"You can't say you love animals if you still eat meat."

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by dogeatdog, Aug 31, 2020.

  1. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Eat some kidneys heart and liver for christ's sake! Stop eating my food's food.

    Note: We did also select crops, stop eating like 90% of what you eat, now, is hardly natural.....OMG
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Lol. No way. I'm on the straw, grass, and salt lick diet.
  3. You wouldn't need to be worried about livestock going hungry if we didn't breed them by the billions. Why create more mouths to feed? I don't get it.
  4. Universal Love usually goes hand-in-hand with weird fanaticism. It's the kind of universalism that fuelled the French Revolution. I'm with @SickSicko on this - love is a personal thing shared between two beings at a time. I think I might find it hard to eat an animal I'd named, but then I've also worked on a farm with lambs called Cutlet and Mint Sauce. They were cute. I buried one. Would I have eaten him? Why not - his body's probably still rotting away somewhere, benefitting the soil and insects instead of me.
  5. Is it not the case that there's a lot of hunger in India, which is largely vegetarian?

    I'm not seeing the correlation between a plant-based diet and not starving.
  6. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Well aren't you the open minded one. How does being conservative makes you unethical?
    James Duncan Halpert likes this.
  7. I think he just means that it's usually the lefties that become vegan for ethical reasons. Most people on the right are strongly anti-vegan.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  8. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    People are much more complex than left Vs. Right. I'm conservative in my economic and fiscal policies, yet liberal on some social policies. In my experience, lefties are far from ethical. Take the Canadian prime minister and ministers for example.
    James Duncan Halpert likes this.
  9. @Anakin66 This

    Also I'm getting sick of all the Star Wars prequel avis. One is enough. Those movies were fucking terrible.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
  10. I think it's a bad quote for a good cause.

    Abstaining for meat for the love of animals, there are a lot of good reasons why this is silly. For instance, a lot of animals kill other animals themselves. Historically we had to kill them to survive.

    But in our modern day society, I still think vegetarianism is the best way to go (I am vega btw). Most important is the environmental benefits. The large scale at which we produce meat ruins the environment and creates more CO2 than the whole transport industry. If we want to keep having a nice planet for our children we should eat less meat.
  11. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    @FellatiousD this.

    So what? Get sick.
    Star wars is awesome (except those sjw sequels).
  12. AtomicTango

    AtomicTango Fapstronaut

    Based and prequel-pilled. I wouldn't say the prequels are great movies but I would prefer watching any one of them over any of the Disney stuff. Plus the other stuff that came of the renewed interest in the franchise, videogames, TV shows, books etc are all really great too. We didn't know how good we had it from 2000 to around 2010, its pretty much a wasteland of trash now and my interest in the franchise has shrunk to pretty much zero.
  13. eagle rising

    eagle rising Fapstronaut

    It is not that we should feel sorry, it is that we should recognize the value of the essence of life within the consumed animal, and all life for that matter. There doesn't have to be a higher intelligence to put us in the food chain. We are already in the food chain. Predators pick off the weakest members of human society. For instance, the people who go trekking into the wilderness only to become food. They don't have to have higher intellence to know that we are flesh. To add to that, our supposed higher intellect has led to an imbalance in nature, we changed everything because we don't understand the balance that has existed for millenia. So much for intelligence.

    Are love and respect not inclusive?

    We love eating meat. We respect animals. We don't support factory farms.
    idonthaveaname likes this.
  14. BruceyE

    BruceyE New Fapstronaut

    Okay then. I only love my dog because I eat pork, chicken, lamb and beef. I hope you feel better eating grass, leaves and weeds and loving all the animals.
    James Duncan Halpert likes this.
  15. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    I agree. I've been vegetarian for over 10 years now because I could no longer take the hypocrisy. I finally got brave enough to read how they were slaughtered and that was it for me. My mother refuses to hear about it or think about it because it makes her too sad. Yet she eats her meat. This from the woman who feels bad weeding her garden because it is killing plants. But slaughter an animal? Sure. Fine. I find it appalling. So long as man keeps being violent evil things will happen.
  16. Ever consider going vegan?
  17. SeaChange

    SeaChange Fapstronaut

    About 40% to 50% of the world's grains are used to feed livestock. Imagine instead if that farm land was used to feed people? It's not that hard to explain. If we're talking about calories per mile of farmland, plants are far more efficient than say cattle.

    I still do eat meat but my diet at this point consists of a vegan breakfast, a lunch with an environmentally sourced chicken breast somehow in it(no dairy or animal by-products beyond that) and a vegan dinner. My diet is due to environmental reasons and it is not hard at all and is relatively low impact when compared to people who eat red meat constantly. The only other animal sourced product in my diet is whey protein, dairy I know but not much of it. I understand the empathy approach to veganism though, I don't agree with it but I understand it.

    Also it kills me that people here are talking things like vitamin or protein deficiencies in vegan diets as if it's such a Herculean task to take a multi-vitamin or eat rice with beans or tofu...
  18. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    I have. But I also have a strong Italian heritage. Not quite ready to adapt all the dairy yet. I might get there eventually.
  19. I find meat has a positive impact on my health in a way that rice and beans and tofu and vitamin supplements never did.

    And I think you've missed the point, which was that people in India are mostly vegetarian, and there's still widespread hunger. The plant-based food isn't being used to feed livestock, it's being used to feed people, and there's still apparently not enough to go around.
    idonthaveaname and Leader of ME like this.
  20. Just saying that only around 20-25% (I think) of India's population is vegetarian. In fact, in the part of India where I'm from, there is a very low number of vegetarians. Even if they don't eat meat or poultry, almost everyone eats fish. And I really don't think that widespread hunger has anything to do with being vegetarian or not.