Do you ever feel like this isn't worth it and this causes you to binge longer?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    My longest streak away from porn and artificial sexual stimulation was 35 days, then soon after this I got a streak of 20 days of no porn and artificial sexual stimulation.

    But the thing is I never felt all that amazing from getting streaks like this. Maybe they simply weren't long enough?

    The thing is these two streaks were basically back to back, with 2 days of PMO binging thrown in there. So basically in 57 days I was clean from porn and artificial sexual stimulation 55 days, and 2 days I was not clean from it.

    Like I said I never felt all that amazing from this, or all that much had changed.

    I somewhat find my self feeling a little unmotivated to get back up on to the horse after I relapse these days, and then this makes binging last longer. I suppose I am kind of seeking a destination. So 35 days certainly didn't get me to that destination, then another 20 days didn't get me to that destination. I think I feel like with how difficult it was for me to pull this off and then it wasn't even all that rewarding anyway, it just makes me feel really unmotivated to keep going.

    Like I used to look at my calendar and think come on I need to get an entire month clean. I guess I thought I would see massive changes from this. But the fact that I didn't and with how difficult I found this to pull this off, I guess I just feel really unmotivated to really push my self to get longer streaks these days.

    Like when I used to get really small streaks of a few days or even a week, I guess I felt much more motivated to try get the entire month clean. But now that I have done that and it wasn't all that rewarding, I guess I kind of feel like what's the point.

    Like I somewhat believe 60 days won't get me to my destination, 90 days won't get me to my destination. So thinking this way just makes me feel really unmotivated to try to get longer streaks.

    Don't get me wrong guys I am off of porn and artificial sexual stimulation the majority of the time. But it's just I don't seem to have that same motivation to try to remain 100% clean, to try to get longer streaks.
  2. The rubber band's elasticity increases the more you stretch it. Sure, maybe it snaps back a bit harder, but in the long run, it will stretch a lot farther than when you first got it.
  3. dan777

    dan777 Fapstronaut

    I feel your frustration and share the same questions. I'm nearly at 2 mo without porn and not happy about it. Doesn't seem 90 days will be any different, but I push forward to it anyway. I've heared many talk of 90 days as kind of a standard length for some measure of brain re-wiring.
    skaterdrew likes this.
  4. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Recovery from any addiction is not a destination but rather a oath you walk forever. So you can't think of it as a ”are we there yet” and then you're done. Otherwise you relapse. Bros here have gone YEARs clean only to one day binge and fall back into bad habits.
  5. dan777

    dan777 Fapstronaut

    Some of the resources I've seen gave me the impression there's a possible destination. They describe the problem as bad brain wiring, and say with sufficient time, this heals, they talk about neural plasticity, and how the brain goes back to "normal", which sounds like it would eliminate the struggle. If the struggle never ends, I can't see fighting it forever.
    skaterdrew and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Yes I feel the same. Ever since I started to take this more and more seriously I also started to binge more and and become more addicted feels like.
    But I think it's in our head and it is an excuse we tell ourselves so we don't take control when in fact all we need is more discipline.
  7. Chefb87

    Chefb87 Fapstronaut

    For me. I've been over 500 days free of PMO.
    And I'm honestly just starting to feel change. And this is 500 days worth of working on recovery almost every single day , going through the 12 steps in detail , reading around 8 books, talking with my sponsor each week , seeing a physcologist twice a week for this time , a month long treatment course. And going to SAA each and every single week for well over 15 months.
    It's alot of work. BUT if I can do it. Anyone can. You need come to the realization that you cannot fight this alone. Your addiction is way too powerful . For me , I understand that my addictive voice is way too powerful and will always be powerful. I understand that I will always need my support system. ( And that's not a negative thing, I am so grateful that I found a group of people that I can reach out to , confide in, and feel 100% no judgement and 100% support.
    I would also recommend researching what the " three circles" are and do that excercise. And constantly keep trying to find the things in life that trigger you. YouTube music videos ? Snapchat ? Instagram ? Certain Netflix movies? How badly do you want to rid this addiction ? You can do this !
  8. Summer Son

