Day 2 (no PMO) - severe PIED - on the brink of suicide, sincere advice needed.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by shpetim132, Sep 6, 2020.

  1. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    I'm a 22 year old male from the UK who has been suffering from PIED since 2016. My journey of PMO started back in the summer of 2009 when I was just 11 years old. I remember PMOing for the first time and it was the most insane feeling I ever got. From the summer of 2009 up until the summer of 2016 I was an extreme consumer of daily porn, PMOing maybe even up to 5 times a day. By the late times, the type of porn I was watching was not normal pornhub, but extreme content such as facebashed and hardcore porn. I slowed down my porn use and masturbation in the summer of 2016 when I got into my first relationship with a beautiful woman. And I remember her laying on the bed waiting for me, and that night I was so excited to lose my virginity to her however physically I could not achieve even a 1% boner to save my life. My penis was virtually dead. I felt so embarrassed that I was determined to find out what the problem was. Then a day or two later I came across yourbrainonporn and was just reading stories talking about the ramifications of PMO and how it affects individuals and it felt like these stories were talking about my life. So from that moment I had abstained from PMO for a week or 2 without even realizing I had to but now that I knew what to do to cure my severe PIED, I refrained from PMO for another 3 weeks to try and gain my erection back. And within these 3 weeks I was meeting my girlfriend a couple times a week, rewiring so we could hopefully have sex. The first few attempts were failures however after some time we were able to have sex but it was of low quality and short in duration, but there was a slow improvement.

    After these 3 weeks however we broke up with each other, and I was depressed and back to PMO. And ever since then it's been a constant fight with PMO where I've always relapsed and failed. I don't think I've ever gone longer than 19 days without PMO. And for the past 4 years, I have slowly but gradually decreased my consumption of porn (especially in 2020) but have masturbated and orgasmed as always (from study stress etc.). I have also kissed 2 different girls on 2 separate dates in 2018 and 2019 but they were not relationships. So for the last 4 years it's safe to say I have been suffering from severe PIED and low self esteem.

    I have been on a serious battle against PMO since the 28th of July 2020 but have constantly failed due to MOing every once in a few days which hinders progress severely especially for someone in my position who hasn't ever fully recovered. So last night, I made a promise to myself that I am never going to turn back to PMO ever again or even MO alone, and I feel frightened of this journey. I become anxious and depressed reading about people who went through 2 year flatlines. I don't know what to do, I need advice on how to get through this and with reading my story, how long would you say my recovery would take?
    Might_Stag_Beetle likes this.
  2. Jesus Loves You

    Jesus Loves You New Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, this reply may not be what you're be expecting but I know this is the truth and saved my life many years ago (in a different circumstance): Jesus Christ loves you and has always known you since the day you were born. He knows your struggles and pain right now and what you're going through. Forget the stuff about girls, or whether you had bad or good sex, the embarrassment or what anyone else thinks. Jesus Christ has the power to save your life and bring you out of any form of darkness and bondage including low self-esteem and PMO. If you are willing, say this prayer with a truly sincere heart: Dear Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and ask you to forgive me of all my sins. I invite you into my life and acknowledge you as my Lord and Saviour. Please release me from the bondage that is PMO and I thank you for your mercy and grace, in Jesus name, amen.

    On a practical level, I encourage you to connect with a local church and seek out a Christian group for fellowship.
  3. unexpectedjellyfish

    unexpectedjellyfish Fapstronaut

    My advice is: Use every kind of help you can get your hands on. Just use every resource and support you can find. Visit this site more often, read similar stories and success stories. Therapy has helped me tremendously over the years of battling anxiety and depression, so you should DEF try it. Don't ever give up, success and happines ARE POSSIBLE. Imagine them my dude and never lose hope, never stop working and thinking positive. That's the way. I wish you luck and I know you can do it man.
    shpetim132 and The Passenger like this.
  4. TransverseWaves

    TransverseWaves Fapstronaut

    Usually people report solid recovery from PIED by day 90. If you started as a teenager then it will take a bit longer, I highly doubt you will have a 2 year flatline so don't worry about that. If it's seriously affecting you to the point of being suicidal I really suggest getting some help. Since you're also in the UK I can recommend as the best place to find a porn addiction therapist, not only will they be able to help you with the addiction side of things but also explore the underlyng issues. And honestly it feels incredibly relieving just to talk honestly with another person about an addiction which is very isolating.
  5. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    This is mostly a computer-internet-smartphone addiction. We relapse when we are alone and bored, when we aren't expecting visitors and have ensured privacy by locking the door.

    You need to build new environmental cues that lead to and support new healthy habits. Stop recreating the PMO environment that always causes relapse.

    Don't set yourself up for temptation. Minimize internet time, minimize device usage. Don't surf the web on private windows or go online when you are bored. Don't close your door and lock it. Don't take your phone into occasions where you usually relapse (like to bed with you). Turn it off and put your technology far away.

    Spend as much time offline as possible. If you are heavily internet addicted, then reduce it gradually.

    Socialize as much as possible. Every conversation in real life helps to heal your brain and rewire it to natural cues. Spend time with friends and family whenever possible. Even if youre just watching TV together, its better than being alone and relapsing.

    Begin as many offline activities as possible. Reading print books, journalling, music, making art, craftmenship, exercise, sports and so on.

    The world is so so much more interesting than internet P.
  6. M90mv

    M90mv Fapstronaut

    How long the recovery takes is irrelevant. Maybe it will take long, maybe it won't.

