Why do some people defend porn like this?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mr. Kruger, Sep 30, 2020.

  1. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I've noticed on quite a few subreddits and even discussions on YouTube comments that any mention of the dangers of online porn use often results in people getting really defensive and even getting angry in some cases, almost like they're taking it personally. You can even post links to the scientific studies that prove beyond a doubt that habitual porn use has a physical impact on the brain, and they'll just come up with some convoluted rebuttal. Some people will try to say that things like video games and YouTube are just as bad because that's also infinite novelty, and while those things can be addictive, they're nowhere near as damaging to the brain as porn is. One guy on Reddit even called me a "prude stuck in the 1950s" because I said that pornography should be kept far away from developing adolescent brains. He couldn't see how children watching porn is morally objectionable and dangerous to their development. He even went as far as to say, "Most people who first saw porn as children turn out fine." (That's a verbatim quotation taken right from his post.) A few months ago, I even saw a mom post about how she lets her young sons watch porn because she wants to raise them in a "sex-positive household," and it's normal for boys aged 10+ to be "curious."

    I can't decide if this is simply ignorance on their part, or if some of them subconsciously know that they have a problem with habitual porn use and are trying to convince themselves that it's possible to keep their vice under control. Maybe it's both. Maybe some of them are merely virtue signaling and trying to come across as progressive and hip. Science probably endured the same kind of backlash when it first observed and reported the negative effects that smoking has on the human body. Is this just going to take some time because this kind of research is still in its infancy? I feel like some of these people are subconsciously trying to defend their vice, but some others are probably just incredulous because they can't see how something can be so detrimental to the brain if it isn't an actual drug that enters the bloodstream. I just don't understand why people vehemently defend an industry that's so depraved and exploits so many people.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  2. lwyrup

    lwyrup Fapstronaut

    spoken like a true gentleman. thanks, man. it made my day
    Mr. Kruger and alphakadabro like this.
  3. Schnabel

    Schnabel Fapstronaut

    just to play the devil's advocate here: if you're not addicted and not a child, porn can be a good way to just jerk off real quick. and without having a moral judgement here, I guess, that people just like their freedom and are concerned with the possibility that someone might take it away from them. Personally, I don't smoke and I drink alcohol maybe 2-5 times a year - both things are bad and destructive as fuck as far as I'm concerned. Meanwhile I don't think they should be banned out of existence. It's a thin line though. It'd be best if porn was like a soft drug like weed for example: widely disapproved, hard to get and somehow illegal for most people (at least here in Germany) but not impossible if it's really your thing.
    Wugazi32, Timecop and alphakadabro like this.
  4. YoungMedic

    YoungMedic Fapstronaut

    I completely agree. Thank you for posting. From a young age I was interested in girls sexually, and that ended up with me stumbling across P. I got caught a couple of times at a young age. I was punished accordingly, but I just became sneakier. I really wish that my family could have caught onto the problem when I was younger so that I am not as heavily addicted to it as I am now. It is appalling to me that people would support allowing their kids to watch this kind of poisonous material. My root cause of being interested in girls is the main reason why I am having trouble with girls now. I think the reason that people see porn as being progressive is because of the sexual revolution. It was based around having people no longer question what is normal. Honestly I could have used some criticism about the way I consumed P, and the way I treated girls. For the longest time I can remember not even seeing girls for their personality. My young mind was so deluded by the material I watched that I thought only about a girls body when I first met her. It sucks to say. The sexual revolution is said to bring positivity around peoples sexual choices, but the only thing I have seen it create is more objectification of women all the while creating a new generation of P addicted young men.
  5. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    You make good points. Except that they aren't defending pornography's existence or legality, but defending it as non-addictive and non-damaging.

    On those grounds, they are ignorant of the research and typically disinterested in it. Which means they are hypocritical and don't really care about the reality of the issue but in merely asserting their libertarian-hedonistic values. Thus I don't see any value in arguing with someone who takes a position like that.

    The science angle is one approach, but stronger still is a moral, ethical, spiritual or religious objection. Because when you push the argument from that position, we discover that the vast majority of pro-porn people are atheist, materialist nihilists to differing degrees. This is actually its own form of dogmatism because they can't argue this position on their own because they don't thoroughly understand it.

    So that's how you gain an advantage in the dialogue.

    As for effecting the culture at large, we have to be the torchbearers and the pioneers. We have to collectively set the example of anti-porn lifestyle (and other things, as well) by living it.

    Words are limited to theorizing and hypotheticals and at the moment there is way too much of that from the anti-porn side. Almost everybody relapses continuously so there are few examples of movement leaders who can stand up against pornography with integrity. What we need are collectives of people who oppose pornography (and other things) through their actions and lifestyles. Deeds are more influential and persuasive than arguments. And at the moment, the pro-porn majority has the most influence because they consist of like 99.9% of males.
    skylark, Candun, Roady and 1 other person like this.
  6. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    OP is about right. Anecdotally, I've noticed more people seeming to be at least vaguely porn-skeptic recently - although most are understandably pretty coy about it.
    CAGED_LION, Candun and Mr. Kruger like this.
  7. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I don't think that was the issue because I specified in these discussions that I don't think pornography should be banned; I was merely saying that it should be kept away from children and adolescents. It doesn't matter how many articles and studies you link them to; these people will maintain that porn is perfectly healthy and can't have any negative effects on the brain whatsoever. And some of them will even go as far as to say that there's nothing wrong with children watching it once they get to a "curious" age. I find that absolutely sickening. What are these people thinking?!
    Personally, I think pornography is much more detrimental to the human brain and society than weed could possibly ever be. Weed is a soft drug, but in my opinion, porn should be classified as a hard drug. I'd prefer to live in a society where weed is more normalized than the habitual use of porn, and in a way, I do. Weed has been completely legal here in Canada for two years now, and I have yet to witness any negative impact it has had on my society or culture. (Even before it was legal, it was still very easy to obtain.) The same can't be said for pornography at all; there's mounting evidence that habitual porn use can cause severe addiction and alter the physical structure of the brain. As more people become addicted, this could have a detrimental effect on society down the road.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  8. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    This is exactly what I've encountered most of the time. You can post link after link to compelling studies and articles, and they probably won't even click on them nine times out of ten. I don't think it's so much to do with the fact that they don't believe it to be true; it's more to do with the fact that they don't want it to be true. When you encounter these left-leaning people (especially on Reddit), you'll notice an interesting phenomenon where they'll post studies that corroborate something they personally agree with, but they'll discard scientific evidence and call it "junk science" when it's something they don't want to hear. They've been led to believe—or programmed to believe—that sexual liberation and leftism are going to fix all of society's perceived ills. Nobody wants to believe something with all their heart and soul only to be proven wrong; it hurts the ego.

    And then of course, there will always be the closet addicts who subconsciously realize that they might have a problem, but they have no interest in tackling it and just want to enjoy their vice without anything tarnishing it. Unsurprisingly, when you check their Reddit post history, you'll see a considerable amount of porn/NSFW posts. What they do with their lives is their choice, but what annoys me is the fact that they are trying to sweep all this scientific evidence under the rug. And in some cases, they'll even promote habitual porn use as harmless and healthy to not only adults, but children and adolescents! From a psychological standpoint, I can see that what they're trying to do is normalize these compulsive behaviors in an attempt to make themselves feel less dirty and pathetic, but what they're really doing is adding fuel to a dumpster fire.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2020
  9. Daggertail19

    Daggertail19 Fapstronaut

    I can relate to this post so hard, mainly because of my younger brother. He is a psych major, and I get the vibe that he does not think porn usage can be THAT damaging solely based on his damn psych teachings. How he does not see that it can develop into a habit that is just as pleasurable and dangerous as heroine, cocaine, I do not know.
    Candun, alphakadabro and Mr. Kruger like this.
  10. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Most educational institutions have been completely hijacked by leftism. That means pretty much all public elementary and high schools, and most mainstream colleges and universities. Of course, there are still some private institutions that aren't trying to instill leftism in the youth, but these are few and far between.

    hardcore_detox and alphakadabro like this.
  11. Ahiphena

    Ahiphena Fapstronaut

    People defend porn for many reasons.
    Sometimes they know you're right and they're in denial
    Sometimes they simply don't want to be forced to re-examine their habits
    Sometimes they have financial incentive

    I had someone spam porn at me on discord recently for the pure mention of NoFap in a positive light. One day he will remember that moment when he decides to quit on his own.
    Candun and Mr. Kruger like this.
  12. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    This kind of impulsive, knee-jerk reaction makes me wonder if habitual porn use is even capable of wiring the brain to make you unconsciously perceive porn as your significant other. To behave in such a hasty and aggressive way suggests that maybe an extreme addict is defending porn like a non-porn user would defend his girlfriend or wife if she were insulted.

    And sending somebody porn out of spite is just weird, antisocial behavior. If somebody did that in decades past, they would either get their shit kicked in, get the cops called on them, or both.
    Candun and Ahiphena like this.
  13. I have no problem with porn existing or people watching it. I have just had a bad personal experience with it and that is as far as I'm going to go because I have no evidence or arguments against porn as a consumer product.

