Nofap and sex dolls

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by User89, Sep 13, 2020.

  1. User89

    User89 New Fapstronaut

    I have been expirementing with NoFap over the course of the year. Best run so far was about 53 days. After a relapse i'm now on day 26. I am doing hardmode at the moment as I am currently single but nofap does allow for sex right?

    That got me thinking, what about sex dolls? There is no porn or masturbation but you still get an orgasam. So am I curious to know if sex with a sex dolls still be considered sex or will it fall more in the masturbation category?
  2. @Dark Knight Rising tried this once.
    I'd be interested to hear his take now that it's been a few months ^^
    User89 likes this.
  3. modestmouseradiohead

    modestmouseradiohead Fapstronaut

    I'm worried to even cuddle my pillow anymore, seems like there could definitely be negative effects on rebooting with sex dolls.
    User89 likes this.
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Sex is good though many do a 90 day reboot first.

    A sex doll is not sex. It is a masturbatory device.
  5. First the thread about fleshlights, now this. IT NEVER ENDS WITH THESE PEOPLE.

    Listen man if you want a waifu, that ain't my problem. You gotta decide for yourself.
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    At least no one’s asking about sheep...
  7. You just put terrible thoughts in my head.

    To the OP, a sex doll is something you use to fap. So obviously, it's not recommended. It's basically the same as masturbation.
  8. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Not my intent but I figured someone else might use the sheep puncline so I wanted to get it first.

    Baaaad joke.
    idonthaveaname likes this.
  9. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

    Don't have sex with a sex doll. As others have said, it's another form of masturbation. The whole idea of NoFap is to exercise self control and self improvement.
  10. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    Sex dolls are more perverted and sexually deviant than porn. It has less to do with NoFap and more to do with creepy, anti-social behavior. Do you think its difficult hiding your PMO behavior and history? Do you think its difficult hiding your NoFap background? Imagine trying to explain to a woman that you used to have sex with a doll. It is a worse secret that leads to a new double life with its own obsession with secrecy and privacy (just like PMO). You are just swapping one perversion for another. A doll is a lifess in-person pornography aid. It's the most pathetic thing a man can do.

    Once you penetrate a sex doll, you have lost all integrity as a person for the rest of your life. You can never admit it to anyone and nobody will want to be with you or hang out with you. You will have to hide this dark secret from everybody for the rest of your life. The stress of keeping such a secret will make it more likely for you to turn back to addiction to cope.
  11. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    [pushes large box under bed with foot]
  12. User89

    User89 New Fapstronaut

    Your response demonstrate you may depend too much on the opions of others to determine yourself worth. I don't see why you would try or have to hide anything. It's a sexual toy just like a dildo. Do you think woman who use dildos loose all there integrity as a person for the rest of their life? lol come on dude. I have tought about a sex doll a few times but I don't think I need one. I don't think it's ok you try and shame people who are trying to better themselves.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2020
  13. OP asked a simple question and my simple answer is it’s just a masturbation device.

    More detailed response:

    I’ve considered sex dolls when I was deep into my addiction and the only reason I didn’t do it back then is the ones I wanted are too expensive.

    Now that I’m on the road to recovery I see that sex dolls will keep me from getting out and developing a good solid relationship with a real woman. They will keep me hyper-focused on sex. They will keep me wanting to cling on to a secret life.

    I don’t believe in using shaming language. I think it’s a person’s own personal decision what they do with their bodies. But I also think there are unavoidable consequences to each of our decisions. Carefully consider the short and long range consequences of using a sex doll. Also, what are your short and long range goals? Is a sex doll going to help you obtain those goals?
    Tannhauser and User89 like this.
  14. Deysonn

    Deysonn Fapstronaut

    You guys made my day! Some very good and funny post here. The sheep guy definitely got me laughing...kudos to you!

    I am not sure if a sex doll is the most perverse thing you can do but for certain I can see how trying to keep one a secret would be a chore to say the least. With that said I think the biggest problem with a sex doll is that it is just another substitute for the real thing. Part of the reason we turn to porn is because it is easily accessible and we use it as substitute for a real woman. Any substitute for the real thing can be problematic in my opinion, because it robs you of the motivation to get out there and be with someone. So don't swap porn for a sex doll would be my advice, chances are you may end up doing both i.e. shagging your sex doll while watching porn. What you really need is to remove all these substitutes from you life, I do not even advocate masturbation without porn. For me this just leads me back to porn.

    Also look at the big picture, when you are fifty plus years old do you want to look back and realize you spent the best years of your life shagging a sex doll and watching porn. I am pretty sure you would be very disappointed. Make decisions today that you can live with tomorrow. Keep up the good fight bro!
  15. I’m writing that down! Well said!
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  16. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    Exactly, you don't better yourself by resorting to a sex doll to resolve your sexual problems with the opposite sex. It's not a solution. It perpetuates the problem and despite what porn addicts might think about it, well-adjusted healthy adults frown upon the behavior. It is not socially acceptable to fornicate with a doll. Women especially find it disgusting. And men also find it pathetic and sad. I am sure there exists a 'non-kink-shaming-sex-doll-positive' community somewhere, but I think thats a really negative phenomenon. We need to encourage people to solve the root of the issue, not cover-up the symptoms with further fetishes.
    Steppingintotheunkown and User89 like this.
  17. User89

    User89 New Fapstronaut

    Well said
  18. User89

    User89 New Fapstronaut

    I asked this question because I don't intend to pursue a relationship with a woman any time soon. It has always done considerable harm to my progression as a man. I had two steady girlfriends over 8 years. I have gained weight and lost so much money as a result of both relationship. Now being single for just over a year, I am much happier by myself. I wish I could still have sex now and then but I don't want any sort of long term relationship. I'm working on myself right now and for the coming years and I know any woman in my life will take away my focus. I thought maybe a sex doll could play a part where I don't use porn or masturbate but can still have sex without the negative effects of porn and masturbation. But I guess its still masturbation in the end. I don't want to resort to prostitues and have never been able to get a hook up or a one night stand and honestly I don't really want to either. So I guess I will have to stick to the full on semen retention. Thank you all for your reply and input
    alphakadabro likes this.
  19. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    I think you have two options:

    1) Low commitment, casual relationships. Like a friends with benefits type of arrangement.

    2) NoFap for a duration of time while you center yourself and don't rush into anything waiting to see what life brings. Don't need to rule out the possibility of relationship. You may have had unhealthy ones in the past, but there is still brightness in the future.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.
  20. Deysonn

    Deysonn Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you have had some unhealthy relationships, that seems like a whole other discussion. My advice would be to continue working on yourself, nofap, weight loss, getting your money right.

    I would like to hear more about your relationships, working through that seems like an important part of your recovery.
    Steppingintotheunkown likes this.