    Resorting back to PMO will only make the process take longer so might as well stop, right?

    I fell into a depression years ago over PIED and I still have it (been on and off NOFap) .. It is certainly NOT worth killing yourself over. This is a battle that you can win, if you're determined.
    shpetim132 and alphakadabro like this.
  7. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Honestly your words of encouragement mean a lot. I just am tired of this, I wish I could rewind back to 11 years old and been educated about this, no one should be going through this in their early 20s.
  8. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your post. I honestly just want to get rid of this PIED issue, it's become a major issue knowing if I got with a woman right now I wouldn't be able to get it up.
    TransverseWaves likes this.
  9. unexpectedjellyfish

    unexpectedjellyfish Fapstronaut

    Me too my man, but the first step is to accept the reality as it is. We can't get hard for a woman right now and it's depressing, but it's not up to us anymore, we've already done the damage. What is important is to remember to focus on the things you CAN control, which is your recovery. Patience and determination beat anything man. Just keep going.
    TransverseWaves and M90mv like this.
  10. M90mv

    M90mv Fapstronaut

    I'm glad I could help. Porn addiction is certainly a problem that should have more mainstream acknowledgement but at the end of the day, we all did this to ourselves. At least subconsciously we knew that watching Porn and MO'ing regularly was not a healthy pastime. We pay for the choices we make in life every single day. Its time to start making better choices and taking full responsibility for everything that has gone wrong up until this point.
  11. Overhaul

    Overhaul Fapstronaut

    Deeply unhelpful advice which if taken up will shackle the OP with guilt and shame as well as PIED. His best course is simply to give up wanking for good and get on with his young life, building up relationships with other humans not a non-existent, wrathful diety.
    alphakadabro likes this.
  12. Overhaul

    Overhaul Fapstronaut

    Good luck, I was sorry to read this heartfelt message, but you will be fine. Just forget about porn and you will be fine. It may take a while but the sooner you get started the sooner you will be ok. Good luck!
  13. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    It may help if he is Christian. But many people on this forum are Muslim, Hindu, Jew, Buddhist, etc. So I agree it is unhelpful because it assumes the OP's religious background. That being said, religion and spirituality help a lot of people have a healthy emotional life by exploring aspects of life they never considered or knew before.
  14. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Hello brother, I am muslim. I just wanted to ask how long do you think my recovery time will be (as in PIED gone) considering my story?
    alphakadabro likes this.
  15. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    As someone like you who is knowledgeable in this matter, given my story how long would you say my recovery time would be?
  16. M90mv

    M90mv Fapstronaut

    I appreciate your kind words however I am far from an expert in PMO recovery.

    Generally speaking, many people notice significant improvements after 90-120 days. If you are not a severe case, you will likely be making big improvements by this time in your recovery process.

    Realistically noone knows how long it will last. I have read stories of the process taking years.. however long it takes is irrelevant though. Every day of abstinence is one step closer to your goal. Stay strong.
  17. Your story has many similarities to mine, unable to get it up with my first girlfriend the first few times. When we did get it to work it was low quality like you said. I believe this is because while I was with her I never achieved over a month without wanking. Even if you quit the porn it's not enough, your brain needs to rewire to a woman's touch and not your hand. To give you some hope, while most people say recovery takes longer, after just 1 month of no porn or wanking I had the best sex of my life. What really helped was opening up to the girl about my problem before we got intimate. I suggest you do the same with your next partner, it removes inhibition and most girls are actually really understanding when they realise what's wrong with you. Good luck brother! ;)
    unexpectedjellyfish likes this.
  18. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    You will recover the best if you follow a procedure of healing your brain with dopamine re-sensitization. This means you should avoid all high-stimulus dopamine activities on the internet, including video games and social media, as much as possible during the first couple of weeks of recovery. This gives your brain a chance to adapt to the normal environment in a healthy way the way it was designed by Allah.

    Next, you need to begin some serious type of activity like study, lifting or sports. You should push your intellect and mind against the resistance that comes from short-term instant gratification attention span. Discipline your mind to increase its power of concentration, you could try memorize verses from the Qur'an.

    Lastly, you need to socialize with other people and enjoy the feeling of not being alone. We want our brains to readjust to a normal social life. We need to practice eye contact, listening to others when they speak and being around others and not alone. This also helps your brain heal faster.

    If you do these three things, you will give your brain the best opportunity to heal. Some people take "2 years" to heal but we don't know the details of their effort. Were they exercising, making new hobbies and friends, getting blood panels done to check hormones and health, and avoiding replacement addictive behaviors (i.e. video games, alcohol, internet, drugs, etc)? Or did they stop PMO, but stress their brain in other ways through unhealthy living.

    The best we can do is help our brain heal quickly by living a disciplined life.
    unexpectedjellyfish likes this.
  19. shpetim132

    shpetim132 Fapstronaut

    Allah reward you greatly for all this knowledge brother. My problem is I'm a university student who does most of his work online and I do go on youtube. I never knew internet use harms the recovery process. Could you shed light/give a brief summary on how your recovery process has been?
    alphakadabro likes this.
  20. alphakadabro

    alphakadabro Fapstronaut

    Browse this website. It will guide you with the factual account of what is happening in your brain.

    My recovery inshallah is because I don't self-sabotage myself by going online when I am bored and alone. I am busy with other activities, like reading, writing and talking to people. Once lockdown from COVID is lifted in my area, I will be going to the gym and having a busy normal life.