    Personally, it hasn't even been that big of an issue compared to masturbation for me. But we can't ban that, can we? Education.
    Rhobar II likes this.
  14. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    You are right.
    Roady and determinedtoquit like this.
  15. Exact thing Roady said. The worst part is if one says it is horribly immoral as it is they'll scoff and attack the individual.
    It's knee jerk defensiveness towards the indefensible. This carries through all error. They use "sex positivity" to cover their lust, "body positivity" to defend gluttony, "living your own truth" to defend pride and self-idolatry (making a God out of themselves).
    If you disagree you're a closed/narrow-minded, ignorant bigot.
    We live in a world that calls what is evil good and what is good evil.
    That's why chastity and treasuring one's virginity is mocked by this wicked world. But what's funny is that these wicked people hurry to deny or cover the indisputable consequence and shame that comes with their destructiveness.
    On a C-19 thread on that website I left my very first comment about how unusual it is for the authorities to announce a "new normal" now to fight this flu virus; whereas when it comes to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Herpes-Simplex Virus (HSV), there's no "new normal". Even though all three cause lifelong suffering and death to a significant amount of the world population- people really aren't that concerned about their safety when it comes to sex. In fact, "hook-up" culture is promoted and chastity is mocked. I don't care about arguing the comparison STIs not being as easily transmissible as C-19, the numbers speak for itself- more people die and suffer from STIs than they do C-19. It's about the culture. The culture has the opposite reaction towards STIs and irresponsible sexual behavior. When it comes to C-19, it's "Stay home" "Mandatory Lockdown" "Nobody likes it but you must comply for everyone's safety" "No gatherings" "How many people outside your family do you see?"
    But yet asking someone how many people have they had sex with is "taboo."
    Saying "that's why we have condoms" is like saying "that's why we have masks."
    You know? You see the inconsistency?
    The response I got for pointing out that was, "Thanks for the incel take," which I think is ironic only because I say what I say from experience. I know I went on a tangent there and a little off-topic but I think I didn't stray too far.
    The point is, I think people are willing to look the other way or fight for their vices because:
    1. Most people are simple. That's the foremost thing you have to consider, it sounds like an unkind thing to say, but it is not; just as most people are "ordinary" (including myself), most people are simple when it comes to their observation and reasoning. Most people will do what they're told. Masses of people are brainwashed to feel horny all the time and they just accept it. Sex on the tv and movies, in the music, on the billboard, in the food commercials, in the toys, in the way we dress. And nobody questions it. They're simple-minded.
    2. Most people are carnal. Again, people will put pleasure over sacrifice- in fact they will sacrifice for pleasure.
    3. Most people are debased. Meaning they've taken a step down an unending stairwell and there have no idea how to get back up because the light of the entry-point has vanished from their eyes. Many people are free-falling in darkness and their only hope is to hit the ground without dying.
  16. Ahiphena

    Ahiphena Fapstronaut

    It certainly fulfills a similar role for many. I've seen some men that develop infatuations with specific women in their porn. Not just a preference but spending huge amounts of money to buy every film this person has ever been in, donating to an onlyfans or something like that if they have it, donating during streams if they do that, etc. So its definitely possible that some porn users become quite invested in their porn, both financially and emotionally.
    Obviously that's an extreme, but I don't think most porn users are that rabidly anti-nofap either.

    Of course, the more likely explanation for this specific incident is that the person is just mean-spirited and was looking for any excuse to be an ass.
    hardcore_detox likes this.
  17. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Wow. This sounds so ridiculous it looks like sheer provocation. But even if it's true - it's her kids, we need to accept that - if we're not fascist Jugendamt workers. But we can and should feel sorry for them and about their long-term development. And we should speak out about how wrong this is.

    It's a big pity she doesn't raise her kids in a "family-positive household". Pornography is usually pretty incompatible with the notion of family which relies on the exclusive sexual relationship of mom and dad, particularly all the "cuckold", "incest" etc. fetish trash that's evidently gaining on popularity these days, which is horrifying.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2020
    Candun and Mr. Kruger like this.
  18. Ahiphena

    Ahiphena Fapstronaut

    I don't think its "fascist" to give our opinion on someone's parenting. It isn't like we're harassing the person or anything. Just harmless discussion about why we think exposing 10 year old boys to porn is a terrible idea.
    Candun likes this.
  19. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    No, I meant that Jugendamt and its approaches to resolving family problems is fascist, not our opinion-making.
  20. Someone close to her with sense needs to whoop her ass lol. Jk. But fr though if I had a brother and I found out he was doing this to his kids it'd be a fight.
    Candun likes this.