People's Obsession With Wealth

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by unimportant, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    I think the topic was waaay to complex for a simple solution honestly. Even what I said was just a mud on the wall idea.
  2. Yes, when cars first became available to the masses they were electric. But oil families got money and influence and subverted that. They bought shares in these car companies so they would have the same interests. That's why mitsubishi buried their success with the electric car. They were very public at first, but their shareholders must of got in to them so they buried it.

    If you are interested in this topic, look up the documentary "who killed the electric car". It's an old one but it exposes the true intent of the car manufacturers. Ever wonder why electric cars looked ugly before Tesla? It's explained in the doc.
  3. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    I'll check it out for sure.
  4. Yeah I get that. I'm just pointing out that all these problems pointed out in this thread actually have real solutions that can be implemented with real results but certain interest groups won't allow it. These same groups can use the media/politics to keep people divided with silly things and the success of their efforts can be even evidenced on here with users oppsessed with current events designed to divide and conquer the masses while they destroy the planet and our futures. A couple of politicians speak crap about each other and people lap it up when in reality these politicians all serve the same interests.
  5. But was I being ignorant? I'm not saying covid is painless and completely harmless. In fact from what I've read, it's a very painful experience. But our jobs, our community, our freedom and our overall well being is a hell of a price to pay to save us from a few days - 2 weeks of pain.
  6. Well I think that self improvement is very important. I hate being content with the current situation. So i started studying in the University and plant to study 5 more years. Money is important for me but it is not my highest intrest. I want to be happy and good , feel like I have more people that really care about me. Money brings some kind of stability to the life. I personally want myself to be earning a decent amount of money. I'm not aiming to be a billionare or millionare since often you do not need that much money to be honest. I find education important for self improvement and also you meet like minded people.

    I also think that it is important to pass knowledge and have something to give to your kids if you plan to have them. I grew up in a family that did not have much so I think it would be a good thing for me to give some kind of head start to my kids when I will get kids. Things like helping with their education, helping with their first car , apartment and so on. Eventually hopefully leaving something to them when I'm gone. We all have our own values and things that are important to us. If the wealth as far as money is not important to you then you have choise of living the life how you want. At the same time I think it is important to still live comfortably so being very broke would not suit me. Even though I know we as people do not need that much to survive or get by.
  7. Akeakua

    Akeakua Fapstronaut

    Rich entrepeneurs are symbols of great discipline, grit, resilience and foresight. They had a towering vision and they saw and acted on the means necessary to fulfill that vision. They are idolized for the same reason the greatest war generals are idolized. Should any be idolized? No, but what they accomplished is both very awe-inspiring and very unnerving.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
    Roady and WaterNewt like this.
  8. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    No, they are simply people who have extracted wealth from the community. Disgusting pigs who have chosen to gate keep something that could benefit humanity and put themselves in a position of unfair advantage. Should they be idolized? Hell no.

    Non profits and volunteer organizations are what you are referring to, think you have conflated them in your head. ;)
  9. Akeakua

    Akeakua Fapstronaut

    No, I am not speaking from my own personal philosophy. I am simply pointing out why they hold a high status in the prevailing modern Western culture, responding to your original message. Maybe I should have clarified. Even then, you are overgeneralizing and your reply is unnecessarily presumptuous and condescending.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
    Roady, SickSicko and WaterNewt like this.
  10. WaterNewt

    WaterNewt Fapstronaut

    Jezus christ, nofap is a place of self improvement. Instead of wanting people to improve you just shame them to death. Who are you? Hitler? When girls were shamed if they didn't have white kids? When people were shamed for racemixing? Why do you want to have control over peoples life so bad? Because you don't have control over your own?
    Akeakua likes this.
  11. WaterNewt

    WaterNewt Fapstronaut

    You are right about capitalism and communism.

    But communism hates basic rights as private property, and freedom so it is inherently authoritarian, and therefore resulting in dictatorships.
    About Big Oil, why they even have power? Government ties. But again.. if big oil is so powerful, why couldn't they stop Musk?

    I will read up on the mitsubishi car, but I am kinda skeptical. Kinda sounds the same as tesla's way of sending power "wireless".
    Akeakua likes this.
  12. WaterNewt

    WaterNewt Fapstronaut

    If you have the time, watch it! :)
    SickSicko and Akeakua like this.
  13. Here is the car:

    I was mistaken about the 1,000 miles on single charge, it is actually just over 400km. It was the first EV to do more than 2,000km in 24hrs. Bare in mind this is 1999. It is also a lovely looking car. Look at the piece of crap they released in 2010:
    And it can only do 160km on a charge.

    To understand why they release shit EV cars check out the doc "who killed the electric car":

    Also, they do try to stop Elon Musk. I think GM lobby some states to stop Tesla dealerships from opening. Georgia was one if I'm not mistaken.
    Akeakua likes this.
  14. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    Man... read through the thread, you're clearly missing a *lot* of context.
  15. Queek The HeadTakker

    Queek The HeadTakker Fapstronaut

    Saint Bernard Clairvoux knows everything about wealth! Great great man i admire him
  16. Akeakua

    Akeakua Fapstronaut

    As per your original reply about communal shame being one of the most powerful non-violent means of change... You do know that communal shame is surely a precedent to communal violence, right?
    Roady, The Passenger and WaterNewt like this.
  17. Actually no, globalists encourage the reduction of population. And in fact, the system can provide for every single human being there is on this earth. But, the those in charge rigged the system on purpose.

    One of reasons why population is being reduced is because the less people there are, the more you get to control them. Credit for that are plenty of things, but regardless there's less emphasis put on family. My country is in balkans, these countries aren't doing so well ...yet population is rapidly declining. Why ? Economy.
    Whole world's population can fit in one of USA's state and half of the state would still be empty.

    Second thing, globalists can solve every person's financial problem aspect within 48 hours. This world is not ran by people like you and me, its ran by those who have the money, and those who have the money are the elite bankers, corporatists and so on.

    The way this problem of world's economy can be solved is simply if you know how the basic economy works. Banks should stop printing money out of thin paper, and stop printing out money to the countries through debt. Debt keeps growing, country needs new money loans so it can keep the money flowing, this results in inflation throughout the years, higher taxes, less stable economy of a country and so on.

    Priorities. A country like USA would rather print out the massive worthless paper called dollar, send it out to different corporations and people in a form of petrodollar meanwhile it costs average people shitton in taxes and people are being poorer and poorer. Priorities. Its not about resources, those who are in power don't give a shit about you.

    These people, as you guys call them globalists ...the term they represent 'global' already speak for itself. The only way you're going to rule over whole earth at the same time is if you control the flow of money, resources and population. Don't buy into the shit that there's not enough of resources and way for current population to live in peace, there is, its just that those in power don't want you to know that, nor they want you to know how system works.
    WaterNewt and Akeakua like this.
  18. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Oh mate you made crack laughing, good one.
    WaterNewt likes this.
  19. unimportant

    unimportant Fapstronaut

    Objectivity is nonsense.
  20. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut
