who's virgin here

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by ndaty, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    just wanna know..
    let's start by me, 25, virgin by default and by choice, hehe
  2. I'm a 22yo volcel
    subway14 and intso like this.
  3. sparkywantsnoPMO

    sparkywantsnoPMO NoFap Moderator & Yeoman


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  4. 21, virgin but nature, philosophy and humanity and earth lover, then i don't see what a non-virgin can have more than me outside a gf
  5. kids
    fg4795 and embodiment of luck like this.
  6. In some years have kids would be foreclosed to families. Only the state will have kids (Brave New World Example and is for this reason that we are learning how to fuck with ourself and computer with porn) then i don't see the problem if you come after. Anyway as the guy write up, we are off topic right now so why you answered? mine was a rhetorical question
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2020
    FX-05 and GhostRider@11 like this.
  7. ShadyPerson

    ShadyPerson Fapstronaut

    20 year old male virgin not by my choice. I'd like to have the experience of having sex, but I've been unsocial for so long that I struggle to break out of my shell and the current situation both in society and my life aren't really helping. It has actually kinda started to bother me.
    luke775, Little Prince and intso like this.
  8. This is a rare topic so I'll try to post more. The idea of having sex seems kind of weird to me now. Like even if I had a really attractive girl, I wouldn't see any reason to do it. At this point I'm having enough fun studying and working out and improving myself. I've also turned down sex in the past - it just didn't seem worth it at the time. Mostly because I never loved any of the people who offered it, and I could just go home and watch porn whenever I wanted. What difference would it make, you know? Sure, might remove a bit of stress, give you some nice memories. But if there's no prospect of a future with someone, then it's just fun and games. That's my current perspective anyway.
    Lionheart23, Quiet Riot and !mkj! like this.
  9. I would love act like I am surprised. But I am not.
    Ahhh, humanity.

    For the topic here I am.
    25 in november.
    Virgin by social anxiety.
    Or like they say in Italy "you're virgin by choice. By others' choice"
  10. Well sex is not all in the relation, in truth, the importance of sex is nothing, this kind of love is like an addiction and today a lot of them end with hate and betray, no reciprocal respect and honestly, just sex, sex, sexbor money. relations like this will collapse really fast.
    My suggestion is to search (for search i mean when you will had the chance, if you will add of course since the cognitive enhancement of humans) something like a platonic love. This society is a failure in intimacy and it will bring to the point where everyone will fuck everyone.
  11. Non sono italiano ma condividiamo la stessa cultura ed ho notato appunto che sembra esserci una specie di rituale in cui 5-6 uomini ambiscono alla stessa donna e gli girano tutti intorno, quindi tendo ad evitare di unirmi al circolo, tanto vale...A questo punto ci conviene prendere un aereo ed andare in Kazakhistan o in Siberia che abbiamo piú possibilità!
    fg4795 likes this.
  12. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE="FellatiousD, post: volcel[/QUOTE]
    new word for me! thanks
    had to google,
    fg4795 likes this.
  13. Perchè siamo stupidi. Ci piace quella donna lì appunto perchè gli girano attorno altri uomini.
    E allora noi dobbiamo vincere la gara e conquistarla. Bisognerebbe trovare quella che ci piace veramente.
    Ma sembra non ci siamo ancora evoluti abbastanza per questo tipo di ragionamento.
    Però in siberia non so se avremmo più possibilità, non c'è nessuno ahah
    En?gma likes this.
  14. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    thanku, (what happened? i have network problems, couldn't follow, anyway,
    i was just glad for the first reply)
    White Sheep likes this.
  15. James Duncan Halpert

    James Duncan Halpert Fapstronaut

    I am... though 24 may not be old, it still sucks. Hopefully sometime after I get my problems under control I can have some sense of what relationships are like, because as it is I'm too distant and too far messed up to even try looking for one currently.
    Comfortablydumb96 and intso like this.
  16. So there's going to be a massive global orgy at some point? Didn't know, thanks for enlightening me.
    Comfortablydumb96 and En?gma like this.
  17. Sex is not about love, just as eating is not about veganism . To be real, I am not hitting upon you for being vegan . Just I say, what I believe is true . And with respect, hope you feel me .

    Love is love . And sex is sex .
    SHOUT OUT TO ITALY MAN ... You fun as hell .
    Sex is no relationships . Sex is sex .

    I hope I haven't been disrespectful to none of you . Giving my prospective, I feel you cannot fully understand what I am talking about . But yes . Love is one, relationship is other, sex is a third thing . They are different, yet can be combined , mixed and people can be mislead .
    See again . Love equals sex in your point . No . And furthermore, sex is social binding to people . As a social role . Sex is important . That way people rebel separate from the family and start looking for their own family and life .

    Shout out to all you virgins, with respect, I believe been that way is honourable . Though, being virgin and watching a lot of P is not . And we all know it . If somebody is open to discuss something I am open too . Again, cause it is delicate . I am not making fun of FellatiousD that he is vegan, just spreading the knowledge that ''vegan'' and ''keto'' are not the healthiest ways in the 30 + years of run . Especially keto , after 10 years of keto ''good things happen'' (that is sarcasm ) . And veganism, although the articles you gave . I know man and it is not anecdotal . I know why they are doing it too . And I don't wanna argue but to help as I can . Though, the truth is clear as much VARIETY as you can eat . From every kind of food, preferably in natural state . From the plant, from the bone . You are good . Eating different things . Having enough from Protein, carbo. , fats, vitamins and minerals .

    Excuse me, for making that move in other direction . I am open considering being virgin and stuff .
    fg4795 and intso like this.
  18. No I don't "feel" you. I didn't say that sex = love. I said that I chose not to have sex because I didn't love any of the people.
    Leader of ME likes this.
  19. ndaty

    ndaty Fapstronaut

    allow me to derail a bit, la solitudine, con la musica en la radio, sebastasse una bella canzone, diamante, Vivo per lei, Conte partiro..;)

    White Sheep and fg4795 like this.
  20. I still don't get it - are we making a coalition of virgins or something?
    FX-05 and fg4795 like this.