers of STIs, then maybe less people would have sex and that's a problem for some societies and social groups.

    A lot of lustful people might not be suffering from STIs nowadays if they had access to a thorough sexual education about STIs. I did not have such education, neither from school nor parents, and had to learn about STIs myself.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
  12. Well... I didn't read all the post reply's so I am sorry if anything that I say has been already said.
    The porn changes the brain.. Well yes, that is true, but all change the brain. This post changes the brain, and everything that my brain process change it. That means that porn is good? No... that means that is bad... well... I have to be honest, either.
    Its true that porn can became an addiction but that is true for everything also... i am not addicted to porn, i am in reality a escapist from real world into porn... that could be videogames, (that also changes my brain and could justify violence for example), or another stimuli. The problem in addiction is never the substance, is the medium (studies with rats have probe that a rat in a rich environment and healthy doesn't drink water with cocaine, when a unhappy rat does for example).

    Why people defend porn? Well it depends. But mostly (like everything) i think that is because the illusion of free will. Realize that something I see changes my brain and can manipulate in not a very long term my actions and thoughts is terrifying. We focus in porn.. ok, but what happen with movies? propaganda? etc etc etc... I have to be honest, is the same. So realize that we can be manipulated so easily is something that people in general wont want to see. (and i understand that)

    Well well everything is very nice but.. so? i have seen porn at age of 13, now i have 31, i am still a fapper... didn't want you to regulate porn?
    Well, yes of course, i think that internet should be regulate. But the porn problem is a moral problem most of all. You want to protect kids, ok, but you have seen that a kid at age of 18 its become somebody to exploit... and i have to say the mostly of actress have been raped in their young... so i don't think that anybody thinks in kinds or anything else... And regulate doesn't say much, HOW? WHO? the honest reply is.. i don't know.

    I think that freedom is always waiting in knowledge. When you know that you are anything more than electrical connections responding to stimuli things changes. I am sure that everybody is addicted to something, in some moment cannot control the stimuli and have to evade reality with some stimuli that the brain can process with pure joy. We cannot control every stimuli. But we can control how we process it.
    I didn't have parents or older brothers to guide me in sexual discovery, but i think that more than regulation we need education.
    Cheers! and nice post!