    Summer Son Fapstronaut

    I understand you man, it is hard. I think that there is a strong obsession with day counters here. We want to see huge numbers on our counters but while recovery efforts continuing, if we relapse again and again it becomes meaningless to use it. Prepare yourself if a relapse happens, not to binge. Easy to say, hard to do. I know there is a chaser effect, I know it is hard to get back to your way again. In my opinion, keeping a PMO calendar or spreadsheet do better job about this. When you look back your history, these tools provide you a data. Data is important, it shows you a bigger picture than any day counter. But here is a thing: You rewired your brain a bit with quitting porn in those 35 days nevertheless you need more to end this addiction. In my experience, I used more porn than a decade, I don't expect I will 'heal' in 90 days or even one year. Remind that nothing can be a green light to porn, including these tracking systems, there is just one way out, the hard way. Withdrawals significantly lessen after 3 months but this struggle is about life. Quit for life, think about how efficient your emotional management system,mine was suffering it might my number one relapse reason in my all recovery attempts. I think a user can no longer be an addict if he understand this mechanism. We generally use porn to escape from life, escaping from stress, anxiety, loneliness etc.

    I hope you a good journey :)
    skaterdrew likes this.
  9. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I actually already track my streaks and progress with calendars on my laptop. I have been doing this for exactly a year. I just use 3 different coloured crosses to do this. A green cross, a yellow cross, and a red cross. A green cross would be a very minor relapse, like masturbating to a few pictures for 5 minutes or so. A yellow cross would more be relapsing to something but for longer, so no longer than an hour. Then a red cross would be the worst, basically any real form of edging and binging etc. I don't really write down what caused my relapses, which is maybe something I should do.

    But I already have quite a good idea of the things that cause me to relapse. In truth I would say the main thing that causes me to relapse is hangovers from alcohol, the worse the hangover the worse the relapse, binge. Hangovers from alcohol make me literally insanely horny. The worse the hangover the more horny I seem to be.

    I have issues with alcohol. I potentially could be an alcoholic. I don't drink every day, but I would say I on average binge drink about twice a week. I have issues with my mental health, severe anxiety, severe ocd and depression. What I have actually found is when I am clean from alcohol my mental health is actually worse. I have been completely clean from alcohol for months before, and my mental health was actually worse from this. I would more understand if my mental health was worse initially after I quit drinking, but no for me I could be completely clean for over two months or longer and my mental health is actually much worse. I get severe ocd and severe obsessions to the point it is like mental torture. I would actually say this is the main thing that causes me to drink again when I try to quit alcohol. Having alcohol in my life seems to mellow these severe obsessions, and the alcohol doesn't just mellow these severe obsessions when I am drinking, it seems to numb them even days later.

    I know many of you might think this is withdrawal from alcohol causing this, but in my opinion I actually think alcohol seems to be mellowing my mind and shutting these severe obsessions up, rather than the alcohol it's self being behind these severe obsessions. I think I would have these mental health issues even if I never drank alcohol at all.

    Other reasons I might relapse on PMO I guess is I might just gets thoughts where I think what's the point in keeping going. I get low, my life isn't going the way I want it to, I can't get a woman or any sexual intimacy, and then I just kind of think what's the point in not PMOing.

    Another reason I might relapse on PMO is I have actually seriously restricted myself from porn and artificial sexual stimulation. So no smartphone, no tv, no device I can access the internet on except my laptop. Then I have my laptop blocked up beyond belief, disabling loads of functions on my laptop, not having administrative privileges, using loads of different blockers. In truth I literally can't access any porn or artificial sexual stimulation, I can't access anything that causes me to relapse. But because the way I have configured my laptop, one of the blockers I use is basically the key that allows me to access everything again. This blocker can get me admin privileges back, this blocker is basically the key that allows me to access everything again because of the way I have configured my laptop. But the thing with this blocker is if I want to access everything again I literally need to wait for 7 days before the blocker counts down to 0 which unblocks images and videos on the internet again, which unblocks all my applications, which allows me admin privileges again etc. But the thing with this blocker is I can actually set it to unblock everything within 7 days, but before that 7 days counts down to 0 I can also cancel this decision before it gets to 0.

    But the thing is because I basically never see literally any porn or artificial sexual stimulation, and that is no word of a lie I hardly ever see it. I actually think when my life isn't going good, plus the fact I actually think I get super excited at the thought of seeing porn and artificial sexual stimulation again after a while, and I actually get really excited at the thought of PMOing again after a while. So it is sort of shame on me when I relapse and binge. Because when I relapse and binge I am not doing it on a whim because I have been triggered. I have literally planned it 7 days in advance. Not good. You know how I mentioned I am much more horny when I am hungover from alcohol? There has actually been a lot of times I have actually planned on drinking the night before I am going to be able to access everything again. So when my blocker counts down from 7 days to 0, when it is on day 1 I have actually deliberately drank a lot of alcohol that day, full well knowing that the next day I am going to be able to access all that porn and artificial sexual stimulation again.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  10. No disrespect but what makes you think I will waste my time reading this tsunami of words.
  11. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    If you don't want to read it then don't. I'm not putting a gun to your head forcing you to read it.
  12. Love2LongBoard

    Love2LongBoard Fapstronaut

    This path is a difficult one. But it is worth it. I agree there is not real destination but there will come a time, at least there has for me, that you will not desire pornography anymore. I don't. Its been over 5 years now. You can beat this. Its about what you do when you are feeling down.

    Get some professional help if needed. Its worth it. Therapy and 12 step actually made things worse for me. I found the greatest help to me to be a "coach". A person specifically trained and experienced in working with men who view pornography, cheat on their wives, masturbate, etc.
  13. Here, I made it worse.

    skaterdrew likes this.
  14. Hahaha you little rascal, you always make my day with your witty comments.
    FellatiousD likes this.
  15. [​IMG]
    Risingbackup2 likes this.
  16. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Risingbackup2 and FellatiousD like this.
  17. Do you think that there is more going on than just pornography? I know that I have dealt with porn because of factors of inadequacy and not liking myself. I remember I would stop porn for a bit but feel nothing. recently I realized that porn was connected to other things with me? maybe this could be happening to you.

    Also, the all or nothing principle can be dangerous. If you don't make it to your goal of 30 days, you would look at it as a failure. In reality, that might not be the case, and could have had one bad day. Of course, the bad day needs to be corrected but when looking at the big picture any progress can be good progress. Maybe take a step back and not be so hard on yourself and that could bring some satisfaction back in stay fap free for a certain time.

    Keep up the great work, king.
    again, Risingbackup2 and skaterdrew like this.
  18. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I actually prefer this logic and would like to think this is true, that everything is adding up, If everything keeps adding up like this for long enough even if you do occasionally relapse or binge, that all those other days that have been adding up for a long time are going to basically overpower those occasional relapses and binges. I actually think this is a much healthier way to think about it.

    But I don't think many other users on this share that view. Many users on this more have the view that you must constantly get very long streaks, and only then these sort of streaks might somewhat be able to over power an occasional relapse or binge.

    Then you even get other guys that think you could have a streak of 60-90+ days and if you relapse once your back to square one.
    hankhoody likes this.
  19. I used to have that logic you described at the end. I would think if I screwed up then its right back to square one, but it isn't. We all make mistakes and have to understand it is part of the process. If a mistake is made, reflect what was going on and try to be a better person from it. We are all so hard on ourselves and sometimes we do not give ourselves a break.

    The streaks we have on this site are cool but that isn't the end goal. For me, it is the act of changing our behaviors and who we are as a person. To me, this will make us better. It has worked with me a bit. I still struggle with personal demons and I know that I go to porn when I am in a dark place. If I am in good space, porn doesn't cross my mind much. Keep up the hard work.
  20. Timecop

    Timecop Fapstronaut

    I do Nofap because of all the positive traits I get.

    - More Willpower
    - More leadership
    - The ability to say ''No'' to people without feeling any remorse ( I used to be the typical nice guy)
    - Better judgement ( I ask less dumb questions and take more wise decisions)

    I also do it because I find porn disgusting, immature and its too much dopamine for the brain.

    Do you feel like you get no benefits at all from the Nofap? Like litteraly no differences?
    S_c_i_p_i_o_4791 likes this.